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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
Do not post threads asking for pictures of other users.

All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


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>watch some sad youtube video like this: https://youtu.be/oc1O5CM2Rzk?si=f3kvqIOo1QaQa5qJ
>read the comments
>see comments that say things like, "i just want to be loved"
I know it's wrong but I can't help it.

ascending now. its been fun. hopefully my last digits are good

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Am I the only person left on this planet that fucking detests woe-jack and all its retarded variants?

Seriously, you can't fucking use the internet nowadays without seeing that excrement plastered everywhere (I can count five on the catalog): the crying one, the idiotic -oomer variations. the one with glasses and unshaven beard, that stupid CGI muscle man, the blonde "yes" bullshit. Left-wingers, right-wingers, sportsball fans, dumb kids. Things have gone downhill ever since that Polish son of a bitch posted his worthless bald "warmface", and got even worse with the shartyniggers and their forced lingo like "coal" and "gem".

I also hate the fucking frog (12 on the catalog as I type this) and the nickelodeon sponge.
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stop sitting at home like a normie and go out with the weirdos
It's avatarfagging, but it will die down. You see it on niche boards. Nobody posts them.
Youre making me feel bad about my iq by saying its little kids since theyre really funny and I fail to be on the same level.
I like Chudjack, I think he's a funny fella. Variants of "billions must die" always get a smile out of me for some reason. I am sick of every other 'jak for the most part, since they are just a vehicle for:
Posturing. People over-customisation wojaks until they were no longer broadly relatable kind of killed the meme. We don't need "le sad sexy e-boy wojak" or "le quirky stupid cunt e-girl" wojak, the point of the wojak was that it represented a kind of relatable ennui.
yes. wojak is fucking hilarious

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this lady bathes horse cocks for a living
washing horse dick smegma is a real job
how do you feel about women who clean peen smeg
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2d horse girl porn has become more popular
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even smegma sheath cleaning porn specifically has become more popular
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popular porn artists like fellatrix have helped popularize it
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smegma is one of the biggest focuses of his art
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he also makes filthy bastard smeg porn, not just horse smeg porn

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I just relapsed on Meth and have some thoughts and questions (in the international sense).
First, I dont even fucking like the drug anymore but my reward pathways have just been completely enslaved to the effects of amphetamines and I dont know if Ill ever be able to undo that.
Second, Mexican meth is horseshit. Literally worse than even Adderall. Lazy work. Horrible mixture of L and D amp, and also just weaker in general. Put some effort into your work Latinxs. If I want a good time then Im buying US, or Dutch manufactured meth.
Third, I dont think I can explain to you all the level of shame that comes with wasting your Saturday binging on meth and then jerking off to porn for 20 hours straight until your cock and foreskin are red and swollen. I couldve used that time to actually be productive or at least enjoy a more wholesome activity like video games, but nope, since meth is the strongest aphrodisiac in the universe, its just straight to jerking it. I am such a pathetic degenerate. I need to get off this poison for good.
Anyway, I made this thread since I want to ask some questions about amphetamines in general, in your country. How common is the use of amphetamines in your country? Here, recreational use isnt common, but amongst college students an Adderall prescription is not uncommon. Is the use of these drugs frowned upon in your country? Here, it definitely is, its seen as the lowest of acceptability of usage here along with heroin, but honestly I feel that it isnt as dangerous as people make it out to be, so long as you dont get addicted, which believe it or not, Ive seen most casual users not get addicted.
Finally, what is rehab like in your country? Since Obama passed his healthcare act, insurances are required to cover it. I just dont know if I should go yet, since I really doubt that Id be able to be sober for more than a month or two.
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I hear you man. Theres such a deep frustration in being enslaved to these drugs despite the fact that the honeymoon period is over and the negatives are starting to outweigh the positives. For me, coke being expensive is what keeps me from using often.
most meth nowadays is shit because the materials required to make a good ratio of D-isomer. so most cooks make garbage because its easier and cheaper. vendors are making profit selling ozs for $150 which is crazy to me
i'd rather spend the extra money and get good quality amphetamines. or buy mid tier speed paste from europe and purify it myself.
nothing beats good meth though unfortunately. apart from cathinones :p
i meant to say the materials required to make a good ratio of D-isomer have been heavily restricted for a while now
got ahead of myself there. was daydreaming about taking stims again.
I agree. The ratio I get when I buy Mexican meth is horrendous. EU drugs are of the highest quality (yanks mogged again). Ive actually been able to score Desoxyn on a DNM I use, which has been fantastic.
I dont use any drugs because they are bad. I workout and work as much as I am able to convince a woman to become my wife. Good luck gooning my friend

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I always see humblebragging/larping/revenge fantasy type of posts like "I'm happily married and I'm a father of 4 kids" or "Girls are into older guys, I'm smashing more pussy at 35 than I did in my 20s, " or "My dick is 10 inches and I slept with over 300 girls". As if such people would ever bother posting on anonymous imageboards made for losers.
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This. Less than 1/10 pol posts are genuine.
/pol/ is full of feds, third worlders, baiters, shills, sliders... it's basically just an entirely fake board. Most of the internet is fake and constructed. YouTube comments are full of bots, too. Everywhere is.
At least this can't be a bot board because you have to be original right? heheh...
I do really worry just how much of the internet is real. Am I doing nothing more than talking to chat bots when I post in threads?
>Am I doing nothing more than talking to chat bots when I post in threads?
This can happen on certain boards and in certain places. The more popular boards are full of bots.
Some of those adult things are probably true. /pol/ is a refuge for r/the_donald boomers who want an online space where they can agree with each other.

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>cover up dick and balls while I pee so it looks like I'm a gril while peeing
still cis though
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I like to grope my balls a lot, it just feels good to do it.
I love women they're awesome.

Also I don't like when other guys are cringly masculine. But I still think masculinity can be cool especially strength aspect. The hiding your feelings is ultra cringe everyone should cry if they feel like it and we should hug em and tell em we love em with no shame.

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Hubando Edition

Previous thread: >>77295939


Rules : Ignore annoying moids

>Who is your hubando?
>Why did he choose you?
>Which traits of these would you need in a real partner?
>How many hours a week do you use ai to chat with your husbando?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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oh by the way, i have finished your kanji test.
thank you for the in depth analysis i love it
I really want to cosplay as Misa Amane, but if I ever actually went to a convention (have not in some years) it would just be me alone and being approached by a strange individual every half hour.
This is true
mbti is just horoscope with a more male following
sakinorva!! please, it's so much better.
give me a deep analysis too *hic*
also for your info i am censoring the word brat now.
>mbti is just horoscope with a more male following
am i the only one that doesnt care about theoretical stuff like horoscopes and personality tests. its like theyre too deep and complex for me.. but im glad i have the same MBTI as scaramouche
does it have those cool little mbti chibis ?
why do women go to cosplay conventions dressed up like aesthetically tuned whores if not to draw attention?

Everyone wants to go to asia to get a wife but what about South America?

Do those girls want an American bf?
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SEA is good if you're utterly hopeless or you're a turbo-incel who just needs a proof of concept so they can start building momentum. The language barrier is utterly brutal, which mostly relegates you to the Philippines, unless you want to go to a saturated city where the only girls you'll meet are prostitutes. South America is good if you're a failed normie type or if you've gotten a bit of confidence and are willing to try and fail. There's still a language barrier, but learning Spanish is extremely easy compared to Asian languages. Hanging out with lively Latinas is also good fun that will help make up for the boringness of your life before going there.
anon has no clue what he's talking about

That said, the average american dick is bigger than the average south american one. Don't ask me how I know
Unfortunate, Latinas are more attractive and don't speak ugly nasal languages.
it all depends on where you are. argentina and chile are pretty safe. specially compared to america.
>ugly nasal languages
peruvian spanish accent is full of nasal noises.

I channel all my lust and desire for Big titty milfs into lifting weights and doing penis enlargement exercises. I'm an ugly manlet but at the very least I can be a muscular warrior with a 10 inch penis

It is pouring rain, flash flood warning and my truck is in the shop and my roommate is out of town, and I have spent the last 3 hours pacing my room and debating if I should walk 2 miles to the gas station to buy zyns
Never do nicotine
you cant quit addiction with pure willpower
its a downward slope
you do it once every other day once you can do that once every ttwo days once you can do that once every three days etc
day week month year

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owning a pet is animal cruelty they should be let loose into the streets
Where they will suffer, eat garbage, and die yes very compassionate. Thank you for your wisdom.

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It seems like there arent many Canadian fembots on 4chan. Most fembots I met were either from the US or Europe. Its over.
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that sounds very based, do you ever read those mommy/milf threads, have you ever thought of seducing cute younger guys youve seen, what are your favorite doujins
Oh no yeah I wanna be loved and taken care of by a mommy none of that sounds like that :/ I wanna feel cute because I am and I'm a good boy and stuff
wat vidya do you like to play, what vns have you watched air, do you like it when they do the vn justice, im always happy for the writers/mangaka gets a good adaptation, what genres do u like, i like romcoms and fluffly slice of life stuff
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I live an hour from Toronto. There are no fembots in Canada, I've already checked.
>do you ever read those mommy/milf threads
Not really.
>have you ever thought of seducing cute younger guys youve seen, what are your favorite doujins
I think about it, yeah. Especially if he shows any sign of interest. Hard to pick a favourite doujin though. I've enjoyed this one recently. https://exhentai.org/g/1242928/c9c1989b28/
Gentle stuff is nice too but I usually prefer the other kind of domination if I'm going that route. Some of what I like probably falls under gentle, just because I enjoy the way men react physically during sex acts. The twitches, throbs, moans, oozing pre-cum, all that. No matter how big and tough and stoic he is, every man is your good boy when you have his balls in your hand.

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