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>get on meds two years ago
>eat like a pig ever since
>feeling "full" doesn't mean anything
>often want food even when I'm not actively hungry
I've gone up like 3-4 waist sizes and had to buy a completely new wardrobe... how do you stop eating?
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>Complaining about spacing is fucking wierd on this site.
right?! I've been here since 2007. the reddit spacing thing started a couple years ago.

I really don't get it. doing small paragraphs or putting sentences on seperate lines started long before reddit or 4chan existed.

it's just common courtesy and makes long posts easier to read.

and the whole "we hate reddit" it's done. it's over. no one cares. I would love to see a time stamp pic of the people who get so butthuirt over it.

I don't know if they are young or oldfags.

"reddit spacing" was normal on 4chan before reddit existed pic related.

we will never stop.
cool story gramps
That sounds rough anon, but I feel there are steps missing between getting laid and plotting the murder of an entire family.
This is perfection

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america created european cuisine
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they were vaping weed
Potatoes are also "anachronistic" for The Lord of the Rings, considering it is thematically it was supposed to start as a myth for England.
Also dwarves having Yorkshire accents, while not anachronistic is still inaccurate. Everyone knows dwarves are Geordies. They're the shortest people in the UK to this day (average male height is 5ft8 up there lmao).
oh cool, fun food fac--
>le ebil deseases!
ah, it's jewish
compared to how europeans lived, native americans were very very clean

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Rate my breakfast ck

>Buttermilk pancake
>Egg white omlete with chicken, ham, green peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomato, spinach and feta cheese
>Hot cocoa
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angel trumpet/ brugmansiai guess
You need hand lotion
Yes. My dietary requirements now are severely restricted.
Even the medicine I’m allowed to take has been carefully scaled back.
Most disappointingly is their insistence I stop my HRT. After 3 years on I now have to just stop.
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Trans or just a femboy?
liver transplant incoming, GL op

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do you have tasty lunches?
me, yes
Yeah I eat warm mayonnaise out of the neighbours female Jack Russell

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20409957
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Either or.
>as in like pu-erh from Yiwu or there's a specific variety from there?
Puerh from Yiwu, different mountains generally have a different character. It's not exactly as straightforward as you might think, since there's a sort of feedback loop of mountains being known to have a certain character, so tea with that character from there is more valuable, so it's produced to be that way. Lao Banzhang tea needs to have Banzhang taste for example. The second sort of confounding factor is that around 90% of tea labelled Yiwu tea is not actually from Yiwu, so the counterfit tea must mimic Yiwu taste. I thought about writing a quick tea precession of simulacra post but that's pretty much all of it there. There is a nebulus understood "Yiwu" taste and so tea that is labelled "Yiwu" must be made to have that taste.

But yes, Yiwu is generally considered softer.
interesting, that makes sense. thanks for the explanation. will be looking for some labelled Yiwu
Huh, neat, I might get a little bit when I place an order next time. Thanks for the recommendation, anon.
nta but maybe you can help me as well, I recently tried a sample of this from YS:
I really enjoyed the sort of 'fresh rain' flavors present. It's way too expensive for me to order in larger quantities to drink regularly though, so I was wondering if there might be something similar available for less money. do most liu baos have a similar flavor in general or would that be unique to particularly aged ones? I've tried some ripe pu-erhs which are somewhat similarly earthy but don't seem to reach the flavor I can only describe as fresh rain.

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Best cake is lemon cake.
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I'm not seeing a single wrong answer so far.
Found the niggers
I generally find sponge cake to be utterly disgusting but when it's stuffed with dry fruits and nuts it allright
I present the humble Christmas cake delicious soaked in rum and spices

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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee adjacent topics

Best brewer and breakfast (3B's) edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, make any Irish Palestine support youtubes?

Previous thread: >>20419128
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should i make a cheeky late afternoon goff?
0-4 yes 5-9 no
gofff kingg
Xi Jinping approved
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mmmm goffee (:
>"Hi. Could I have an espresso with [X] amount of refrigerated milk added please? Thank you."
Simple as that. If you need any more assistance with your daily goings on, please do not hesitate to ask!

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Tomato apologists always pretend there's some big mystery behind the tomato
>Oh, you don't like because you never had a good one
>You should taste the one from my Nonna's yard
There isn't. It just a watery disgusting vegetable like many others. It makes a good sauce, yes but eating a raw tomato is one of the most grim things in cuisine.
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Those are unripe green tomatoes that are grown in hot houses, they are shipped in nitrogen purged containers that make them turn redp0nkx
bear this cock in your ass
>memed each other into thinking
That's unironically what happened. 16th century European peasants were basically no different than Qanon types.
it can get up to 125 degrees here in the summer.

most plants just fucking die around june.

to grow a garden here I would have to:
do a raised bed. install a drip irrigation system, cover the entire garden with 50% sun netting. all this to get some tomatoes.

and still they just fucking die from the heat.

I oncee tried to grow grapes. I'll save you the story, when all was said and done my grapes (when I got some) cost me about $50 a pound. I am not kidding.
Tomatoes might be a fruit botanically, but culinarily it's a vegetable.

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Do you like Cream of Wheat?
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Never had it. Is it just chocolate flavored CoW?
More or less. Very light flavor, not very sweet. Drop some slices of banana in there. Good stuff.
For me it's chocolate malt-o-meal, the best hot breakfast cereal.
How do I maximize clumping?
I love it. Especially during fall and winter.

>go to the supermarket
>Only tiny chicken
>Couldn't believe it
>Dragged a couple birds to the fresh produce section to weight them myself
>We can't even afford to feed the hens anymore
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congratz, you bought good chicken and not those mutated american monstrosity full of woody meat. lucky you.
Why is /ck/ being raided?
How am I supposed to feed a family of me and three waifus with this?
Their being killed quicker than we can grow them. Variants of bird flu keep popping up and agriculture fires. An egg company near me just lost a building that housed half a million chickens.
Something breaks in you when you work in those places. I worked on the production floor for a meat packer. 12 hours in a freezer slicing brisket off your part of the carcass. Cut off the extra fat and scrap meat, push it on the burger line. Cut out any cysts or undesirable and put it on the bin line. Be ready to grab the next one in 15 seconds. Above you and on the other side of the plant cows are loaded up the belt. Their slowly pushed through a cushioned feeder, bolt to the head, chain grabs the hoof, one second later the throat is slit, blood begins to flow into it's collection channel to be processed, the belt continues on, every part of that beast is removed with machine precision, each part is used for something down to the piss. Within 24 hours a cow goes from feed lot to freezer. When you enter and exit you have to walk beside the lots, look them in the eye. At lunch you go up to the cafeteria and you eat the hamburger that is on the menu every day. It changes you
You should consider changing careers to elderly care

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It's grilling season bros
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Inb4 grilling versus barbecuing autism.
not in this economy it isn't
Barbecuing is lower and slower, otherwise they're the same.
what's a smahsburger?
It's butter all over a guys asshole with freshly cooked vegetables

vegan for about 20 years, could out-cook 90% of you, and haven't bothered thinking about nutrition in all that time (>b-b-b-but muh protein)

Still working on the perfect oatmilk now, and starting a new sauerkraut/curtido
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Whats the thing that look like meat?
veganism is a plot started by big spice.
You should be thinking about nutrition though. Not saying it to be a jerk. I'm vegetarian and felt a lot better after adding in some supplements. Iron, vitamin A, and omega 3 in particular. It's unfortunate but true that you're likely to be lacking some things if you don't eat meat/organs/fish.
did you miss the "20 years" bruh?
Feels like if I break my leg someone will be like:
tsk tsk tsk, hm, that vegan diet

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grilled illuminati
That looks pretty good.
Good for prisoners serving life sentances and I'm not even snarky.

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This is a bottle of blue raspberry prime energy drink. Is this white stuff supposed to be here, if so what is it? Also the drink has a bot of a whiteish hue to it.

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It takes two hands to handle a Whopper.
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Same advertisers as Jeb!'s 2016 presidential bid.
please clap
Cut it in half for her
>Every time I eat at burger king, I get the shits.
I eat food, it comes out the other end later. why do these things always happen to me?
He's not complaining about matter leaving his body but the exact state of the aforementioned matter.
many people make absurd claims about I eat X and it gives me the shits.

no it doesn't. list all the other foods you ate that day. the last thing you ate is almost never the cause of the shits unless it's highly contaminated. I never get the shits from ANY FF.

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