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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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>"I will never ask you to vote for me again!" - Park Chung-hee

Previous Thread: >>1644652
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>larger and more deadly guns
Did an 8 year old write this?
Entirely possible.
>the ending where Byrd prints a 1 trillion dollar platinum coin without telling anyone, then whips it out in a press conference and says "big daddy’s got a big coin" to btfo congress
Byrd is so cool its unreal. The whole mod should've been about him
For me it was Santorum seething
the byrd side is easily the best part of the mod, his ending where he pisses everyone off during war by not shutting up about roman warfare is peak

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every fucking time
wish i had a gookfu bros
not even hot girls this final
>artosis casts the finals during his family vacation
tasteless would never do that for us gamers.

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I'm relatively new to Anbennar, but somewhere here I came across information that the mod has been sanitized over time (for example, Orcs have lost their bloodthirstiness). I'm particularly interested in the "elven supermacy" trees here.

Can anyone confirm this?
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Why? I will be slaying those beasts, if you catch my meaning.
How many fucking times am I gonna have to restart until Frostwall isn't hostile to me, this is bullshit. I don't have time to waste getting them up to 100 relations so they will flip, Gawed truce is short enough as it is
The answer is seven, by the way
remove the region entirely. it serves 0 purpose and the mod loses nothing by having it disappear
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My technology situation has been better

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One of the harder SRPGs I've played in a hot minute
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Did anyone try if saves from a pirated deluxe version work on a purchased normal version? Got the blood bullet bug, so it's either this or looking for cracked patches. And I figure this one actually deserves money, hopefully they won't spend it on the waifu gachas.
It worked. That said I wasn't using any of the DLC outfits. Not sure what would happen if you had one set on a character and then lost access to it. Or worse, had it set on a character that's currently not in the party so you can't change it.
I imagine it would just set it back to the default.
>a 160 year old garbage rod is somehow deadlier to infantry than a state of the art anti materiel rifle
The people's rifle is strong.

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>meant to save gaming
>no thread on /vst/
What went wrong?
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I can post my town later, but I think the game really needs more terrain features. Even just lakes or proper rivers would be good for aesthetics and game mechanics.
>Some are good for farming, others for exporting lumber?
Maps are separated by regions that specialize in either 2 resources or 1 resource and high fertility. Trees are universal, you can grow them in the same excess anywhere

>Dawn of Man
My condolences
>better than factorio
>better than sos
>better than FUCKING sim city
You're either a shill or a retard.
he said uninstalled thoughbeit
so what does Manor Lords offer that all those other games lack?

so far all I've seen is literal mobile-game-tier combat combined with 1/5th of a a city builder
wow was there really no other thread? this game really was dead on arrival

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Relic finally fixed their engine edition

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i disagree anon.
except Italians did fight in Italy on both sides, so you would be retarded either ways. Bit sad, innit?
>i-italians did fight!
>posts an image of the national republican army, which were just some fascist pastas commanded by germans much like it happens in the game
good thing you don't have to be an independent country to be featured in this series as a faction, like how the OKW, Panzer Elite and DAK are all part of the German army but still get their own separate factions anyway. Anything more to add, retard?
explain separate german factions.
tip: "accuracy" doesn't mean shit.

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>filters shitters
Have you bowed to Johan (PBUH) today yet?
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Well, you could curtail this somewhat with a better military system, but part of this does mean either moving away from toy soldiers - direct or no - into a more abstracted form of warfare (such as HoI4 air's "bases and missions" system) or having some kind of warfare escalation where the amount you can deploy is limited depending on your involvement (but at the same time, war goals against you are limited unless the war escalates).

Even if it was a bases and missions system you'd still want some kind of limitation, but bases and missions puts inherent limits on deployment distance and such, where just having supply costs and the like do not.
>It should not be possible to conquer the world as Ryukyu
send me back in time i could do it
Well, honestly that would be what would happen, eventually, just not at the start, just like a player would either commit all their forces at once to finish things decisively if there was a real danger to your country from that war, or just send one stack to maybe help out somewhere far away while you go back to doing what you doing, but the AI has no concept of "How much am I interested in the current conflict" (EU4 tries to simulate sth slightly overlapping with "war enthusiasm" but it's an orphaned mechanic that only matters for peacing out separately, not for AI cutting their losses while still in the war) , and Spain is doubly bad example heere (better would be England after they're no longer on mainland which is usually when France would look south, or HREmperor) Because they specifically have every reason to use all the forces they have to both fight over Italian dominance and when intervening specifically against neighbouring France.
If it's gainst a rival neighbour the conflict should turn massive. When it's 3rd parties jumping in, they should do so with reserve(like any war involving Brandernurg and Saxony with either being "the instigator" would make them give 100% to fuck the other, because in essence the one intervening "uses" their rival disrupting the status quo to fuck them over with support and indemnity.
Honestly any kind of war declaration or breaking the status quo internally should put a diplomatic flashing target on your back for everyone around you way more than it currently does, and way faster too.
That should be a real trade-off between interfering early when you're seen as in the right, or intervening late, when they're already weakened by war (I sometimes think the CB system should be way weaker than it currently is, but stacking with each casus) 1/2
Right now most "you've fucked up internally" moments give you a -1stab which isn't even worth mentioning most of the time, while it should also give case for other countries to interfere with your country in a more hands on manner, but so far only very few specific flavor questlines allow that, like the Time of Troubles in Russia allows Poland/PLC to send troops to support a claimant once, and Castillan civil war lets either Aragon or Portugal interfere also.
Unfortunately most events are like the "cardinal bribed", in that they present another player/ai an opportunity to either "attack" or not anotherr country, whereas imo there should be more both random and triggered events where you end up vulnerable to other country "decisions" or suffer a big cost not to.
It shouldn't be impossible, it just shouldn't make any sense or be profitable, which is what the Control mechanic is for. You simply can't ever completely overcome the tyranny of distance. You can go for a WC just for game purposes but your nation will be in ruins, the estates will be seething, separatists will be claiming independence everywhere, and your treasury will always be empty. which makes complete sense. It has less to do with who you start as and more to do with "how do I even control all these people at once" (the answer is you don't)

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Warno? or Waryes?

Also general warno, wargame, broken arrow thread.
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Sounds a lot like me. I dodged act of aggression and SD1 but played too long to refund SD2. Warno seems aite though, for a 10v10 pleb like me anyways.

Eugen has such varied quality in the stuff they output.
My favorite aspect of wargame was always deck building autism, I could spend a whole day not even playing the game but just tweaking my decks. Which of the wargame successors is for me?
Not SD 2 or Warno. As folks have said, their deckbuilding is needlessly railroaded by their "division" system that tries to split a small roster between like 50 samey copypasted decks.
Broken Arrow's deckbuilding was promising but the game was very rough in the beta so it's too early to say what the full game will be like.
SD2 obviously has a ton of different divisions, but Warno has a small number and they offer extremely different playstyles, and the divisions are reasonably well-balanced in a way that different playstyles and decks are more viable than you had in Wargame.
> people memoryholed Cold War Game but I still remember they killed one of their direct competitors because it's release was too close to Warno's Early Access.
TBqh, that actually glows in the dark. How did they get a (((judge))) to block that game from release? Normally a judge willnjust require a name change. Not a total takedown of a company like that because of a name. And, like yoh said, not to mention that the similarity was only a generic one. It would be like pepperidge farms suing chips ahoy because they also make cookies; and then Winning the suit.

No, eugen was formerly a military developer- i am willing to bet that there is (((something else))) going on at work there. I mean why dont we have a real war simulator out there yet- that lets you control the political/economic map as well as the units on the ground? And I dont mean paradox style fantasy. I mean covering for every economic aspect of every industry. It all just tells me that maybe western (((militaries))) dont want plebs to have access to real war sims.

Maybe if you had access to a real WWII sim… it would show that hitler was actually a great strategist, and that he lost the war for a (((different reason))).

I just dont buy the judge’s verdict on poor ol’ cold war game. There was kikery afoot here.

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Should I buy the Astral Planes DLC for Stellaris? Is it worth it?
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I fly the Jolly Roger and you should too
Only after 2 months when all the inevitable bugs get fixed
Guys what the fuck is Stellaris: Season 08??
Why 8?They didn’t have season 1-7.
Does anyone know how to mod Stellaris so a civic makes you start with a specific living standard, like Pleasure seekers does?

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I beat Rumburg in Sordland campaign and got kicked out of GRACE by my ungrateful sister in law simply for exploring alternative regional economic alliances in Rizia. Then she comes asking for aid in the epilogue.
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>The Anton Rayne, was truly derserving of the name "Mad Dog!" It has been revealed by hard working members of the Queen's intelligence agency that Rayne intended to bring his bloodthirsty style of governance to more than just Rumberg and the people of Bludia! It is only thanks to the wise foresight and grace of Queen Beatrice that this fool could not make the world suffer his delusions of a "Greater Sordland", the ATO and CSP simply ignored his belligerence! Now, under the tutelage of Beatrice and GRACE, the political system of Sordland will no longer produce Solls and Raynes but instead be an extension Livingstone lineage. The victory of Rumburg will soon be finalized once the scoundrel Rayne is caught and brought to justice, the coward is believed to have fled into Wehlen or Valgsland, but no country in the world can deny the slain Rumburgians and Bludian people their right to be avenged! Hail the Queen!
Was Agnolia left independent to keep claiming the island? If so, Based.
I hope Galmland DLC spends most of its time in the Revolution phase, and you have to actually participate in war, instead of being punished for it.
A rare stroke of genius on Petr's part.

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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remember bros wait a week before all the hotfixes drop
>Expanded the Captain Personality Test (more types, more complexity, and related stuff)
reason to restart imo
the thief lacks justice
the priest lacks savvyness
the mage lacks honor
the ruler lacks creativity
Regarding camo catgirls
What are the most common milestones by month?
At which point in the game do you stop actively using them?
I found myself at the end of a year having 3 plantation bases and one fully decked out starter. I filled out my old earth lab in a month and a half, but only got personal ones in April, manufacturing and sickbay in August, and tiger in October. Got a green/lazy but after reading the codex didn't get shadowtech for some reason. Got a lot of mushrooms filling up cargo space and pumping out chateaus with 10 mil in the bank. The game as of now seems way too easy (rank 6) and all I get are strays under 1000 move speed
Day 1Camo catgirls all have their stats 140+ and just obliterate everything with rapiers/bio daggers and silent pistols. It feels like a drag and I think I'm progressing way too slowly. No bounties as well, rarely so. 0 cellar missions, no zaxx bounties beside destroying a shed which is 100 tokens at most. What's your usual campaign pace and wwyd in this situation? Anyone else feel at times they just don't want to improve their base?
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Monthly milestones are whatever you make them to be, actually pursuing an optimised expansion path is largely unnecessary outside of Jack Sparrow difficulty. Filling the Old Earth Lab and personal lab in those times is genuinely extremely fast. Workshop and sickbay by August is fine. At this point, make sure you have your mess hall/onsen built and your rank C bounty licence manufactured and researched when able, overcharged radars in the plantation bases, with four flak cannons to blow up invaders (Hefaistos Batteries are a great alternative, although they don't have OP cannons in battlescape).

Camo catgirls, along with innovative grav harnesses, are never obsolete until late game. Gals in tactical or defender armor are the assault element and the ones absorbing fire anyway. At least until the Peacemaker outfit is available to buy (and only then because ten innocence rockets per battle, per cat is funny, not because it's actually an efficient use of time or money).

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Any other promising games coming out this year?
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It's the second time I read someone say Nebuchadnezzar was abandoned, what happened? Did the dlc flop? I was in the beta and stuff seemed at least promising.
Oh my science you HAVE to get Manor Lords it is the GREATEST GAME EVER
That's what I did. Game has crashed more than a few times. Content is sparse as is the tree. The only interesting thing here is the zoning for housing with its addon's and upgrades. Fields pastures and marketplace are also neat. Other games have some free form zoning all that before so not as novel. Sc2000 is zoning in rectangles as well and that's a quarter century ago. Nice to see east Europa toy with old concepts.
You need to get better at samefagging

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BTA3062 or Roguetech?
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You want to try that again, but in English?
Are you retarded? You had to write a fucking application and be a "good discord member" to join the game. That means you gotta suck his dick. I was asking if that was still the case or if he had killed himself.
Roguetech is a lot more palatable after modding out core detonations (in a game with suicidal AI and limited shot calling where it is attached to a random number that cannot be interacted with) and battle armor (because a mech with 5 machine guns standing 1 tile behind a 4t battle armor kills it slower than they kill multiple 55t mechs in the same position). Now I just need to work out how to fix the broken-ass salary because my tank drivers seem to be asking for the same pay as neural-interfaced pilots who mastered both mechwarrior and airforce training programs to pilot LAMs, and that is not acceptable on any level or perspective.

Roguetech isn't really "bad", but most of the feeling of bloat comes from the fact that the majority of features are poorly implemented. Like I really love the concept of battle armor, but it's just unusably implemented. To get 150 omnidirectional non-skippable armor on a unit that has no way to surrender or be disabled is pretty ass. There are so many options to interact with mechs in this game, ways to disable or manipulate them, ways to destroy them in various scenarios, etc. None of that interacts with battle armors. The only interaction is "this weapon deals double damage against battle armor", which is a funny joke since those weapons are still more efficient at shredding light mechs or acing medium mechs from behind at point blank than they are against battle armor. They aren't even dangerous since their weapons suck ass (rightfully so) and they can't really hurt you if you move 1 tile away from them every turn. I lost my first battle armor by having it swarm attack a mech, which the game had it's funny hehehaha moment when they all called shot the torso and then detonated. Then I started having my mechs wear battle armors as a form of advanced weightless ablative armor for a little while, before finally realizing how much better the game is without them. At least, until they get implemented in a way that isn't fucking retarded.
actually BD has just fucked that shit mod up beyond belief
I hated rogue tech because they implied it was going to have mechanical fidelity to the tabletop and it didn't. I wanted megamek with graphics, not a bloated expansion pack to the mickey mouse HBS version.

Any plans for a new playthrough when the DLC drops, anon? Aside from the wet fart that is the endgame crisis, 7.0 beta is pretty good. For me, I've been wanting to do a custom Eleventh Hour start where I try to ally with the Split and form a separatist Argon faction. So I think I'll finally do that.
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>mfw i start a new game and have to play the retarded station scanning minigame
thankfully i found a mod that instantly 100% scans all discovered stations
i've seen people complain that wharfs aren't as profitable as they used to be, but why does that matter? it seems to me that once you build a supply chain and have a wharf money has zero purpose
why do you need to scan stations? I never scan any stations ever
>play custom game
>set all annoying plots to done
And you're done.
You still get the silly cutscenes though

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