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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

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Hello biztards. It seems like literally everyone here has forgotten the original biz and finance topic; the stock market. Seems like every post is about BTC or chainlink or bear or some other shit.
What happened to the good old days of investing money into the stock market?

Whats the matter with you people? Yall fags or what?
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If we are to base arguments on extremely rare events, let’s talk about some that happened in crypto. When ETH had those massive DAO attacks on it as a result of the smart contract vulnerability’s, the community rolled it back. And now we have ETH and ETC.

So this argument about immutability isn’t so solid because this event proved it ain’t.
Whos to say similar rollbacks or issues won’t happen to chainlink?
But again, those are black swan events. Once in a lifetime things that just happen, so i won’t bother trying to bring those up as points.

What is concerning is that you have no answer the questions I put forth and just glossed over them. How is a system superior if it allows such terrible things? It can never be as widespread as you’d like to be so long as those issues are not worked on and acknowledged.

There’s also the issue of a scalability. If smart contracts and chain link are indeed the way of the future, then as it is now is fundamentally flawed.

So long as it is operated predominantly on ETH, it can never be adopted in a widespread manner. Crypto is such a niche corner of the entire finance community if you really think about it. And yet we already face issues with limitations on transaction times, variable gas fees due to demand which will only skyrocket if the world begins to use smart contracts and a few more.

Of course, I only have a surface level knowledge of it. But if someone like me can see problems with this stuff becoming the future, I’m sure more educated people could find even more problems.

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>What is concerning is that you have no answer the questions I put forth and just glossed over them. How is a system superior if it allows such terrible things? It can never be as widespread as you’d like to be so long as those issues are not worked on and acknowledged.

Well, I bring up the GME event because it's the most egregious example of the "powers that be" being biased against the average joe. You're missing the forest for the trees if you're calling it an extremely rare event. And if you want to be technical, yes, you can make "upgradeable contracts" to update contracts aka make them mutable.

But and realize the contracts still exist from the DAO hacks, the community chose to to move a greener field, choosing to move to a forked chain that rolled back the attacks. It's why we have two chains in the first place, where ETH is where the majority agreed the hacks were unfair and they should be undone and ETC were left with stragglers who felt the code is law. It bothers me that you're using one of the most significant events of blockchain history, where a community took it into their hands to right a massive wrong and restore faith in their space, to do a gotcha "contracts aren't immutable so why bring it up?". And then you have the audacity to complain that I'm not explaining why this tech is better than what we have now.

Be honest, do you think the BTC is a scam? Why do you think that it's valued at whatever the price is now as opposed to $500?
The reason why I ask is because this blockchain space has existed for 15 years now. The BTC has moved to its all time high recently, and now we have banks who already have their own blockchains and are now advancing to the next evolution of blockchain space with tokenizing their assets (aka NFTs).

Why are they pumping money into this space? Why are they doing so much R&D? Just because you don't understand the value of the tech doesn't mean other people don't already recognize it for what it's worth.
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i loathe chainlink
BTC and Link are for the retards. I'm all in on low mcap utility tokens like DUA, NXRA, QAN, and Bonus for those easy gains.

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Any tips for how I can improve my work ethic? I basically do the bare minimum so that my boss doesn’t think I’m slacking then talk it up as if I’m accomplishing a ton and just barely getting my work load done in a day.

But my dad says I should always strive to be the hardest worker in a job, I definitely could get a lot more accomplished at work, I just really don’t want to.
It's because you're a lil bitch lol
why would do more than the bare minimum if u get paid the same
sounds like youre aiming to be a career wagie like all those dying bitter boomers.
devote your entire brainpower and time towards it bro. im sure shekelberg will appreciate it.
>then talk it up as if I’m accomplishing a ton
Does he buy it?
I would point this out to your manager. Say you can get all your work done and you would like to take on more responsibility.
If he can't or won't, go to a job that pays you better. Better yet a job that has a bonus/commission/incentive structure. It's a lot easier to want to work when you can see exactly how you can make more money.

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It's autistic meme season. 50k marketcap is undervalued knowing this is probably going to take off like APU did.
I feel comfy knowing I'm holding 1% of the supply
Fuck Jannies. They will suppress this all the way to millions
Jannies are accumulating.

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Buy now (please) the most it can go down to is 60k i think u can stomach a 4% deep
Listen to cute mumu fuck nigger bobo

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>the post halving golden bull run has just begun and /biz/ is still the slowest board on 4chan
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just when Dexview is on its best moment as a DEX, so sad that most anons are still using CMC
Sure it is! Staking just went live!
OP, I'm DCAing into ETH with one goal: restake it on Omni and then Yield Nest for max gains.
Jannies are bringing some sanity to the chaos in 4chan biz, Anon. But they can't stop the rise of the restaking narrative, which is becoming one of the big players in crypto space this year.
The only token I'm hyped for its staking feature is DUA. It could drop any sec, Fag.

Anons, any coins we can ape that capitalize on the upcoming CZ trial? This can be huge, but I'm oblivious to any current coins that can blow up due to this event.
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Banks will be open too... so comfy. Still time for people to get in and make BANK
im gonna ask my caller to call it in his degenerate tg group tmw.
>He doesn't know
Do you even crypto bruh?!

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I just need a 24652x to make it
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Well, I just did it. Let's see how this trade goes. Biz is so slow that we will be able to keep reading this thread for months
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OKAYEG did 30X in two days. Base.
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memecoin season already started you faggots just downright dont know where to look
>pinksale btw
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I hope so, I need my BIAO to have a run of good luck to leave this place with some profit
I can easily make it with RWA tokens like Dua, Rio, Nxra, and Bst, Fag.

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It's dumping again...
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It's dumping again... (again) [again]
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>10 days ago
Is this the "It's dumping again" general?
This is WIF bag general
This is my chance to scoop up low mcap utility tokens like Dua, Nxra, and Krest for the long haul.

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Telegram has over 900 million users.
A significant proportion of the world's people use Telegram.

Why so few people talk about this?

Think of an anom 900m users on telegram and telegram becoming a blockchain with revenue share

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Once you hit millions in crypto. Is it worth it to wash the money somehow and buy things from then on with crypto, or is it really not worth the hassle? Most of what I've got falls under short-term gains (35% tax in USA)
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What he's telling you is that any unrealized gains you made while you weren't a Puerto Rico resident will be taxed at the ordinary federal rate. In addition, various states (California) will very much want their cut, if applicable.
The date of your residency start will be used to determine how your tax bill gets split. And yes, you could have a cap gains on the federal side and a cap loss on the island side. They won't cancel each other out, you'll still be on the hook for the gains.
the money keeps running out, apart from maintaining my salary with maga, I need extra passive income
if my stuff just stays the same and doesn't grow, it doesn't make much difference
Anon, don't sleep on Eloop. You can snag a slice of Tesla action and ride the wave of its daily cash flow. It'll even cushion that brutal 35% tax hit.
Quit whining and grab the right damn token. That 35% is chump change compared to the fat stacks you'll rake in with DePINs like Peaq, Hnt, Natix, and Silencio.
Just fucking pay your taxes. Surely you faggots aren't going to be hit by short term cap gains. Long term is only 20%. If you hit 10 million that's 8 million clear after taxes. Fucking plenty to reinvest and continue to grow your portfolio while living a pretty nice lifestyle, all without having to worry about uncle Sam throwing you into the slammer (while taking their cut anyway).

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Lets check in to see how our libertarian ancap hero is doing in Argentina.
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How much is the average prostitute in Argentina charging?
The economy Kukas destroyed lol.
>MUH JEWS!!!!!!!!!!
>DA JEWS!!!!!!!!

so many hilarious mentally ill freaks on this board
>Average person is better off now
What the fuck are you talking about. Everything is more expensive, travel, services, food, and the salaries haven't changed. It's not even inflation, we are literally fucked , public services dont work anymore and no one has money
You have what would have been a super computer in your pocket now. You are so better off now you cant even comprehend it.

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You haven't sold yet?
I took out enough to pay my bills when it pumped and I will not sell at a loss

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Why is the auto industry allowed to offer predatory loans?
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The mafia went out of business because the government legalized and TAXED every racket the mob was in: predatory loans to people that shouldn’t be given loans? Check. Drugs? Legalized and taxed. Gambling? Wildly available. human trafficking? Just walk across the border your self.
Yes, a violent society is much more preferable than a passive aggressive one. Decentralize violence and put it back into the hands of the people rather than the state
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>woman: *does womanly (dumb) thing*
>the world: NO FUCKING WAY!
Well it makes fucking sense. Humans are basically fucking programmed to be slaves. Honestly think of how long we weren't slaves? Maybe for 100 years? The rest of our existence humanity has always been a slave to the more powerful class. We are rapidly just approaching that way of living again. Evidently it's the natural order of things.
imagine it NOT being ur dream cars 90% of the world has 4th runner/landcruiser as their dream car, the ultimate chad/stacy mobile. not like SUVs or trucks is an incel trait
Only cucks and weirdos are into coupes or BMWs like elliot

Is btc the only crypto you need to hodl? Are people still hodling?
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My only hold is CZ on Sol

Got in at 30k mcap its now at 150k
I see a correction coming.
Nope, OP. Gonna need that ETH for restaking on both Yield Nest and EtherFi to rake in those amplified rewards.
Ethereum restaking is emerging to be one of the dominant crypto narratives this year, Anon.

So I'm making a lot of money by importing & selling them to constructions & retail. I may have like $2 MIL cash sitting, can I like produce them? How much r&d I need or how do you start a business where you just manufacture shit?

You aren’t buying vaporware projects are you anon?
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Tech not needed when AWS btfo your jeet coded software development platform
that's not technical at all
lol jesus christ read a book
get your ged
then kill yourself
Price prediction this bull ruin?
>T. 1025 ICP stacklet
Anon, I'm all in on ETH with a game plan: gonna restake it on Yield Nest for those juicy amplified yields.
I'm all about that Vitalik token, gonna restake it on the platform that teamed up with Everstake to amp up node operations and ETH validation.

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> on the brink of world war 3
> meme stock shit is brewing
> society is soft collapsing around the world
> all the fancy charts anons posted about depressions every few decades and so on point to something happening soon
> US elections coming up
> probably 20 more things I forgot to list

should i convince my parents to sell 50% of their stocks so we can be ready to buy a house when the bubble collapses?
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no one said that my friend.
this nigga >>58434025 did, i just miss clicked the magic numbers
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oh! i see.

So keep kicking the can until it gets worse?
How much total port would u and ur family have if you sold and ur parents sold 50%?

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Do you have any passive income sources?
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- Bank interest on some cash.
- Rental property income - basically only covers itself
- Chainlink staking
- A steam game I now probably get only $100 a year from at most

Buying a second rental property soon, hopefully a third if link ever goes up. I'm now content to only take enough out of crypto to live a slighly upper middle class on passive income and continue to wage.
ofc, got my passive income game on lock, OP. Restaking my ETH on Omni and EtherFi for those sweet amplified yields. And I'm eyeing up Yield Nest for when it drops, 'cause it's got the edge over these two.
hell yeah BRO
i am like totes into being financially independent BRO
weed is like tight BRO weed is tight
I'm holding the second-biggest token after BTC and aiming to restake on the platform that just partnered with Everstake.

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