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Post Nikkers
Talk about Nikkers
Be cumfy
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>hate Chime's voice
>makes my ears bleed
>she gets her ears cut off
I didn't want this. I did not want to experience this type of sadistic irony.
Her pain was all your fault anon, I hope you're proud of yourself
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Anyone want to talk Teambuilding? I have no idea what I'm doing really but have made some attempts to find a team that works. Any suggestions on team comps based on this roster and my current team?
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Pyramid head was a kid who was bullied at school, he used to wear a paper hat to hide himself James was his bully
>one hand emerges from the dirt in front of the tombstone
>then a triangular red helmet
>"P...P...PY..PY... PYRAMID HEAD!!!!!"
>James darts out of the room at the speed of light making a cartoon "VROOOOOM" sound, a big cloud of dust can be seen where he was one second ago, causing pyramid head to cough and choke
I would actually play a version of the game like this. It would be really funny
This is awesome.

Btw Id love a silent hill with dialog from Airplane

Splatoon 4 needs to try harder.
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I'd like to engage with them
They honestly should've just waited until Switch 2 for Splat3. Keep updating 2 with occasional balance updates and fests to keep players invested, and it could've easily lasted the entirety of the Switch's lifespan
splatoon 2 could have accumulated more content but its clear from sales that 3 was the right decision and that consumers would ignore the insidiously bad map design issues if everything else looked somewhat polished.
Based thread
Sounds great and i hope you find it, Anon

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Name one game from the 90s that /v/ would have hated if 4chan was around back then
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Myst is a big one that people would hate here
Omikron: The Nomad Soul
Standards were a lot lower in the 90s. People rented games a lot and I don't remember anyone calling them shit, even if they were buggy.
is this pic wasted potential?
the face etc is all good, but the full pic is meh
Bubsy in Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind
Bubsy II
Bubsy 3D

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Fallout 1 didn't understand the setting, though. It's just a bunch of boring survivors living in boring, crappy settlements that don't have anything interesting going on. Wow, the Hub is ruled by a council of merchants and there's some dumb Thieves' Guild rip-off, who cares? There's no flavor to the wasteland in 1, it's just a boring emptiness full of tin shacks and aggressive raiders who attack you between towns, which is ironically what people accuse 3 of being.
>Fallout 1 (As in the first game in series, as in the game that gets to establish the setting) doesn't understand the setting
nigger what the fuck you on?
One guy running around tardwrangling incompetent pantshitters doesn't qualify as a civilization.
Bethesda's interpretation of Fallout is more true to what the original was trying (and failed) to do

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What would you do if a gamer was sitting on your lap, picking games she's better at, gloating, winning, and just generally dominating you in every aspect of life, but especially vidya?
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There are those rare instances of very short women that are also slow aging.
Retard this is literally the character from the "child gf" meme
I would probably get angry and yell at her or something
I know, but those I mentioned are the second best thing.
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>Sister's school friend is into old guys and has actually dated old guys because her parents are ok with it
>My sister shows her a photo of me
>Says she actually liked me
>Invited us to her quinceanera
/v/ros... i think i'll make it, oh and before you ask, yes third worlder

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>Censors game
>Anti-censorship gamers still buying the game anyway
And this is why you will always lose. You will make excuses and copes everytime a game you were hyped for get's censored.

>"it's only a bit of censorship"
>"well the devs are actually on our side and were forced to do this so we should still buy the game to support them"
>"If we don't buy the game then the journalists win! Even though the devs lied to us and censored it"

Boycotting is the only solution to this. If you support this game after they lied to you and censored it despite advertising themselves as the "anti-censorship" coomer game, than you are telling them that you are okay with censorship and they can lie and censor your games and you'll just give them your money anway. If you buy the game now you deserve everything you get. You deserve to have your hobbies censored and destroyed. Because you have no principles whatsoever. You just want to consoom.
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I think the solution is demanding and pressuring the developer into returning what was censored.
>next update they'll add manjaws, huge dongs and nerf cup sizes
and fanboys in denial will still
Nikke isn't a game either. I'd much rather see attempts like Stellar Blade on the market than Nikke. Turning away new IPs from the industry hurts it's bottom line.
The developer has to capitulate to the publisher since they are funding the game. The pressure should be put on Sony.
Accepting censorship hurts the industry as a whole, and sets a bar for both past and future projects

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Which on of them gave us the best combat in the 2000s era?
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noooo that action game doesn't count because i heckin' said so
Bayonetta at the top for sure
>stat dependant
>thinking it's even remotely on the same level as games that don't rely on stats
No, level 1 runs are not the equivalent to action games. If your kit is limited by a leveling system and you can just stat gate your way through the game than it isn't an action game.
Still better than your favorite hack n slash
Right because being able to cheese your way through with limit form or leveling is as good as any boss in Bayo or DMC. don't pretend like you even know what you're talking about.

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How can Square make Final Fantasy popular again?
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Cloud is the Warrior of Light though, because he killed Chaos. I get you're probably new to trying to wrap your head around the plot, but there is no functional difference between the characterization of Clive and Cloud. All the Final Fantasy games tell the same story with different names.
>He's not the chosen one, he's not the Warrior of Light, and even if Zack seemed like he was all of those things to Cloud he was still gunned down in the desert like a dog without being able to accomplish much of anything.
Consider that the opposing force of the game isn't some kind of grand force of destiny that needs a chosen one and ancient prophecies to be fought, either.
It's been discussed in multiple threads at this point, but Sephiroth is kind of a bitch as far as sheer power levels go, he's some random chump who got the magical equivalent of the nuclear codes and initiated a countdown with them.
Hell, it could be argued that a good chunk of FF games aren't really that centered on the idea of chosen ones. FFII you're just a bunch of orphans, V you're mostly a bunch of nobodies who rise to the occasion and who just happen to be there to be the last hope for restoring the crystals as they are progressively destroyed one by one, VIII you're a nobody mercenary, X you have a connection to what's going wrong in the world but ultimately are really just another nothing special nobody whose main contributing ability to the story is "being able to think outside the box and challenge established beliefs".
Hell even VI, while you do have someone that could be characterized as special and unique, you don't even need them there to finish the game.
The chosen one is primarily a FF14 talking point. It outs who just started with the series when they bring up the Warrior of Light.
I get where you're coming from but XIV is funny in that it doesn't have a chosen one either, at the end of the day once it's explained what the mechanics of being the "Warrior of Light" actually mean
In V, Bartz is the son of Dorgann and Krile was the granddaughter of Galuf, who both sealed Exdeath with the other Warriors of Dawn 30 years before the plot of V started. Faris and Leena are also royalty. Not exactly "nobodies".

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That's good. Keep the positivity going!
Cool gen. Majora's Mask is fantastic.
Steady on there.
I will rape you tonight.

I like the impressionist Peach look too.
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>Aaaaaaaggggffccc Aaaaaaaggggffccc AUUUHHHHAUUUHHHHHHG auuuhh Aaaaaaaggggffccc yyytttyyyyhhhaaaaaaqwwqqquuhhhhhh

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pre-rendered environments are pure kino
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I get that, but the seamlessness IS what the developers want.
It's why they are so obsessed with open world shit. You can't have "screens" or "loading" or "transitions" because all of that apparently ruins the immersion. So if the seemlessness has to be sacrificed to get the advantages of pre-rendered stuff, then it's purely a downside to them, because you're sacrificing the one thing they actually care about.
Even if it allows your game to have way more unique locations, they see it as limiting.
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Wow, what a mansion!
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Whatever you say, supercop

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Just 5 more years. Trust the plan. VR nation stay strong just keep wearing the retarded goggles for 5 more years.
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Remember when people were saying Facebook was a massive bubble in like 2010 but turned out it wasn't because they were able to diversify and monetize their stuff? Tesla is what Facebook was at the time if the boomers were right. It's insane a car company can be worth this much when they ship low volume, have this bad quality, have no significant monetized services and aren't a luxury brand. They are carried hard by their excellent batteries.
No he was making a meme to draw eyes to his name so he could toss his portfolio around and shop for a job.
He did just that too, I think like a month after he announced that "new headset" he joined up with some other company.
good god electric cars sound like utter shit to buy
I cant speak for nissans or toyotas, but Teslas specifically are showing to be hell for the average nonrich person
apple isn't vr
they thought AR was something people didn't already have and made an expensive shitty one.

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Stellar Balde is now safe-horny compliant.
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Well then why does your source say that, you brought it here not me
you will never have sex
>Censorship is when you dont only project my narrative

>letting both sides speak is censorship
You are utterly deranged. Really showing your true colors as a censorship loving leftist.
So, in other words, it's fine if you don't actually get results? Kinda like why leftists say minorities can't be racist?

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>Uncensored graffity and bunny clothing can only be played without day one patch

This is why physical media needs to live
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is that the steam version of ninja gaiden? ive been thinking about getting them
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>kasumi ninja garden
You have my interest, but if it's not on a console I'm out of luck. I never invested in a PC and my laptop is over 10 years, lol.
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>reaction image that he found on his estrogen pills
>shilling Sòyny and shit up
Nice try, tranny.
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Razors edge, sigma 2, and sigma 1 are on all platforms now. RE and sigma 1 are worth playing. RE is very unpolished but still has some of the best action gameplay.
What is this?

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Oh neat, a whole PvP specific skill tree to level and build with!
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>wanting gameplay discussion makes you ACfag
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Always assume stupid shit like that is shitposting.
Don't worry I fell for his post too last Megaton thread.
Is it worth trying to maximize ranged damage instead of just slapping on as much melee damage as possible?
And for that matter, do some special moves count as melee?
It's funny really. He could have skipped the cutscenes and enjoyed the mecha fights and most of use would have been fine with it but all he does is shitpost.

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Why is some of the text so fucking small?
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You are getting old and dumber
Philip won.
Limbus won.
The black KEKhold lost.
>This thread
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>Go in expecting a Slay the Spire clone thinking you could just dump 5 hours into and write a review
>Its not a Slay the Spire clone
>4/10 Persona 5 Royal is the best jrpg ever btw
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>gonna have to roll for a fucking ego because it's sexo
PM has me by the balls

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Why do women prefer Astarion to Gale /v/?
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why does /v/ prefer evil women?

same reason dudes like Viconia in BG2. evil woman that "you could fix" (even if that's done away with in BG3)
women love brooding, tortured bad boys
they dont like literal simps who made themself into an atom bomb for another bitch
>As a woman
You're a tranny?
>simp for another woman (goddess)
>i-can-fix-him with a vulnerable side
Hmmm I wonder why women prefer Astarion
wasn't gale objectively the most popular or played character? surprisingly

>is the most replayable Mario in you're path

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Tachy's Tachies
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boobs and body type are nice, but I hate that fake K-Pop plastic face so much. never find them hot in real life.
Eve has a cute face but Tachy never impressed me.
Someone needs to post a compilation pic of all the most coomer designs in this game.
I will consider doing it after I finish it.

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