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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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How fit do I need to be to date a volleyball chick?
they are all fucking lesbians
You need to be 6'4"

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Went through deep depression during my 20s. House was a mess, would eat junk/fast food for most meals, sleep schedule was a mess. Went from 170 (college) to 270 (post-college). Job was very stressful. I would go to family events and no one would talk to me. If I walked down the aisle, sidewalk, people would bump into me or expect me to move for them. If I took transit, they would spread their arms out into my space. No one ever initiated the conversation with me.

I got my finances in order, got a new job that was far less stressful and I was getting a full night of sleep. Now all the sudden people smile when they see me, invite me to do things, add me on socials after I meet them, girls match with me on apps.

It honestly makes me hate people because I see them as incredibly judgmental and shallow. I was a far nicer person when I was fat. Considerate, caring, funny. No one gave a shit.
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This works the other way around if you are poor and/or stupid though
> work hard, be healthy, you'll have nice things, people will like you & all that shit blah blah blah

yeah man that's cool, but you can be jacked with an ugly face and get no pussy, no friends, people avoid you, same results, it's all about attractiveness. don't get me started on women being obese these days and thriving. it's all about beauty looks, & what you got to offer, vapid shit.
>I got married, had kids
Hey, me too! But unlike you, I didn't wave my goodbyes to a healthy lifestyle. Unless you work as a taste tester, there's nothing inherent to your job to putting on weight. You just decided being fit wasn't as important as downing a few beers every single night when you get home from work.
>Oh I just don't have time
Bullshit, your gymcel muscle chad days may be over, but if you can't find time to pay attention to your wife and kids and still pump some iron once or twice a week, you're putting too much time into something else.
>there's nothing inherent to your job to putting on weight

this is someone who makes $20/hour

but im here for the "im a 6 figure chad with a 6 figure salary and 6 pack of abs with wife and kids and so much free time that I argue with anonymous strangers at midnight on the internet" larp
>you can be jacked with an ugly face and get no pussy
skill issue. You can be ugly and a slob, or ugly and fit; and if you're fit you will automatically be more attractive. I mean, come on! You think what people find attractive was just a dice roll by evolution? There are very good reasons women are attracted to what they're attracted to (which, obviously, has nothing to do with what they claim to be attracted to).
>women being obese these days and thriving
Are you a woman? No, and you never will be, so this is totally irrelevant.
>beauty looks, & what you got to offer, vapid shit.
What is there for a man beyond what he has to offer?

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Can I do cardio if I'm bad at gambling?
no, you're not allowed. I don't make the rules
I think he's talking about gambling about him shitting his pants or not
But if you WERE talking about real gambling, then I agree you're not allowed.
i dont get the reference

Gimme fuel, gimme fire, gimme that which I desire edition
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That’s pretty killer progress, what motivated the lifestyle? Any unique challenges?
so what do you take and is your voice still feminine?
just a little bit of EQ and yes my voice is still feminine. My voice has dropped a little bit but I sounded like voice cracking 10 year old boy before so I'm cool with it.
post vocaroo saying kam is a badass pimp
Ty anon.
I was an autistic fat kid who hated being fat but likes being autistic. I'm very competitive but have shit genetics for sports other than the powers my retard strength gave me.
Dieting is hard because it's 24/7 but you get used to it. Just eat bland shit; oats, milk, beef, bread/rice/potatoes + salt. Veggies can play in traffic.

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>Be me
>Gymcel Cracker Barrel Server
>Get a 10 top mixed with Japanese and British people
>Get good comments on my physique from family
>Do good job
>Learn that they are a mixed nationality family and are here on vacation from the UK
>Gain respect of Asian mother
>When asking how to split the checks Asian mother says:
“Yes, and the pretty girl, my daughter over there is in my check as well, she 18, and SINGLE.”
>Hand table the checks and walk away

Should I have pressed this issue further or am I autistic
You realize non-white girls can't go over 7/10
Always write your phone number on the back of receipts. Have a second phone for these kind of situations.

Didn't your dad teach you anything?
Eh good way to get fired I’d think. You did fine.
My dad was distant and not very involved in my life even though we lived in the same house. My mother worked a lot so I only got to see her a few times per week. I was essentially raised by video games and the other kids in my school who were in the same boat I was

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I don't get it
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You've got a point.
something something beer halls, Chinese boxing dojos
for sure for sure, more cliches. tranny dilate cope and seethe?
dilate, sjw cuck! marxist commie CRT!
why did you feel the need to write all of that garbage and post that picture here? it almost sounds like you are gigantic faggot,god back to r3dd!t
Say what you want nobody came closer to the conquest of the european comtinent than hitler. But the fact that he didnt expect america to swoop in so they could use jewish finance to rebuild businesses is just retarded. Hating jews was just a tool for he himself to rid germany of the same exact thing post ww1, they just happened to be jewish, and thats how creative he was yet so extremely stupid.

Not napolean, not caesar.

How can I convince my gym crush to take showers at the gym so I can get away with seeing him naked?

He's a classmate from college and I just signed up at the same gym he goes in hopes of seeing him naked. I was so hype when the staff member gave me a tour and I found out that there were no curtains in the men's side of the shower. But then in my first day I was hype to see him naked until I saw him leaving all sweaty. And one day I went out of my way to ask him why he never showers at the gym and he just told me he found it gross and didn't mind driving home all sweaty to take a shower.

Is there any Fake Bro Science I can use to convince him to take showers at the gym? I really wanna see him naked.
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Ask anyway you gay retard. If nothing else, complement him without turning into a complete fucking mess. Can you manage that? Oh and get some exercises in while you're there. Share a lifting injury and you're bros for life
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It's more like you're not crafty enough. Most of you are retards that vote Trump.

Meanwhile I can get away with secretly filming my crushes. This was an italian hottie that spent a semester at our dorm.
Has it ever occurred to you that I don’t want to invade others privacy? I guess this is the difference between Trump voters and others.
and the ones that aren't american just vote for many of the Trump Clones available in different flavors. Like that Bolsonaro guy that's about to get arrested in Badzil.
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its filth that you seek.

seek a way to cleanse your body, but most importantly your mind.

post em if you got em
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white people…
Shin check
not an argument you pretentious dipshit. you are dumb and wrong and just can't accept it. and nobody says it's good, just that it happens naturally on a max or near max squat and isn't a big deal.
Faggots are disgusting.

>enter gym
>Hey, I just met you
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i hear this shit i crush a PR
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so call me maybe
i think run away with me is one of the best pop songs ever made

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But am I obese?
Be brutally honest
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This desu
>am I obese
If you continue like this you will be. Get those silly tattoos lasered off and cut your caloric intake asap.
Yes. You're approaching morbidly obese quickly. Cut all the feeders out of your life now

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What happened to Competitive Gaming? it used to be buff guys that worked out like Faze Censor.
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>it used to be buff guys
Point to a single time in history when majority of pro gamers weren't skinnyfat dyels.
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I bet these guys could kick ass in Counter Strike.
I prefer the old days with real fatties like nip/fnc 2014s, esports is not sports
jesus, could they not convince them to take a shower before the photoshoot?

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Hard mode challenge
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my wife will only have sex with me ~once/month, its already torturous. At this point I could go a whole year with minimal additional suffering
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Where's my 31 million dollars
i miss her so much
29 years virgin. Only received a kiss on the cheek when 6 years old by an older girl. Massive shy social anxiety issues and being ostracized as a nerd causes this kind of thing. Even if not ugly as sin you're invisible or picked on and gain zero social development that would let you be able to talk to people or more specifically girls without becoming an absolute autistic mess. Normalfags can never really understand those issues because it's entirely alien to them.
oh no no no

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You don't actually drink alcohol, do you anon?
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Hope she sees this bro
People have limited time on this earth, and it’s full of suffering. Some people wish to temporarily distract themselves with some pleasure. We can understand and empathize with this even if we ourselves can’t fall for the illusion
Probably smash. More pics of her face?
>Don't girls like it when you stare at them in the club? I mean like a "damn girl ;)" stare
gay niggas be like
disgusting little man.
thats a dude

front page of an article about the tiktok ban
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Fatty boot camp until they are fit and attractive. If not achieved for any reason, then death.
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468 looks high for the pictured potatoes
but, regardless
>4tbsp butter
went to the barber and said "give me the krusty the clown"
thumbnail looks like a manatee

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