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My worldview and optimism have been slowly deteriorating and replaced by mostly fear, sadness, and anger. How do I go back to normal?
>fear, sadness, anger
that doesn't sound like growing up. you sound depressed
Its called "coping". People who are mentally healthy adapt to the conditions of the world and basically succeed in SPITE of reality. You could call it "tunnel vision" on family or success, etc

Other people value their ability to see the good as well as the extreme filth and ugliness. Its a choice.
you're telling me, I thought I was getting better for a bit then immediately my mental state went back into the shitter
I used to be able to, but lately things just look a lot more grim
well, these days the most common route people take is anti-depressants or whatever. others try exercise and other lifestyle changes. some try new hobbies/meeting new people. there's no one-size-fits-all cure, but you can take cues from other people and how they approached this

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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You got it anon. Don't be a pussy about it, I've literally got a thread up rn about how I played almost that exact situation about as incorrectly as possible, lol. Learn from my mistakes young blood.
dude, find a real girl and rail her so she begs for you
go to a club looking for a ons that she'll come crawling back for
I can get dates. But not past the first one and certainly the 2nd one. I dated over 60 women in the last few years, just 2 last week and I have at least 2 lined up for this week.
But after the 1st date I get friendzoned either explicitly or by their new-grown coldness.
Is it because I dont usually become romantic/sexual on the first date? Are women this insecure that they think I dont like them or something?
I am not a virgin and had a few short and two LTR, some prospects of relationships as well.
But even on those I didnt initiate pretty much until the 3rd date. So what the fuck is up? I dont look different from my pics. Maybe they smell my autism?
>Is it because I dont usually become romantic/sexual on the first date?
>Are women this insecure that they think I dont like them or something?
No, they probably think you're a pussy and are afraid of being sexual. But that's just my guess based off my learning the past few months, I've still never had a gf.
Can I go alone? Most of my friends are older than me and not single so they don't really want to help...

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I'm 26/f and I have been into pornography for so long and also kink ever since I turned 19. I used to be kinda plain, blonde, 5'6, nothing really special about me. But I got obsessed with becoming a sex doll and I got breast implants taking my A cups to E-cups and they're not only uncomfortable they also look grotesque on me. Veins show on them. I also spent a lot of time pumping my pussy so it could hang out of my miniskirt and now I feel like the skin isn't as taut as it could be. My lip fillers are also a lot but I don't regret them as much. How do I go back to being normal? I have piercing scars all over my tits and labia. I know this sounds too much but I really just want a nice husband at this point. Fortunately I didn't get any tattoos. But I did a lot of extreme kink. Any advice welcome I don't know how to go back to being the girl I used to be.
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I agree with what you are saying. But you cannot help someone who does not want your help and true change and growth comes within and occurs when we suffer and learn from adversity.

I would not say necessarily I am fundamentally flawed or broken but I have a lot of mental illnesses that are not as common shall we say as depression or anxiety. I have had to work hard on developing empathy and forgiving others.

I appreciate your kind words and perspective and wish you all the best.

simp ass bitch
>But you cannot help someone who does not want your help and true change and growth comes within and occurs when we suffer and learn from adversity.
Also am just speaking generally here and do not mean anyone here does not want help or cannot be helped. And I do not think overall OP is a bad person or unlovable etc even if she kept her implants or whatever. It is not much different than me taking tren to have big muscles. People gonna judge regardless of how well put together you are or are not. If someone wants to look whatever way hey thats all cool I wanna look like a comic book or anime character so who am I to belittle anyone?
How'd it end?
With us both going to prison

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I always thought I'm supposed to be cold towards women, ignore them, give them a cold shoulder, mean mug them etc.
That this is how you get them to like you. It's not like someone told me that specifically, but I always had this belief.
Is it really that common for losers to think this way? Why is it? I am autistic btw.
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I'm not this extreme but I actively ignore women, especially when they look at me, and especially when they're with their men. The audacity of these fucking whores.
there really is no winning, you pull back it doesn't work, you approach with more confidence you're coming on too strong, if you're somewhere in the middle you're treated like you don't exist.
Based. Dare I say, zased.
I have too much autism to understand what is meant by forcing an "I don't desire you".
Is this about how losers insist on needing "closure" for their crushes, because they're so fucking delusionally addicted that they don't hear the word "No" until it's explicitly spelled out for them?
Based virgins.
Shame what you wrote isn't true, and losers are the ones that care if the woman is comfortable and validated.

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Do you see yourself in this video?
(Get it of your Chest)
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I glued my balls to my butthole, baby
Lool kat he doesnt even want you
golden app leee
I feel as though you respond so hatefully to everything that I say or do. It’s like every action I take enrages you, no matter how well-intentioned, and you’re so eager to ascribe the worst possible motivations and interpret things in a negative light, or accuse me of lying even if it’s plainly obvious that I’m telling the truth. Like you’re just eager to jump on any mistake I make and point it out to humiliate me and cast me as a villain, and then justify yourself by claiming that you’re only being objective or just stating the facts, when you know very well that you’re presenting those facts selectively and out of context. And I know that you only act this way because it’s me, because if someone else did or said exactly the same thing you wouldn’t respond like that. I feel like you’ve been posting this type of shit with the intention of taunting me, like the stuff about it being the tip of the iceberg on this one and wanting to avoid women who are hopelessly mentally ill or whatever else. And I understand that I’ve wronged you and you have reasons to be frustrated, and I really am sorry, but I feel like you adopted this attitude of extreme hostility towards me even before I had really done anything wrong, like your immediate response to me attempting to communicate with you was just unmitigated rage. All I want is to be good enough for you to care about me and not be angry with me and want to communicate with me but nothing I do will ever be enough.
It’s like you hate me for being this way without acknowledging that your actions played a role in making me this way. The majority of it is my fault, and some of it is situational or circumstantial, but if you’re honest with yourself you know that you bear some responsibility.

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How do I deal with intense shame? I made a mistake that is going to seriously fuck up my life and I can't forgive myself.
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Listen, let me be VERY CLEAR.
I have hired for SBAs and I have hired for Fortune 10 companies.
I have never, and I mean NEVER, asked for a transcript.
If someone included them I didn't read them.
And I didn't care about their age, since lots of guys start uni late for good reasons and some start early.
It took me seven years to complete a three year degree, literally doesn't matter. No mistake ever matters. If you didn't fuck up here, you would've fucked up someplace else - an iron law. No one has an error-free track record. If you try your best, that's plenty sufficient. Stop spazzing about the past. It's over and done with.
could be much worse, work hard while you're still young
a lot of us couldn't even go to college and had to find alternative ways to building our futures
Satan here is right
The only job that asked me for a transcript was a government job I applied for, nobody else. If you get the degree, they don't care about your grades. I barely got a 3.0 and knew absolutely nothing about the jobs I applied for and now I'm making 110K a year, which according to US census data puts me in the top 5% of earners, and if you exclude married men and fatties, I'm in the 1%. It was my first job too, life will be fine anon. Not sure what health insurance and bipolar have to do with it, are you saying that because you want medication but can't afford it? Can't help you there, but maybe there are local programs that offer social workers for low cost therapy services?

Pass your classes, and practice interviewing HARD. That will save you.
>How do I deal with intense shame?
Stop feeling it.
Decide that whatever you did wasn't that bad and was understandable at the time. Then choose to not care so much. Done.
If your question is about how to RESOLVE your shame, you shouldn't. That only tells your shame it's correct, which feeds it and makes it grow. Don't satisfy shame, undermine it.

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I haven't showered since the start of the year and I am now covered in a dirt layer that simple water and soap won't help with. How do I recover my skin?
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post pics
how and why? lol
I have no idea but I agree with >>31147718
Pics and I’ll tell you what to do
Embrace the rot. You just haven't gone deep enough yet

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I'll try to keep this short. This girl and her friends really needed a ride somewhere, and she called me up (around 1am) asking me for a ride. This is the second time she's done this, the last time I said yes, but this time I told her that I was too tired to drive. She started asking me what I want in life, and I just said sleep. She started asking me what I REALLY want, and then she just said that she would suck my dick if I gave her a ride. I was kind of in shock, and after a solid 5 seconds of silence, I hung up. We're in highschool, and I have no sexual experience. She texted me later apologizing and saying that it was her friend, and I just said no problem.

Now I've just been laying in bed and thinking if I've made the wrong choice. She is quite an attractive girl, and I'd say I'm below average. Did she actually mean it, or was she just lying to get a ride? I didn't want to be lied to for just a ride, but I guess if she did actually fulfill her promise I wouldn't mind at all. My hands are literally shaking as I write this, what if I fumbled a big opportunity? Or did I make the right choice? What do I do if she asks me again? Now that it's already happened, I feel like I'm more ready and I could say yes next time. I have no clue, I'm just looking for some advice from someone that knows what they're saying. Thanks.
Generally best to avoid sex when people offer it like it's a currency.
Don't do anything for a sexual favour, it's creepy and often causes a ton of drama. People who offer something like this are either just fucking with you, or they're bad people to have in your life.
>She is quite an attractive girl, and I'd say I'm below average. Did she actually mean it, or was she just lying to get a ride?
Lying/joking to get a ride unless shes a prostitute. If she was honest then how many other men has she fucked for basic needs like groceries? She would be a literal prostitute.
Sex is only thing women control they use it as punishment, currency, reward, a carrot on the stick, etc.
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You're good person. I know that seems like the bare minimum but You should be proud. Ngl when I was in highschool I would've taken that offer. A football player I knew did take such an offer and the girl accused him of rape after he bragged about it. She later admitted she lied but still. It pays to not be a scumbag
Good on you anon

So the fucking bitch I had a date with that I met online doesn't want to share the social media with me to move away from the app.
I bet that ugly slut keeps her options. By the end of our date I asked her if she wants to see me on X day, she came up with some BS.
I asked her in general if she wants to meet again and she answered with "perhaps" or some other shit like that.
Later I told this fucking whore let's swap some socials and at first she was like "yeah let's" but then she said something in the lines of

>You know what, maybe let's stay here a little while, if we can TEEHEE smiley faces

Is it over based on just that message alone, should I move on onto another same bitch because all women are worthless holes?
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>fucking bitch
>fucking whore
>ugly slut
>all women are worthless holes

Gosh. I have no clue why you struggle so much with women, OP. I mean, there's no way it could be your personality, right?
She might actually have a BF already.
Stg like 1/3rd of the girls I got off apps weren't single.
The pent up frustration from being deprived of sex is a result, symptom, not a cause for my inceldom.

What was she looking for? Just getting some attention from me?

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Brief intro here: I'm a government worker atm and I'm in the process of receiving a security clearance. For a very long time I've felt that there's something not quite right with me. That I'm an alien, an extraterrestrial, some sort of machine. Not in a literal sense but in how alienated I've felt from other people throughout every phase of my life. It's made me convinced that I'm either on the Schizoid or the Autism spectrum.

I've had a burning desire recently to figure out what I am. And so I've been wanting to go to a therapist/psychiatrist and perhaps work my way towards a diagnosis. HOWEVER, I am aware that certain diagnoses could interfere with security clearance shit. Could I be denied a security clearance if I'm SzPD or autistic? Is it even worth risking my cushy government job for something as meaningless as a diagnosis?

Thank you for reading my post.
Ur not on the Schizoid or Autism spectrum. You just spend to much time online and need go outside more and interact with real people. Also u gain nothing from this diagnosis.
Personally, I'd say fully research both and figure out if you can relate to them. Not in the shitty self diagnosis way, but genuinely take your time to fully look into different struggles they face, symptoms, and listen to the firsthand accounts of those diagnosed. It can give you an overall better sense of if what your dealing with or if you've misunderstood some things, and even if you never get diagnosed you can see how people who are diagnosed cope with certain things you struggle with.
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there is another way

>I'd say fully research both and figure out if you can relate to them
Yeah, I've been looking into SzPD shit and communities for a few years now. I'm not as extreme or anhedonic as the worst of them but I definitely do share the common schizoid struggles. I don't think I'm actually autistic but I can relate with one or two things that they struggle with.
I'm not crazy
You're assuming too many things. I've worked 40 hours a week for the past 2 years. I'm currently working on a master's degree. I go to the gym every other day. Between the three of these, I interact with plenty of "real people". No matter how practiced I am I always find myself wearing plastic smiles. From rehearsing in my head what I'm going to say throughout the day. Observing others' lunch and roaming habits to best avoid them.
>Also u gain nothing from this diagnosis
This part I do agree with, though.

Fucking LOL when I was 20 women 30+ would reject me for being "too young", and even in my 30s now 40+ year old women reject me. Except when I was young I never got rejected for being old and women older than me still reject me for being le too young.

This honestly makes me wanna end it. Women say all the older guys are with young women (which I aint even attracted too) and 12-16 year old Chad gotta take all the women that are in our league/age range.

Double standard much? I am a pedo if I dated a 18-21 -- which I do not even want too and yet women 30+ only prefer male children or zoomers.

Whats the fucking point anymore? How do I move on knowing I was never attractive to women not for a second and despite all the self improvement stuff I tried none of it panned out and now I am in my mid 30s basically and stuck in a game where there is no winning for me.

What did I do to deserve this fate? I tried my best....but my best was not enough.
>What did I do to deserve this fate?

Sounds like you didn't do anything which is actually the problem. Too many men fall victim to this mode of thinking of "ok i did everything i'm supposed to, i deserve a girlfriend now" when the truth is you don't really have anything to offer these women you're pursuing which is why you're getting rejected. So you have two options: become someone they would be attracted to or date someone below your level.
>Too many men fall victim to this mode of thinking of "ok i did everything i'm supposed to, i deserve a girlfriend now" when the truth is you don't really have anything to offer these women you're pursuing which is why you're getting rejected. So you have two options: become someone they would be attracted to or date someone below your level.
I will be civil towards you but posts like this piss me off.

First question, exactly where did I say I hate women and demand/deserve sex from them?

Second question: why can women say they are entitled to a guy whose tall, handsome, rich, outgoing, etc but men are not entitled to nor deserve anything not even basic politeness.

>become someone they would be attracted to or date someone below your level.

I am 6 ft 1, have a 7 inch dick, have visible abs, have a STEM degree, have a trade, have traveled/visited multiple countries, was in the military, and am told I am very friendly, funny and likeable person.

I have asked out women who are 400 lbs (fatter than pic in OP) and got rejected. I have asked out deformed disabled women in wheelchairs and been rejected.

Nowhere did I say in any of this I deserve this or that nor did I do or suggest anything which states I am an asshole or have a bad personality or hate women.

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And also what exactly are women suppossd to offer to me? Equal rights and equal treatment right? So why do I need to have things to offer when as you said despite everything I did I have zero to offer because you should not do things to get women in your opinion. So what exactly are you supposed to offer? Given said offering could be also taken as "I deserve sex". Just kindly explain that to me without immature namecalling and assumptions.
Your argument seems to be based on the assumption that the man in question has done nothing to improve himself and deserves rejection because he has nothing to offer. However, this perspective fails to acknowledge the double standards and inherent flaws in modern feminism. Firstly, the idea that a man must "become someone they would be attracted to" is a double standard when compared to the expectations placed on women. In a society that ostensibly advocates for gender equality, it is unfair to demand that men must continuously strive to improve themselves to meet women's standards while not holding women to the same expectations. Secondly, the notion of "dating someone below your level" is inherently condescending and dismissive. It implies that there is a definitive hierarchy of worthiness in relationships, which is not only dehumanizing but also perpetuates the idea that one's value is solely determined by external factors such as age, appearance, or social status. Moreover, this argument is a prime example of the victim-blaming mentality that has become increasingly prevalent in today's society. Instead of addressing the systemic issues that contribute to the double standards and imbalances in dating preferences, it shifts the responsibility onto the individual who is struggling to find a suitable partner. In conclusion, it is essential to recognize and challenge the double standards and flawed assumptions that underlie the argument you presented. While personal growth and self-improvement are undoubtedly valuable pursuits, it is crucial to approach these endeavors without perpetuating the toxic mentality that contributes to the ongoing struggles faced by individuals in the dating world.

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I know this subject has been discussed many times but I'd like some perspective. For reference at the time of writing this I am 32 years old. This might be long as I will almost certainly ramble a bit at points so apologies in advance. Will try to remember to put a tl;dr at the bottom.

I had had a few relationships previous to her but nothing as solid, functional and as real feeling as this one. Lots of passion from both sides, very few arguments, most of which were defused through communicating.

We broke up ~8 years ago at the time of writing this after dating for ~4 years. Was partly a distance thing as I had moved to a new city for school, partly a personal thing as I was dealing wtih some personal issues that were very difficult to talk about. Obviously in the few years immediately after the break up we connected a few times. Eventually, we drifted further apart and she found another boyfriend. I did what all the advice says to do at this point...started hitting the gym, got in half decent shape, stayed off social media, hooked up with other girls, etc etc. Never pursued a relationship with anyone else. Still to this day have not felt the same attraction to anyone else as I felt with her. Hooking up with others is mostly empty and meaningless and purely physical on my end.
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Also I wouldn't necessarily say she's "just some girl" anon she's barely active on social media (literally basically only posts pictures she takes with her family on facebook), doesn't like to go out and get wasted (even in her 20s she was not into that), wants a family, has goals and a career, loves working with kids etc etc. This is all on top of being a very cute girl with a big ass on a small frame. Every other girl I meet whether through hobbies or dating apps has their face caked in disgusting makeup, isn't interested in children, has fallen into the "being a slut is feminism!" trap etc etc.

Read the rest of my the posts anon. Broke up the post into 3 since it was too many characters. The crazy thing is she's not a different person...she's very similar to who she was all those years ago. Maybe more confident & assertive now.

Trust, I've replayed the tapes many times. Had plenty of time to go over that. I was way more of a partier than she ever was, but I've greatly improved that part. Rarely drink nowadays and have actual hobbies instead. I've been out there, that's the issue...I put myself out there, I go on dates, some of them I hook up with, but most of the time after I nut I want nothing to do with these people. With her I actually enjoyed the time we spent hanging out with each other. I might have laughed harder with her than I have with anyone else, including my best friends.
>but most of the time after I nut I want nothing to do with these people. With her I actually enjoyed the time we spent hanging out with each other. I might have laughed harder with her than I have with anyone else, including my best friends.

congrats , new priorities and values - now make a beeline for these traits and identify them with the next girl one day.
>Read the rest of my the posts anon
ok, I did, in part.
you are here crying because she got a new bf, and instead of telling her how much you love her, you will keep crying forever. how about you grow a pair of balls and actually tell her that.
beware though, things might not last long and your dream might become a nightmare.
You’re a pussy and you should’ve voiced your desire and intention.

Now some other faggot gets to enjoy her tight, petite body and little bubble but
No nigga I am not here crying about it, I want advice on how to properly move on from this. We've had the conversation, we had a good long one when I hit her up this week and she told me she was dating someone else. It's irrelevant because I don't want her back, I want to know a) if it's possible to move on from ""the one"" and b) How other guys have gone about it if the typical "get fit, no contact, fuck other women" schtick does not work.

Yes anon thank you for reiterating what I already said

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>go to club
>see girl eyeing me
>approach her
>we dance and drink and end up going back to her hotel room
>we get into bed
>she tells me I can take my clothes off (in a non-sexual way imo)
>I do
>we cuddle and go to sleep
>she ghosts me the next day

Was the sex supposed to happen then? I didn’t get any indicators she wanted to fuck. We didn’t even kiss much. we made out for a bit at the club but she pulled away after a few seconds each time.
We were both drunk and very tired when we got to her hotel. It didn’t seem like she wanted to fuck.

I wanted to meet her then next day and have sex then but like I said she ghosted.
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Why do people on /adv/ get so flabbergasted by not having good experiences with women they met in low class hangouts like night clubs? No one should be surprised that a woman they met the first time and was willing to get naked with them in a matter of hours ghosted them
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local /adv/iggers need enteratainment simple as
>low class hangouts like clubs

Everyone goes clubbing/ partying. Your bookworm oneitis you see at the library too.

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I have realized that whether it is to study or consume some form of entertainment, be it movies, series, video games, my attention span is 40-48 minutes. After that, I look at the clock, for example, when studying to see when the time is up and that's how it ends. How do I exponentially increase that time?

Is converting to Islam because of a girl i like a bad idea? I really really like this girl. We are good friends and known each other for some years.
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His advice is actually good. She needs to convert to your religion, not your cuck ass converting to a religion that venerates power
Will she be romantically interested in you if you convert? Has she given you any indication of that? Does she even care about the religion of the guys she dates?

I'd strongly recommend you try asking her out before converting, unless you have some interest in becoming a Muslim independent of her.

Does Islam hold any appeal to you, apart from this girl?

Maybe asking her out before converting sounds scary to you, because maybe you're telling yourself that if you become a Muslim, she'll see you as a viable option. If this is how you're thinking, then you're probably lying to yourself. Taking little baby steps until you're perfectly comfortable asking her out, minimizing the possibility of rejection, is extremely unattractive and it's being a pussy.

You don't have to be aggressive about asking her out. You don't even have to call it a date. Ask if she'd like to go to a restaurant with you, or do some activity with you one-on-one. If she likes you, she'll go. If she doesn't, she'll come up with an excuse not to go.

I should probably leave it there, but to indulge the hypothetical conversion a little...

How serious of a conversion would this need to be? Are her parents pretty liberal Muslims, and this is just a way to assuage them so you can be with her? Because people do those kinds of customary conversions to Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. all the time, just for the wedding to make the family happy.

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But given that it's Islam, I'm thinking it probably isn't that. Most relationships don't work out. So in the hypothetical that you do date or even marry her, if you're converting for her, I'd be concerned that you'd come to resent the conversion when you become dissatisfied with the relationship or you fall out of love with her. No matter how infatuated with her you are now, after 2.5 years the infatuation will probably go away. If the conversion is hollow, will you regret it? Will any Muslims hold it against you if you de-convert? Probably not, but the punishment for leaving Islam ("apostasy") is death in the Quran, so are you inviting that?

I wouldn't do it. I think Islam is a stupid fucking religion, with ridiculous ideas that only make sense if you were trying to run a desert tribe hundreds of years ago. I love Persian, Moroccan, and Indonesian girls, but trying to be in a religion just because of someone else is hollow, disingenuous, and seems like it would be miserable. Islam is a large religion, and the Bektashi sect have some beautiful philosophies. There are also great Islamic philosophers and poets like Rumi and Hafez. So if you did get really into Islam, there are some great works to explore. But still, the religion is bullshit IMO. It's also basically cosplaying as an Arab. I know Islam was in different parts of Africa, Asia, and Southern Europe for over a thousand years, and that there's this idea that Islam is for everyone. They have to say that because it's a proselytizing religion. But it's bullshit. It literally believes Arabic is the only holy language, it tells people to live like an Arab desert tribe, and there's an idea that Arabs came up with Islam because by that time Christianity was mostly associated with Europe, Judaism of course belonged to the Jews, so Arabs wanted a distinctly Arab religion.

There are positives to religion, like community. Maybe you'll get into the philosophy or literature of it. But I would never convert to Islam, and especially not for a girl, no matter how much I liked her. That seems disastrous.
>Arabs came up with Islam because Christianity was for Europeans
Not at all especially at 600 AD when the Levant and Egypt were Oriental Orthodox(not catholic) and Europe was not a unified continent with a european identity. 600 AD was even before much of northern Europe was Christianized.
>Punishment for apostasy is death in the Quran
Its in the Hadith not the Quran. You dont even know the basics dude dont write an essay like you're some authority on Islam.
Not a bad idea if you are open to religion as a way of life. Islam has a much more robust scholarly tradition than other religions.

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