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Why is the main character an Englishmen who literally does nothing? Why does the royalty girl fuck him for no reason in episode 4. What is the point of this show at all actually? I'm on episode 5. What the fuck.
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I would create an heir for the Taiko with her.
>spends his life with a cold unloving wife
>as his father ends his life he expresses his desire to follow suit
>request refused and told he will learn what it is to be denied
Dude couldnt catch a break. He was a hero on the battlefield and a joke in his personal life. Guy was tragic.
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John did after the last episode.
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If only Toranaga could be half the man of Bran the bold.

How come movies don't have surreal song and dance sequences anymore? I think The Big Lebowski (1998) was the last major cultural milestone to have such sequence.

webms with audio:
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This is the best movie I've ever seen
You niggers need to get on this shit if you haven't already
>the princess's cute little boobs
uh. so for that to land you need
>talented writer
>talented singer/actor
>talented editor/director
>talented choreographer
>talented extras
>talented set designer
and probably much much more. and shit that needed fucking Hervé Villechaize.

and even if you had all of that, it still could've landed flat on its ass. such is the dilemma of art.
You forgot the part where one of the guys dancing in jockstraps is Bette Midler's husband.

>How much for that fat guy in the circle? I don't see a price tag.

Sacrificial Edition
previous: >>198668859
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what movie
lens is an absolute fucking scourge, I couldn't get rid of it a while ago but it doesn't happen for me now, maybe they're a/b testing.
anyway I switched to "Search by Image" extension.
try this?
I use it, but for a different browser
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films that utilize this!?
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It’s a dagger from the show
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The Prestige
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Eveything on Alien happened because an idiot put his face on an alien egg for the lulz.

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give him a cheeky fart vacuum before sending him on his way?
Polygraphs aren't considered reliable evidence anymore anyway
If he crossed his fingers secretly.
Thumb tack in your sock, press your toe down on it before any answer and make all the readings of the machine show elevation in heart rate.
They fed him the suggestion that he attacked Shannan because she killed the kids, and he confessed to that. The detective felt extremely guilty about it later because they had him dead to rights anyway, so there was no reason to let him smear her name.

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This is 100% correct.
God i miss 2007-2014. It was so good.
It's funny because if Micheal Cera had been born later he would have absolutely troon out.
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>pussy on a pedestal
Yup, written by a woman. Discarded.
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quite butch

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What did he mean by this?
British people are all pedos.
terry gilliam was born in america
he was the only mutt in monty python
Probably just [failed] rage-baiting.

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ITT we discuss Another Round, one of the greatest films of the last decade
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I agree with this anon. It won't be easy. Switch to beer too, it's nearly impossible to taper with wine or liquor if you have a drinking problem.
Chasing vodka with diet pepsi over here.
Just finished my six-millionth playthrough of Master of Orion 2.
peak vibe desu, cracking a bebis rn
Watching ProJared's newest vids since he stopped doing Now In the 90s.
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Do actors realize that movies are pretend and nothing bad is really happening?
The good ones cant tell the difference.
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She was so perfect.
>harv's deformed choad
>his stubble on her thighs
Somewhere, a therapist recordings of this.
you misunderstand understand the nature of trauma; it could be that she felt disrespected, unheard, powerless, with no one caring for her. she was in a situation beyond her control, with so much riding on it. Something like this can traumatize someone for years.

On my way to page 10 edition
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Not so fast, bitch.
Genuinely one of the greatest shows i've watched, were there /tv/ threads when it came out ? I think i remember seeing some with the last season but expecting more, wasn't much of a /tv/fag back then

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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

In Living Techni-cat-lor Edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

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300 replies and 56 images omitted. Click here to view.
You should save up and buy yourself some EnChroma glasses.
That's okay. I'm tone deaf.
What /film/ has your favorite color grade?
They're a scam. The company has paid YouTubers to shill them, and a lot of the videos are staged. Glasses can't replace missing cone cells.

La Notte
Just watched Purple Noon and The American Friend back to back. Not sure how much liberty both of these movies take from their respective books but I found it really interesting. I like the idea of Ripley narrowly escaping jail and subsequently living a much less glamorous life than it seems like he was living in Purple Noon.
I liked the way his attempt to forge a friendship with Zimmerman felt like him atoning for killing Greenleaf.

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I can't believe weed is getting stronger every two weeks, and these niggas ain't sending out memos or bulletins or NOTHING.
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He meant everyone knew but no one said anything for 30 years
It's true. The shit is too strong these days.
>I'm not even gay
You sure about that?
Don't play it again.
the motorcycle story gets me to laugh no matter how many times Ive heard it

I just finished assembling my top 1000 list, still a WIP. Let me know what I should add or delete.

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I was thinking about that movie, in my battle of whether or not to include Air Bud. I should have gone with my instincts.
I can't take myself seriously as an adult if I have more than one movie that centers around a stunt animal.
Delete: Baby Driver
Add: Baby’s Day Out
Delete: Dune Trilogy
Add: Dunston Checks In
Good notes
holy shit me too I’m this anon

>what if we just drop all the plot points because the movie is le dark and le nihilistic?
Bravo, 10 out of 10.
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While I certainly wouldn't want it in every movie, it's nice to occasionally have one where stories don't all get to just progress to some conclusion and are instead just shot dead by a crazy person
he's upset there wasn't any resolution on screen
Does Brolin sun tan his perineum in this?
>what if we just drop all the plot points
How were the plot points dropped?
>what if le bad guy randomly killed u?? ever think of that??

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