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qott: whats the craziest thing youve done to make someone like you?

>how do i talk to trannies
ask about her bionicles and nod along and say "mmhm, that's so cool"
>how do i talk to chasers
ask about his car and nod along and say "mmhm, that's so cool"
>how many trannies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
trannies can't screw in a lightbulb

prev: >>35408013
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Absolutely zero, transwomen are marginally more forgiving. That’s just because hook ups and ‘discreet’ exist as concepts in a non cis context.
I haven’t really thought about dating a guy shorter than me before but are you hairy? I just imagined going to a ren fair as a dwarf and an elf and I think it would be really cute. I’m only 5’10 so I’m not that much taller than you
Do you want to be friends and fight crime together as a wacky tall:short cop duo? Who needs bitches anyway?

t. 6´3 chasey
im 6 ft tall and fucked men ur size stop crying. skill issue


can i be the dog

Sorry I meant ‘you can’t negotiate desire’ in that post. I don’t think there’s anything fundamentally wrong with me as a person.

Weight gain might be a plus. But yeah, short and attracted to fems is a rough combination.

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Stop repping. Take HRT.
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12 is alfies. Zoomers are getting old
Yeah. 24 now.
Most zoomer trannies look like men too just like myself. We didn't get lucky just because we figured it out a few years earlier.
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whatever. force detrans everyone under 30. just pump them all full of near fatal levels of testosterone for 24 months and force them to work out their traps and delts and lats and spray their bodies with minoxidil so they look like this except with the hair of a male silverback gorilla, while also ensuring that no minoxidil gets above the neck so they norwood to at least a stage IV, only then can they be redeemed
this was actually happens when you rep and eventually John 50
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>if i can’t pass no one can!!!

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Is this really what you call a man? These pooners are so delusional it's hilarious
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>came for the lolcow.
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I miss terje
god i want to impregnate him
You have a way more masculine body than me(mtf tranny)
Idk if ftms do this but what's your bideltoid? I'm really curious because your shoulders look very wide
just estimating here based on his height. I'm gonna guess around 16 inches from this image

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page 10 edition

last time on /bmg/

QOTT1: What did you do this weekend?
QOTT2: What is your sexuality? Do you prefer just guys? Just girls? t4t?
QOTT3: What have you done recently to improve your transition?
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If a real boymoder put "effort" in they'd look like a gay man at best. That's kinda hot desu but it isn't really what I'm aiming for, most boymoders need ffs to truly pass and graduate into manmoderism if they don't get it.
do you still keep up with other trips from the golden era btw?
I talk to a couple people but most of them no I haven't spoken to any of them other than Morgan in like 3 years.
Honestly I'm usually too busy to be on this website or talking to trannies my job is 40 hours a week and I have hobbies and rl stuff to do outside of that most days.
happy for u, im also a wagoid now
good to hear homie!

>Becomes obese
Why are so many of you like this?
I was already obese before I even learned what hrt is.
it changes your metabolism but not your eating habits

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Do trans girls like being cummed inside of? Do you feel more attached afterwards to somebody that does this to you?
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You obviously don't bust it out if you know it will cause her dysphoria, and if you're having sex. You should already be close enough to understand what will and won't her her feelings.
i agree with that but didn't want to come across like i was slut shaming anyone if they're having sex with randoms. but yeah i make it clear to all my partners that that's firmly a no-go zone for me
And you ask they get the "eww he asks for consent ick"
So the question is if you want to make a kinky chick turned on or a boring in bed chick turned off. The answer should be obvious
jesus christ how irritating. it's no wonder they consider us "starter gfs" and leave us for cis women when they have the confidence

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Hail Satan
i am so fucking tired of christfags holy shit
that thing's a grotesque hon in womanface. and neither side likes this walking psyop you retard
If you're thinking by any means necessary principles of the french revolution still apply today you're mistaken
Bring yourself and look the deliveroo driver straight in the eyes then talk about violent revolt bitch nigga
We've had the past few years to prepare for this by intensively networking our community IRL on the ground to make sure everyone who needs DIY HRT knows it exists at the local level without alerting chuds. If you haven't been doing your bit, that's on you.

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Why do cisoid males have this reaction to ftms just existing and then refuse to admit they're seething or having a disproportionate reaction
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Yes. You're supposed to do what you're told.
A coward lives a life of pleasure. The brave reject the world.
Why are ftms whores who cannot keep their chastity intact?
>it's not creepy that I cut my tits off guise
??? Huh
>stop being melodramatic
How am I melodramatic
>let me know when you can run a grill
I already know that since I was like 7. Thanks to my father lol. I would post that grill pooner meme now but I don't have it
>also, where are you from?
Eastern Europe. Why?
Oh my god you're hopeless. Maybe he's right maybe ftms are susceptible to grooming if you don't know what's going on here. Are you underage or something

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Workout Edition! Post your routine!
No Discord at the moment, but feel free to change that.

Send stories of your successes! How do you maintain erections, sex drive, and/or fertility? Have you enjoyed topping recently, or achieved (re)growth?

Share your struggles in your journey, ask for tips, or just share your feelings.

AMAB resources:
>Penis preserving SRS
On alternatives to penile inversion:
On ppsrs:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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We will use science to make ftms into futas!
The reason size is lost from HRT has nothing to do with the actual hormonal changes. It's all about atrophy from the dick not experiencing an erection for an extended period of time (we actually know this because there are conditions that men experience that cause an inability to get erections with no hormonal changes and the same thing happens if it's not treated).

How hard it will be to get hard regularly is different from person to person, erections are aided by testosterone but some trans girls have no problems getting fully hard even when their T is really low, while others struggle even while their T level is still man-level high.

The suggested routine for MtF transitioners who want to maintain their penis is a sustained 10 minute erection (full hardness) 3 times a week at minimum (honestly I would recommend at least once a day just to be safe, it's only 10 minutes and you're having a fun time anyway so why not every day).

If you find yourself experiencing trouble getting hard 'the natural way' get viagra or another medication for getting an erection (the two main ones are instant action ones that get you hard immediately and ones you take on a schedule that mimic natural erections, do some research and talk to a doctor about it), the erection is all the counts, not how you get it.

It's literally just a matter of exercising a muscle so it doesn't atrophy and waste away. Your dick workout routine is important if you want to stay big.
I feel you on the gyno thing.
Btw the reason for that misunderstanding is that obesity CAN cause gyno since fat cells produce estrogen, however it can occur in any man regardless of weight.
Bitch on the cover barely has any curves, I ain't gonna follow a book that can't even hire a model with real curves for the fucking cover shot.

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what sex toys do you own? if none, also post
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none because im not a degenerate.
False analogy
apparently my e is kind of low and my t is totally suppressed but its so weird going from masturbating 3 times a day to 0 times a month
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>but its so weird going from masturbating 3 times a day to 0 times a month
It felt like a welcome change to me

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>"If a transgender youth is refused medication and is forced to go through a puberty that does not match their gender identity, that will put them in a body that will make them stand out as a transgender individual for the rest of their lives."
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If you look the head mistress of a victorian academy or something, people are going to fuck with you a lot less than if you look like the anime girl stereotype some people aim for.
finally i can get this off my chest

1. Puberty blocked youngshits look retarded and are rarely hot.
2. Puberty blocked youngshits are literally retarded. They lack the mental boost normally present in high-IQ trannies.
3. Puberty blocked youngshits cannot even have sex because their genitals don't work.

Puberty blockers are a retarded, failed form of medication at best. It is literally worse to be a puberty blocked youngshit than to be a 6'4 klinefelters tranny transitioning at 35.
by youth he probably doesnt mean just 13 year olds like people on this board will assume, hes probably talking about young adults into their 20s
>even doctors
You say that like doctors weren't massive gatekeeping transphobic psychos for decades and like they aren't moving back in that direction now that we've gotten a bit comfortable with them.
>It depends on how puberty went for you. Twinks and femboys can often get away with being passing butch women.
You're talking like <25% men. And even if puberty made their body pass, it's rare that their face completely will.

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im tired of being a NEET what are some good tranny fields to work in? i was thinking something culinary related where i wouldnt have to interact with people because i really love cooking or maybe IT because i hate interacting with humans and i have agp brain for computers
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minecraft youtuber
I'm seconding this
2nding this
3rding this
ive never played minecraft sorry
even better for your let's plays

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is there a way to fix bdd or are you just doomed forever
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>turn off pc
but all my friends are in there
They're not your friends they're agents of the brainworms
that's not true!! we watch movies together!!
Is it really BDD anymore if you think you're like the guy in that picture who looks fine in reality and only imagines himself as weird looking? It sounds like you already believe you look fine.
i was using that more as a meme
i truly do think i look bad ngmi tier and no amount of hugboxing can save me
but i would like to at least achieve peace with that instead of constantly dooming, hence the question

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Previous >>35410668
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I don’t wanna hear anymore bullshit from this general
ok boss, i will relax with the bs..
i got kinda aroused reading this imagining it was written by a sociopathic top
Whoa, very edgy and cool. Hit the gym and maybe one day you’ll be strong enough to actually lift a hammer for real.
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mourning_thrull on insta

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i want to kiss a linux tranny on her chapped lips after brushing her dry frizzy hair out of her face and removing her thick glasses, i want to listen to her ramble about foss and computers while i rest my head on her lap
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If you use Linux at your job but avoid it at home that just makes you a normie tech worker
i use linux at home because it's the only sane choice, but i as much as is reasonably possible avoid my computer entirely at home because i am tired of computers after spending 10 hours staring at one
I use Linux at home too, but idk if I would say it's the "only sane choice". I tend to discourage people from "switching" to it unless they know what they'll get out of it. I like that I can have a somewhat consistent environment between my homelab and PC running Fedora.
default ubuntu LTS or some equivalent is unironically more user-friendly and intuitive at this point than modern windows
Eh, I've been using Linux long enough that I don't know if I really agree with that, for a lot of reasons though I'd prefer not to use Windows. But it has sane defaults currently, especially in Enterprise editions, and is even relatively secure out of the box, where Linux can be made secure, but after a fair bit of configuration. (Most Linux distros don't even come with a firewall preconfigured out of the box, or any sort of MAC like selinux)

As for Ubuntu it strays a lot from upstream configurations, and defaults, that will only frustrate anybody who seeks help outside of Ubuntu community spaces if they do run in the occasional issue, which everyone will, regardless of computing environment. Better to stick to Debian or Fedora as they don't stray from upstream much at all.

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