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Sunday Afternoon Edition

Previously: >>917578217

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make her shiny body naked?
Anyone know why random Lora's for Pony just generate color/noise?

One example is the D-art style from Civitai that was uploaded recently.

Plenty of Lora have worked fine and I was sure to put them in the proper folder (lora vs lyco/locon)

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why did he post this? literally every reply is calling him out on how insecure it makes him look. how does he not realize that showing off your muscles to the mcdonalds cashier makes you look insecure?
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I don't give a shit. Your body isn't man enough to be cared about.
Pipe down, homo.
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You must be 18 to post here

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I went to church this morning. Why didn’t you?
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>ignores the part of not having a good reason to believe.
As so you admit that you don't either?
Again, perversions of man. Money is not required to go to church. He will not punish you if you do not give a tithe. There is a big difference in paying tithes and giving tithes. God does not was us the pay Him anything because everything has been paid by His Son, Jesus Christ. You either make more to learn, a different church to go to or you speak blaspheme
>So you think the existence of goblins, faeries and unicorns is probable?
So since your point didn't hold in a good debate, you're reduced to trying to convince others my point didn't hold by asserting a premise that never came up? No, it's not "probable" that those things exist, but to automatically deny their existence without in-depth research, studying, etc... you might as well join the redcaps and the other fedorfag cultists.


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cock = joy!
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But again, please continue coping
fail harder

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Fat ugly girls always smell bad tobe fair .does any one concur? All those rolls just contain bacteria you know

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We know she likes sticking her tongue out, slide your cock in her mouth and well pound her back and forth
Yeah? Which hole does she want filled first?

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Built for DILFS
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this angel have a name?
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drawthread: pupa edition
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Oppai for the win
That's hmofafag
Sure, I am Barack Obama by the way.

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Waifu thread
The rules:
>Claim your waifu/husbando
>Discuss yours and others' choices
>Keep RP/ERP to a minimum
>Refrain from posting porn
>No homo
Welcome to Who's Waifu is it Anyways, where the rules are made up and the claims don't matter.
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you can't just say that word
Egg cracka.
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well it's only for personal or to sell it for profit but yea not worth it imo to borrow money but unless you're some religious reason it's fine to spend on for fun. I play cards alot and roulette etc

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a prayer: papa Jesus help /b/ away from porn. amen
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Love cometh rarely.
Orgasm cometh at will.

>We accept this natural gift and love cometh even rarer.
pop ulation man age ment
critical-mass self-elation male programming
Nothing fails like prayer

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Id ruin those little holes
uh-oh, hpv warning
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Looking for groups! Won't send samples first, noone replies afterwards
Needing to confess, happy to awnser any questions you have about it/ me.

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>>917574195 pre
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Another sponsor for the ad queen EE she's on her way to a 5k Andy with all the shit ads she's done this month
yeah, she has severe mental illness to want to get botox at her age. and I'm 100% certain she's not really even doing it for the wrinkles but just because she can and wants to feel boojee/high-class when in reality it's trashy af. it only makes sense, she is a foreigner who grew up idolizing the excessive american jersey shore type lifestyle. just look at her obsession with spray tans and listen to her voice. not even Americans still act that way.

Crazy cuz Will's older brother was a drug addict who frequently would call Will saying he was going to kill himself. He eventually did a few years ago. Will probably was going through it on that call as Mizzy talked about how he wanted to kill himself cuz someone on Twitter was mean to him

Hey y’all. Trans girl here. Looking for advance on how to be more feminine and goth like the pic.
Better start starving yourself since she’s representative of like a 95 lbs woman
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good luck, nobody here is goth.

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Tits thread? Tits thread. Any and all tits, starting with this dumb cockslut
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