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Would you?
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Don't know, but it would be nice.
I refuse to think Cithis would not use the opportunity to have the sheltered and naive noble girl that anoys her fucked hard in the most embarassing way in this scenario
Or wait - is Otta cleaning up?
Personally, I assume that it's due to the literal fluff padding her chest. I mean, look at these feathers. They must add about a cup of size while in shirt.
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Clean the litterbox.
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Very cute. Very canon. Glad Otona confirmed it
Everyone already knew that Karen was cute in Yes 5.
Pinapple melons!

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I think she's coming off too bold now
>Why are people saying it got axed?
It hit bottom 2 in the ToC
Not just any series can come back from that
You can see lots of misery coming from people who just want "revenge". Cause you know, Chainsaw Man was a disappointment.
I'm convinced that after Samurai 8 and CSM, people want to see the next /a/ equivalent of TORtanic.
Are those not the equivalent?

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Why was Pan the cutest?
young, fertile saiyajin womb, strong, stay young for longer time

Akane won.
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Be nice to Ruby she's an innocent girl
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>because she has zero gap moe and you can’t refute this
anon... she's supposed to be ai lite.
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How do you know? You don't even read this manga in the first place.
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people give to much shit to kana, but in story it makes perfect sense for her to be a bitch to aqua, he's a genuine piece of shit to her
>ghost her for an entire year
>manipulates, gaslights and straight up abuses her
>was physically abused by aqua
>aqua is NEVER honest with her, and subconciously she's awared of this
she should just ditch aqua at this point
Kana will never be Ai. No one will ever be Ai. Don't ever fucking insult Ai like that again, you shit.

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Will Chopper finally do it?
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After he kills Shanks yeah 100%
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its okay little troonie itll be another 8 years minimum
Vivi cute

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Favorite Sailor Moon villain?

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I still can't believe she won.
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But she also gets with Shinra along with Iris
I believe in Season 3
I believe in the Soul Eater remake
I believe it WILL be high quality too.
Wasted quads
The ending implies it's only Inca & Iris, and even Iris staying with Shinra is kinda iffy depending on how you see the ending.
>The ending implies it's only Inca
It implies the exact opposite multiple times

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>*annoying record scratch sound*
Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation…
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Only the strongest.
The get out of horny jail free card
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The wisest, most stoic and elegant of them all.
Unmatched in sheer intelligence and stragetic wit.
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TARDcolo is a jobber retard.
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I can't deal with this anymore... my hero has been disgraced, the halls, desecrated... my idol is gone and his successor is a hack... there is nothing to live for... I'm ending it all! GOODBYE!!
SHITcolo is a dickless pedo.
(not pictured)
...but enough about Jiren.

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>open paint (again)
>use only squares to draw an anime (again)
>anons guess what it is (again)
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That combine harvester scene?
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Samurai flamenco?
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It's that time again. Chapter 24 of Strike it Rich. Dumping now.
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Anyway, since I've brought the topic up, why the fuck was the entire revenge cartel punishment scene framed from Xia Ji's perspective if we're supposed to root against him and FOR KOGA? What was that bullshit about CONVICTION or whatever all about? Strong people are not allowed to be cowards? Because that's what makes Xia Ji evil?
Why does Sandro keep shooting himself in the foot when it comes to this?
>Why does this make me so upset?
It should. That scene was an affront to the readers at best.
I'll never get the "no bad products, only bad consumers!" mindset.
Inaba isn't an assassin he is from an assassin clan. He is a bodyguard instead and has no kill count that we know of. Genzan's a good man take that back.
If he wanted us to root against Xia, have Koga struggle way more. It's like Sandro doesn't understand the underdog narrative.
Inaba has a confirmed kill count. But Genzan's an idiot
And I'd give Nogi props for that, but people don't get credit for extinguishing a fire they started, considering he was the reason Kazuo and Rihito were in debt in the first place.
Sure, Kenzo could have repaid all of that easily, but Rihito could have literally been in slavery if Nogi let him slip from his mind.
>Still no Hina
When will this filler arc end?

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Alright, it is Sunday and I am gonna post the sixth volume of Ranma 1/2. Feel free to react or comment on any panel, though I appreciate if image replies are not used during the dump. Feel free to discuss anything Ranma 1/2 related after the dump.

Previous thread: >>265834512

Despite the OP image, I am using the latest Viz localization which does not feature this cover exactly as it is a 2-in-1 edition. Due to image limits, I will be dumping chapters by original volume. Be aware that some of the larger images have been edited to be lower quality due to image size limits.

In addition, I will be dumping the one short story from the Rumic World and Rumic Theatre series that came out around this time. This translation is old, the scans are bad, I don't trust the localization and it is read Left to Right because they are flipped. Today, that will be "Hidden in the Pottery".
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That's a cute monkey
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Probably not
Like a real Physical one ? Or 3d Digital one ?
Cause both work, One is cheaper then the other.

A real one is more convent. no need to turn on pc can just get up pose it and use.

Digital one is more flexible but you require a pc/laptop and a source of power.

really comes down to preference.

but muh hands get tired of fingering.
>4 (four) (quattro) (四) threads this weekend
hayai and woah! those are some powerful drills, gotta be armor piercing. Her little heart pupils are so cute! And the off shoulder shirt too, I love the tied off bit, one of my favorite pieces of casual wear. Very moe dolphin plush too, I respect her preparedness. Your purple lines also really pop and add a moe factor. Thank you for the sleepy chovy! she's got me looking forward to sleep tonight.
>My husband is an arsonist, please understand.
well give him my thanks because it looks like my vague PJs description worked out really well here haha
I'd like to get a physical one, I want to draw stuff on paper. So I think I'll buy a pair. Thanks anons.

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The new chapter is out today, and the hype is off the charts.
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Henry and Martha old people sex
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Yeah and while Axeman can do that, he's also setting them against the brewing war setting which is what he seems to want to focus on. I'm saying that keeping it simple would mean he could focus more on that without also needing to explain all the other details that honestly don't really matter much to the characters even in the present day. In this flashback the focus is on how the war and their failure to prioritize each other led to them drifting apart. I don't really care what he does with their personal histories, I just hope he doesn't let the other details derail that idea.
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>adult love
>young love
>and now senior love
I thought this manga was about spy and shit

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