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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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how much evidence will it take for subsaharans to be declared a different species?
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they basically lie on the same europe levant east asia incline
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why were subsaharans a basically non existent population until VERY recently considering it's a whole ass continent?
4% of the world in 500AD
7% of the world in 1950
really tired of you niggers being this retarded
if a negro and a europid can produce fertile offspring, there's nothing you can do to make them separate species.
>why are niggers so ugly then??? hmm??
fetal alcohol syndrome, crack babies, and dysgenics generally
also, "race" = "subspecies"
the real issue is that people seem to have forgotten that these are synonyms. very distinct groups in the same species.
Nobody can prove such thing
>also, "race" = "subspecies"
the subspecies lie on the europe levant east asia incline, africans are not a subspecies but a different species altogether

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I can't tell the difference between a Turk, Kurd, Arab, Persian or Assyrian. Are they all different ethnicities? If so what are their defining physical characteristics.
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>Turk, Kurd, Arab, Persian or Assyrian
they’re the hairy hot tanned homophobic homosexual masc4masc discreet bears on the down low too deep into desert dogma
I will clarify something which might cause confusion. There are ethnic groups and then ethnicities within said groups. For example, Europeans are an ethnic group while the French are an ethnicity within the European group. However one could argue that the French are also an ethnic group while Bretons and Occitans are different ethnicities within the French group.
In your post you mentioned either ethnic groups and ethnicities. I shall now explain which ones are which.

They are an ethnicity which belongs to the Mesopotamian ethnic group and they descend directly from the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians just like some Italians, Greeks and Egyptians descend directly from their ancient namesakes.

They are an ethnic group native to the Arabian peninsula from which they spread throughout North Africa during the Muslim conquests.

>Persians and Kurds
They are both ethnicities which belong to the Iranian group. Iranians are an ethnic group much like the Arabs above and Europeans. Most people tend to assume Iranians and Persians are interchangeable terms because they don't know this little fact.

They are a Turkic ethnic group which is native to Central Asia. They immigrated towards the Mesopotamia and settled in Anatolia (region in modern day Turkey).

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I am curious about one thing in relation to all this anon, weren't the arabs also assimilated in spite of the fact their culture came out on top in their conquered territories?
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why are you gay

Why did Christianity succeed?
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Why did they take this pic? Just to LARP and show off?
One other thing I think an Emperor would like about Christianity is that Christians began to believe God removed his favor from Jerusalem and now blessed Rome. So it was a useful tactic of Emperors to be able to tell Jews that their own God now loves the Romans more than them.
To test Israel.
Yeah 100% LARP
>I'm just too much of a free thinking individual for mein fuhrer
I have never seen such a splendorous fedora

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I find it impossible to argue against their success. As far as denominations go tend to live the gospel of Christ more fully than any other denomination.
Obviously when they started out there were some extremely violent sects, but the ones that continue today seem be the city that is set on a hill.
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I never heard of an anabaptist being a Zionist. For one they are pacifists, they also tend to reject politics. Since zionism is both political and militarily aggressive I don't see why they would support it.
ah ok, I just grouped them in with the general milieu of Southern evangelicals. Maybe I just confused them with regular baptists? My bad.
They excommunicate you if you don't support Israel, LGBTBBQ, and BLM, but I don't know if they're theologically "Christian Zionists".
Open your cheeks for Muhammad!
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Do atheist believe that the whole universe is created out of nothing?
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>Chud's Law: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a chud mentioning trannies or blacks approaches 1.
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>loses argument
>It would just be the single fact that He can instantiate all states of affairs that it's logically possible to instantiate.
Sounds like your god is anthropomorphic in nature, since "logic" means something different to different species.

>It absolutely does in our conversation!
It does not. Thinking does not prove a thought. That we think we observe causality does not prove causality at all.
They’re telling you that you don’t understand the subject matter, which is true.
>ctrl + f "black"
>1 of 1

This is the entire known universe. From all this nothingness, we humans arose with sentience and souls, the greatest gift from God. We alone will be saved from oblivion.
All this space and people still can’t admit God exists lmao

How were they able to btfo Portugal so easily?
Portugal single handedly caused modern muslim extremism, always funny to think about.
>so easily
>under portuguese influence for over a century, a country half a world away
Portugal was the first state to militarize the previously peaceful Indian Ocean. They shouldn’t have been so vicious and barbaric.
They were not and did not.
Can you explain the connection?
Wahhabi Islam was founded by guy who was seething that the Ottomans and Persians were doing fuck all to kick out the Portuguese, leading to forming a large mob that was given refuge by the house of Saud

How do we define “whiteness”?
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So, it someone’s coords put them in that circle, theyre white? Even with brown eyes?
Just like you are here, troon? lol
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Also has to belong to a native population in Europe on both sides, because you can get some funny results such as this half Swede and black mutt
No, just like you’re doing because you’re an insane retard. Kill yourself.
It is considered edgy in a very safe way to discredit and insult british people with nonsense these days. I cannot thus ignore it, seeing as it is likely a literal indian behind it or some retarded left-winger. This guy >>16562648 is right in what he says over all. And it shouldn't be a controversy or debate about it seemingly as we all know archaeogenetics. Or atleast I thought we did. Drift is the seperation between North West and North East Europeans with only a few outliers.

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Religion and haplogroups are the most interesting and most sophisticated and most enlightened and smart topics in history
the hell they are

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Do mentally ill people tend to be more religious?
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No you misunderstood. The electric field is an assumption. It was picked because it was useful for predicting what happens in nature.
I don’t believe in things until I have proof, scream and cry all you want man. That’s not going to convince me or anyone that your god is real.
You present your case with evidence or you don’t convince anyone
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The point is that it's way less of an assumption than the fundamental ones used by the scientific method because it at least depends on where the evidence is currently pointing. If fields were to suddenly be replaced with something else it won't affect every area of known scientific knowledge. There are many things that are taken as purely axiomatic, mess with those and everything breaks down.
You're a retard ass brown underagie who can't read clearly
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next time try to form an actual argument without resorting to screeching like an ape

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morale is so much important to an army, it's basically what turns a bunch of green levies into rambos. then why did the top brass of every country up until ww2 treated their soldiers like expendable fodder?
>implying that soldiers don't still get treated like expendable fodder

>implying that pre modern armies had no morale

Are you a fucking moron?
Every war up until then was just jews shedding the excessive male goyim population. WW2 was when shit got real for the kikes.
No i'm smarter than you, and also more polite. Modern soldiers have all sorts of amenities they could only dream just a century ago. And i won't discuss about the state of the russian army here.
When I served in the national guard we'd get a big kid version of a pizza party and a movie night for just completing PT on time. We have it great compared to the conscripts of old

I still don't understand how Slavs also come from the Steppe + EEF/WHG stock when they are so completely different in behavioral phenotype and looks than the rest of Europeans.
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>Almost 25% of their ancestry.
Cтacян этoт aнoн пишeт бaзy. У Шoлoхoвa нaпpимep кaвкaзcкий cyбклaд J1. Bидимo pyccкиe дeйcтвитeльнo кoгдa тo дaвнo пoвтopнo cмeшaлиcь c хaчaми.
>J1 from Vologda
Vologda is russian north, what a fuck.
There were branches of Scythians that transitioned to the agricultural lives taking advantages of Ukrainian chernozem, who were recorded in Roman documents.
Since agriculture increases population faster than nomadic way of feeding, those agricultural Scythians thought to have absorbed surrounding peoples and formed the core group of the proto-Slavs.
although there were no Andronovo people, I wanted to know more information about "them"
I'm not the guy above. And what are these Asian pinches?

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Who is the real life version of Palpatine in history? Augustus?
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Back when Return of the Jedi was being written and the Emperor was being fleshed out in the script, Lucas said that he was a politician who took over and not a former Jedi and specifically said he based this idea on Richard Nixon.
Hitler declared order 66 on the SA.
>that Chink

>new ceasars
According to Lucas it's Dick Cheney
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Do you think god is disappointed in humanity? Do you think he looks down on us and thinks "What the fuck have I done"?
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You’re projecting, replace “god” with “dad” and then go seek therapy
>"What the fuck have I done"?
how can an omniscient god regret something he's done?
>Do you think god is disappointed in humanity?
By definition Yahweh hates Gentiles anon...
He only cares about the 144,000 pure blood Jews in Revelation:7.
>how can an omniscient god regret something he's done?
Or maybe Yahweh being omniscient is a lie from the mouth of Yahweh?
Flood 2 when?

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