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/cm/ - Cute/Male

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/cm/ is for 2D male work-safe images. Images should depict animated males and be cute in nature.

1. Check the catalog before creating a thread to avoid duplicate threads.
2. Please post 5 to 6 images to get new threads started.
3. This board is for animated content only. Do not post images depicting "real" people.
4. Images of heterosexual couples belong on >>>/c/
5. Pornographic homosexual or solo male content belongs on >>>/y/

Global rules apply as well. Provide high quality content and report infringing posts.

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Last thread: >>3863460
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Sunflower Edition?
Previous: >>3868787
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i don't usually think of hero as a twink but holy fuck i want him
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The last thread reached its limit, let's continue here!
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Will Sunday get cocolia treatment?
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He'll be playable but not in penacony if he doesn't get cocolia'd. I don't think Xipe vs Ena will be resolved on one planet so Sunday still has excuses to appear later on
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Underwear edition

Previous: >>3881103
Trap shota: >>3878372
Kemoshota: >>3860331
Shota manga: >>3844997
Shota literature: >>3821122
Shota figs and dolls: >>3853606
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Mob my boy husband
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Little French rat boy king from a Plague Tale
I know cm doesnt like renders so im dropping a link so others learn of his beauty
gotta be honest, if I didnt know they were half Mexican I'd had assumed they were Filipino kek
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how come i've lived 2x odd years in his planet without hearing of them, holy fuck

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A thread for posting (non-shota) traps. It's cool if there's a regular guy in the frame, so long as the trap is the focus.

Can also be a general "crossdressing" thread.
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Not mentally, he's reincarnated, the cliche case of an adult in a kids body.
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Kenma technically isn't even a trap but there's a couple artist and this one in particular that draws him much more fem than he actually appears
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With the new update I've been seeing some more fanart so I figured they deserve a thread.

Who did you marry?
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I married Elliott, I'm a sucker for a man with long hair. I'd love to read his books.
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Married Sebastian because I love emo boys. Sadly there's not much to the marriage, which I imagine is true of many marriages in this game. Still, I love this dork and wish Sam pushed him in the water at that first Moonlight Jellies festival (before the jellies arrived obv!)
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dog and cat
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More Catnap in the afterlife angst

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Cant really take this guy's art seriously after all the shitposting lol.
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Wholesome AU where all the Critters (at least the living ones) are united in following the prototype : )

Rip Kickin ;__;... (And Hoppy I guess)


A thread for original cute male characters that aren't necessarily in any "real" media. The oc can be yours or someone else's.

Picrel is an oc by snuffcorp
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This is (one of) my many oc's. His name is rascal, he's based on the black parade :3
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have about the only finished(ish) drawing I have of any of my OCs. (And probably also the best thing I’ve ever drawn.) This is Castor, he’s a devil, he’s one of the main protagonists of a project I’m working on.

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Previous >>3882715
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These stupid shapes !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my god this hit me with a wave of nostalgia way harder than a game that’s like four years old should be able to induce

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Post cute boys bathing together, preferably cleaning each others hair.
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I didn’t know I wanted this until today
Unironically its such a comforting thing due to ig my mother doing it back then when i was a kid.

Humans really gotta have more grooming behaviour. I've never liked letting my man wash his hair or body without me doing it, it feels like a wasted opportunity haha.
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Me on the left.

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Last thread: >>3841664

/co/ refugee camp
non-/a/ generally welcome
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Jimmy had better chemistry with Timmy. More friction. I feel like Jimmy and Dexter would get annoying quickly
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I like my pairings like I like starbucks drinks, fucking awful on all sides involved
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Hmm ....
It has good pairings
There’s an artist I followed on Twitter who drew Jimmy x Timmy stuff. My account was suspended ages ago though and I can’t remember the @ :(

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post the cute guys from the Scott Pilgrim series. Can be ship art or solo.
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I think the show ended at a reasonable point, but I still wish that there was another season coming.
Didn't the ending tease at another season?
Sorry if this is off topic, but doesn't it feel a bit bad to anyone else? Not the acceptance, obviously, but the fact that views on this changed so fast that we see now zoomers act like growing up feeling inadequate and deeply flawed is a sob story. Normies act like it never happened, or like they were always accepting. Yet I still struggle with lots of that shame and guilt I was taught growing up. It's kinda fucked up in a way idk.
No, you're right. I'm also still working through that pain, I only just recently allowed myself to realize/acknowledge that I had had a crush on one of my friends in high school, which was like 15 years ago. There was so much hatred for so long, and suddenly things get a little better and straights start calling us privileged. And I've always tried so hard to be a good ally to trans people, but when I see heterosexual trans calling themselves gay I can't help but feel kind of ticked off. Like the thing that caused us so much suffering beyond our control has now been turned into a cute little costume to make straight zoomers feel special, a costume they can choose to take off any time they feel like it. And that's not even getting into the "cotton ceiling" bullshit that's getting pushed now, it's almost like we're moving in a circle.

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