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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

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Looking for action adventure anime.
-Has a lot of badass fighting with swords/martial arts/magic (not guns gunfights in anime are always dogshit)
-Looks good
-Gender balanced cast with cool guys and cute hot girls
-Full adaptation or original
-No "I'll let the murderer go and kill more people because killing is wrong" bullshit
how new are you?
>This board is for:

> Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
> Asking for photoshop requests.
> Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
>how new are you?
OP posts five pics a day of images from content he already has because he finds it titillating.
Judo Boy

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Hey, pardon the intrusion I got a Rog strix laptop for like 1 or 2 y now and recently I've been having an issue where the internet disables itself out of fucking nowhere and I can't turn it back on so I need to restart the laptop, it's been happening frequently but it only started like last month or so, I've updated the drivers and it hasn't fixed it, does anyone have a good solution to fix this? Appreciate any help thanks.
sorry i thought we were on /g/ and i wanted to tell you to kill yourself.

what is your wifi card name. i assume u are using windows? does it work on other windows versions/linux?
>wifi card name
It's a wi-fi 6 ax201 160MHz
>are using windows?
Yeah 11
>are using windows?
I tried using it on 10 and it still happened, idk why I moved the laptop to the bathroom the signal gets weaker and when it happens for some reason the internet disables and I can't turn it back on, there's literally a button that says "turn on" I click on, it loads but it doesn't enable the internet as if it was like locked.
>we were on /g/ and i wanted to tell you to kill yourself.
Yea figured, asking /here/ would've be the better choice.
How far away are you from possible interference from other routers?
Hmm I have my own house(not an apartment I mean house house), so there is no interference, unless you count the neighbors which I'm sure their routers aren't really an interference.

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I have a fondness for the PS2 and I like JRPGs. Can you please recommend me some PS2 JRPGs you enjoyed? I've only played the ones in the image.
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you haven't played Devil Summoner: Ridou Kuzunoha 1/2 yet?
I heard they sucked
From /v/, right? The same Anons that hate everything
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Dark Chronicle
Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits

This is from episode 14 of NGE
This is an alternate version of the song, "Borderline Case" which is an alt version of "Do You Love Me?"


The song heard here is different from both, I trimmed it down to this part because it's the best part and shows the difference, especially where she says, "Blood." This part of the song a smoother, less abrasive high note that is sung instead of using and instrument like in the two other versions.

Can't find this version everywhere, looked through all the other known versions, and the whole ost. It's so damn good, please help

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Does anyone have the AI-generated image of a guy pouring oil down the sink and shrugging? It was made to look like a Pixar film poster.
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Found it this way:
Where do I find more of these?
Want to be more specific then just select a board in the search options.


I have this for 2 month now but appointment at the doctor is in October and I would like to know what this is and maybe what I could do in before.
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Take medicinal baths and try not to get stabbed by a normie.
Could be psoriasis. Eczema is possible as well. Either way grab some OTC hydrocortisone and see if that helps.
Not OP, nor a nurse, but I was thinking ringworm as well. But ringworms usually form an actual ring in my experience, which is why I'm leaning more towards eczema like the other anons said.
oh i know what this is!
So, this is a epidermal eruption caused by continuous use of liquid soap. im not super into the reeds of the science, but there's a chemical compound in liquid soap, wether its liquid hand soap, liquid dish soap, the compound is present in both of them. continuous overexposure to the compound will lead to the skin on the hands to flake and become inflamed.
The solution to this is very simple: stop using liquid soap for your hands for a time, use bars of soaps instead, prefferably ones with natural tallow in its use. I personally use Caprina Soap Bars, but you use whatever's affordable/available for you. another thing you can use to help the healing process is just aloes cream or stuff like antibiotic ointments can accelerate the healing process.
when you've recovered, you can start using the liquid soaps again, but don't over use it too much or this abrasion will return.

the name of the game is moderation. liquid soap is best used for when your hands are dirty to a point using a bar of soap would ruin said bar. after that, then use the bar of soap to clear your hands from the compound for good measure.
source: first hand experience.
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Looking for a meme of a dog with glasses looking at the camera captioned with

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Greetings everyone,

I'm looking for a meme I saw a long time ago.

>Bell curve meme like pic related
>Low IQ wojak saying something like: I only trust in what I see
>Mid IQ wojak saying something like: sciences studies are truth and personal experience means nothing
>High IQ wojak (most likedly replaced with the picture of a scientist): Peer studies are published in a corrupt system, thus making personal experience as valuable as published studies papers

My precisions are very vagues sorry, I'll take any pictures that's close to the description I did hehe

Thank you in advance
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The one I'm looking for is not there, noneless those pics are great - specifically the second one

Thank you anon!

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I'm autistic, with ADHD. I can't focus on trying to get better at all or even come up with anything to draw without just giving up and going back to looking at my phone and doing something else.
I've legitimately never been able to commit myself to any serious hobby and have gotten lazy over the years with my only actual one which is writing and the only reason I'm good at writing is because I wanted people to be able to understand what the fuck I was saying and I wanted to write good stories because I thought I'd never be able to make them in a visual medium, but that's it. I've never been able to commit to a serious routine, schedule, or anything. I just sit in my room online doing basically nothing.
Everything I try doing looks so daunting and impossible. I tried learning Source Filmmaker as a teen and I gave up immediately because it looked too complicated. I tried learning how to make my own games in game maker, gave up immediately and never touched it. Even something like drawing just looks so complex and impossible. This is what it's like for everything I try doing.
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Fuck off, Howie.
How about giving advice?
Here's the advice I've been given and why it won't work.
>Just draw
Can't because I don't have enough motivation or energy
>Set alarms
Can't because I don't have enough motivation or energy and I won't follow through
Can't because I don't have enough motivation or energy. I can't get through reading two paragraphs, and not actually doing any of it. All of it looks incomprehensible to me and I can't figure it out.
>Lock your phone or delete certain apps.
Block YouTube?
Then I'll scroll on Twitter
Block Twitter?
Then I'll go on discord
Block discord?
Then I'll just sit and stare at a wall doing nothing.
There's nothing that will make me more motivated to actually draw and be productive.

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this board is not your babysitter or case worker. get in-person help.
You seem to have no intention of drawing, please do something else with your life.


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I'm trying to find a chapter of some series I can't remember, here's what I can recall that happened:
>group of people are in a spaceship
>reach a planet
>the planet "seems alive"
>it boils fishes in a river
>one of the astronauts says the fish is bad
>other seems to be "falling in love" with the planet
>the guy who said the fish was bad, later is seen drilling the planet, while the planets screams of pain, and the dude laughs like a maniac
>the other dude seems to kill him(?) (can't remember this part happening)
>planet starts to make volcano eruptions
>everyone leaves except the dude in love
>he sees a female face form into the dirt/water (can't remember this part clearly).

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Yes this is a request.
I meant insulting
Nothing. Who cares if she insults you, it's Twitter. Just ignore her. If you respond her deranged followers will try their best to dox you and ruin your life.
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>Taylor Swift was insulating me
So she helped you maintain a steady temperature??

what is the meaning of these strange symbols?
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That's a Maya pendant by Om Oro, the symbols effectively represent phonemes, often spelling names. Not sure if the meanings are strictly correct though.
>The tentacle-eye in the center

That's a head looking to the left
Oh, yeah I guess that's a big nose then instead of a stray tentacle.
That's geometric abstraction for you.
why are zoomers so obsessed with symbols?
Hear no evil (large ears), see no evil (prominent eye), speak no evil (largemouth bass)?

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can someone complete this gifs cycle
so it looks like it loops infinitely

Recommend me a new phone that isn't a slabshit phallus-sized headphonejack-less piece of shit that I need to hold with two hands to use. I've tried asking /spg/ on /g/, but there are too many shills there. I'm looking either for a regular smartphone, or a flip phone--any type of flip phone; I'm okay with dumbphones, but I'd rather not use KaiOS shit or creaseshit. The last phone I really liked was my Samsung J3 Prime from 2017. That lil' nigga is still going strong; it has longer battery life than my new slabshit samshit phone that tickles my autism when I put it in my pocket.

Here are the rest of my demands:
>preferably Android, not some KaiOS spin-off
>Less than 141mm x 71mm x 8.7mm, or within a few mm of error
>3.5mm headphone jack
>USB-C is a plus

Recommend me a smart phone phone with dimensions similar to 141mm x 71mm x 8.7mm, or a flip phone--preferably from the Asian market that can be made to work (reliably) in the states. I know of the Nokia flip phones, but I've heard that they're unreliable pieces of shit.
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Good shit, nigga. Finally we're getting somewhere. I've seen them before. Idk why I didn't think of them. It's REALLY small though. Not necessarily looking for a chode phone, but I guess this is pretty much the only chode-sized phone running the latest version of Android.

Like I've mentioned above, If I'm not satisfied by what's on the market right now (anything that's still getting updates to the OS), then I'll probably just settle for getting another J3 Prime, or go the route of the flip phone. When I say flip phone, I don't mean crease shit, nor am I explicitly referring to "dumb phones". I don't want to deal with KaiOS bullshit, so I think I'll either look into which Nipshit/Worst Korea flip phones work in the states--either dumb, or full feature running some version of Android; whatever it is that zoomer nostalgiafags are raving about on TikTok.
Asus Zenfone 10
bump II
bump III

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