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Welcome to /bant/ - International/Random

/bant/ is a board for the discussion of any topic, a place where you can relax and have fun with people from all over the world.

No porn dump threads - Please use the appropriate adult boards for porn threads.

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Ponytail Tay Edition

>Season 2 is over now
>Who Won?
TJ won after beating Shinji in a boxing match
>Will there be season 3?
Yes after mini-season 2.5
>What is Fish Tank?

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Anon a lot of people do not like pictures of my privates.
Betty you are magnificent

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my wife naga

Why do Niggers do shit like this? It doesn't even look cool.
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>i'm going for anal mechanical prolapse
>say no more
when the min order is 5 and you only needed 1
Is this shit even legal? Some gladiator chariot type leg chopping is inevitable...

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>The yuropoorean fears this
yummy kraft singles
>yuros have never had a grilled cheese before
microplastic hotbed

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A tranime gooner thread just died.
Buy bitcoin sirs
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DT finally posted a selfie?

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>drinking last night
>wake up
>fabric seat is covered in brown stains
How do I clean shit from fabric and how do I stop drinking?
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you know it i know it no need to be so hostile
retard cat
What is your problem?

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100oz Bars Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

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Prior to the cleaning.
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Quite happy about the lightning and quality, even though to my surprise the pics ended up being more compressed than when using the regular mode, only 300KB for this one.
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Another example.

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they're more focus on having 6 cars in the driveway and not caring about their dogs. i don't understand the mentality in them. their priorities are spending 15k on a quinceanera and not fixing their houses. talk about casa blanca blasting corridos music at 12 midnight.
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It's not all of them but a good percentage is unable to invest in any way for the long run. They don't see the advantadge of fixing their own houses for 10k over having a quinceañera for 15k. You could argue this happens too with white trash buying alcohol and smokes and with niggers and shoes. Low IQ people will not try to be better, they see a paycheck they go buy shit.
Can't you just get them over there with you to the US once you get a green card so they provide for themselves?
Also opiate addicts, i know your backs tend to give out in your 40's
Dry similar phenomena with native Canadians. Same gene pool.

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Discuss GME.

By posting in this general you denounce the Torah and the Talmud.
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>mutt with porn-addled brain unironically thinks a 6.5 inch dick is small
>won't post his 9 inch mutilated dick to btfo me
not even moass can undo some weird ass doctor hacking up your dick right after you were born
do americans REALLY
muh inches
>a bunch of americans that invest in a jew trying to ‘muh dick’ me rn itt
post foreskin

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Your country
Would you prefer to have a butterface gf, or a butterbody gf, in your country?
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fr I wanna see them tongue wrestling
Butter faces are better because you can just have her wear a paper bag over her head
Butterbody, no question. I'd wanna feel every crevice and fold of that whale.

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Hey /bant/ opinion on gen alpha?
They are fucked
Yea, they are bringing themselfs doom
How are they bringing themselves doom? Isn’t that the adults who are bringing them doom?

A gen alpha is more likely to succeed if their parents did not expose them to the vaxx, fluoridated water or mobile devices too early.

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>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:
>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:
>XRPL Richlist:

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I hate those jews and shabbos goyim and I can see it going how you say it will just due to how fucked this legal system is.
hmm, so another missed bullrun is definitely on the cards. It starting to look as it really always has been 2030, doesn't it? I mean it all makes sense - riddles, shills, memedates, youtubers, /biz and now this shithole - it all has to die first, there is no way the elites will flip the switch before it does.
If the price wasn't this shit I would just sell half and forget about it, but i'm forced to baghold my entire stack.

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the High Class edition

Previous reality >>20154285

Free online generators:

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That..song? Musical composition? Reminds me of a bunch of dreams I used to have. When I go to sleep and listen to it, and focus on old dreams I can go back to the weird locations.
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I was kinda sorta going for an eager sperm bank nurse vibe, had to make due with the materials I could
It's ok, we all make mistakes.
I mean the style i guess, not too invasive, to some extend background noise for something, or just hmmm reading white noise. Which is a good thing too.
I mean i get it, it just seems that the sperm bank gets low quality product.

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>15k marketcap
>Healthy distribution
>Locked, renounced
>Most potential for a meme coin since APU
>Patrick is even more retarded than APU
>I'm sending this shit to 50M

Don't say I didn't warn you, nigs.
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Autistic coins are the new meta apparently
I kinda like this theory. People unironically love things that are retarded like dogs and babies.

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