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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

What are some books to be reading in public specifically to attract the attention of women?

Pic related is one right?
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they sniff it out like Axe and just start pouring directly into your urethra
Kek, I am genuinely gonna try this, I like how you have sold it to me.
why not just get a prostitute rather than degrade yourself like this
it is gay to read to get pussy
Just remember, don't actually read the book. Keep it on your shelf, tell yourself you'll genuinely read it some day, but don't read more than a page or else it won't work
This is what David Foster Wallace died for

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Badass edition.

Previous: >>23327661
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I'll always be your friend anon. Nigger. NIGGER!!
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Endeavor to join them, in some way anon. Do not stand by and watch them leave your life. You will regret it soon after and that regret will only deepen.

Reject the path you see before you.
I have a tougher time trusting people who are outwardly friendly to me than those who are outright rude and standoffish. When it comes to the case of the former, I often ask myself, "What are you so happy about, and why are you treating me so cordially? What are you hiding?" I feel like I can, based on instinct alone, feel out who is being disingenuous and who is being sincere. My friends think I'm a bit of an asshole for it, and I think they have a point, but at the same time, there have been cases where my instinct was correct.
'smart' people love to have no stance on anything. they can't see that their inability to form or defend an ought claim is the result of over domestication and psy ops not their massive galaxy brains that can hold every opinion at once.
I believe I wore out his patience. I feel kind of like an ass desu, he was helping me out pro bono.

If God offered to grant one wish, what would you ask for?

I'd probably ask for self-confidence.
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I only want an even number of wishes so that I can always cancel everything with my last wish. Single wish is asking for trouble.
Granted. You now have 0 wishes.
I must have made a poor decision on my first wish. Only thing I do right is fuck everything up it seems.
unironically a million dollars
No wishes. I gotta do everything by my own power. At most I would like to meet Jesus or something so I know for sure or at least get closer to knowing what’s true or not but idk

Which philosopher would you choose and what would you ask him?
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I'd ask the late Plato whatever happened there
But seriously, how would you program an llm to specifically imitate say late Plato
Can you even do that
I imagine you can tell it to discriminate in favour of what the later dialogues say over the earlier ones and what academics say late Plato specifically thought
Aristotle did literally support abortion
wow never knew that! book and section number?
I tried Socrates, asking specifically for conversation in the Socratic method. It was much fun, and didn't really matter what I asked, because the point is to guide me to further thinking without personal feelings or agenda. This can be profoundly refreshing.

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Am I a retard or is the English translation of this book just seem off? Words don't flow well and I'm constantly having to reread sentences.
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The first thought when reading Celine for me was 'I gotta learn French' BC the translation felt fresh and fishy at the same time.
Are you reading the Mannheim translation? That is supposed to be the better English translation.
I completely agree OP. The book was trash.

I really thought I was in for some kino too.
Huh, I never thought about checking out other translations. The copy I have was translated by William T. Vollmann, I'll give the Mannheim version a try.
reading it now about halfway through, kind of disappointing so far but it has some good bits. The one about lying to yourself or death is the best in it so far.

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Kek, it dropped. He's a LITERAL cuckold with a black bull
Here's your BASED pagan old norse author, bro.
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i just told you i dont have shitter. post the pics
Hephaestus was a cuck
no source = fake and gay
Why are you lying on the internet?
literally who, though?

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He describes classical music as offering nothing more than an aesthetic sensation, the result of aesthetic posturing, "the conception and estimation of art in terms of the unalloyed state of feeling and the growing barbarization of the very state to the point where it becomes the sheer bubbling and boiling of feeling abandoned to itself." For Heidegger classical music is pure metaphysics, an indulgence of bourgeois culture, because it is devoid of an ontological grounding and the ties of people to the earth. At best it's a harmless divertissement and nothing more; the total works of Beethoven nothing but a harmless divertissement!

His estimation of music as a high art seems very unfair, and likely the product of Heidegger's unfamiliarity with classical music as a discipline, but nonetheless I cannot account for such a negative evaluation.
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There's no way this is true. Is this a meme based off Adorno and jazz? I can't find other references for Heidegger hating classical music and feel like I was trolled just for typing it in.
>He wrote the German national anthem.
Er, no, not exactly the way you would put it. He wrote the music for a personal anthem to Francis II, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and later of the Austrian Empire. Then the tune was borrowed for the national anthem of Germany in 1922, 113 years after Haydn's death.
>he based much of his work on folk music
He borrowed themes from Austrian, Gypsy, and Crotian folk songs, which he normally subjected to rigorous thematic development, and he may have done field work, collecting folk songs as Bartók did over a century later, although the latter seemed to have attempted to use the influence of folk music in a more "authentic" way while composing his own works.
But yes, I suppose the fact that some state used a tune of his more than a century after his death counts as serving purposes of utility for the state.
>and classical music is indeed very old fashioned
In what way? Classical music is a tradition that has been evolving for centuries and there are several current trends and movements going on right now.
You don't know Per Norgard?
Sibelius broke off the structure and Schoenberg the tonality.

Per Norgard is as outside tradition as it gets while retaining the natural strength of will.

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Just how? Not even a 100 years ago they were getting pressured from all sides by EuropeanGolem powers, and not they've not only managed to eclipse them, they managed to avoid all the standard judeo-globohomo tactics like satanic puppets and slave-families ready to take key positions, huge elements of native population willing to betray own country (there was these muslim Uyghurs probably propped up by CIA, but they dealt with them quickly and efficiently), and shit like identity politics.

What's the secret? Africa, West and MENA all got cucked by the Cabal, yet these guys are consistently one-upping them? How?
They got made. Never make a Chinaman get mad
The Chinese Dream, to become a fully developed 1st world country on the 100th anniversary of the founding of The People's Republic.
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This? Otherwise I'm gonna need the name of the author.

Literature has completely alienated me from my friends.

During the pandemic I read more than I ever had. Lots of classic literature and very little netflix or other pass times. I've kept up this habit since. During this time lots of my friends just drank themselves into obesity and binged netflix and ordered food delivery.

About two weeks ago I visited an old friend - he was basically just a drinking buddy - and I couldn't even get through an evening with him. All he could talk about was buying stuff, consuming, getting a bigger TV, a new car, a new phone. It was the most banal conversation I ever had. I tried to talk about anything else and it was impossible. I've had some similiar experiences with my other friends before, but this was by far the most unsettling.

I don't consider myself an intellectual by any means, or a snob. I just don't know how deal with that fact that:
A. I used to be a selfish consumer.
B. I can no longer identify with that way of life
C. Many of my old friends think engaging in anything beyond mindless consumption is gay
D. Literature has made me more critical of society, and alienated me from my old life
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For me, it's mostly family stuff that is time wasted. I always chose my friends carefully and had good interactions and have fond memories of those sessions of drinking and talking. But with family, they are a lower class of people intellectually and all they talk about is their office politics or stupid shit like that. All of that time has been completely wasted but I did my best to avoid it, so I don't blame myself for anything. Now I regard family simply as "normies" to be occasionally observed and studied in a detached manner to keep a pulse on the society and trends.
You mean...get off the computer? Lol. Yes.
But you should do that locally with people who aren't on this board, and spread the light in yourself to those who need it; you also need it.
And then you come back here for reinforcement. That's all.
do you? because you sound like a troon or an egg carton.
What’s a troon/egg ?

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Does anyone else have "Book-Wear Anxiety"?

When I buy a brand new paperback, I'm often times so awed by it's beauty (The crisp page edges, the smooth spine, the unblemished cover) that I get legit anxiety around handling the book and creasing the spine and knowing my thumbs will eventually stain the edges of the pages where I hold them. Sometimes it's so bad that I can't even bring myself to read the book until I've washed my hands and even then I only open the book as little as possible for me to read.

I know that a "pristine book is an unread book", but still, it bothers me and I don't know how to overcome these feelings.
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This is a difference in temperament. You can watch people and see how they differ in their respect for different objects (and different people for that matter). But if you need a theological answer then it's definitely not good to deface your Bible or disregard it's place in a room. It's hard to have high respect for its content when you're not respecting the physical manifestation through which you're receiving it.
>awed by it's beauty
>awed by it is beauty
this shit should be a 3 day ban on this board with the charge being "openly displaying low IQ"
If lit was whites only poor grammar would disappear immediately.
To be fair, it's backwards from what makes sense

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What personal items do you take with you every day while traversing the serengeti of your life?

Also how do you transport your shit? Do you use a backpack because you always carry one or more books with you, instead of an ereader and a sling? What backpack and what books? How do you do it anon?
I have a pocket bible, KJV
dugs are for losers
i only go out to buy groceries.

Man what the FUCK is going on?
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The part in the last pages with uncircumcised dicks and flannels joke got me hard
The novel IS a movie.
Let me suggest you skip all of this and read Barth, either Sot Weed or Giles Goat Boy if you are feeling adventurous. He was the superior writer.
Sot weed, yes. Goat-boy, no. It really overstays its welcome.
>It's a book about cocks and rockets. The main character's boner predicts rocket strikes, because the rocket is also like a cock and gets a sympathetic erection

that motif's already have been used in Dr Strangelove

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Post and Discuss Books about history, all eras and locations welcomed
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Found this today, picking it up from the library on Monday.

I am a reader who enjoys style as much as substance, so please recommend me histories that are exceptionally well-written, regardless of subject matter.
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Would this pair well with Malachis books or no?

Papal history is some of my favorite history. I actually read all three volumes of History Of The Popes by Wyatt North and I want more.
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In The Moral Landscape, Dr Harris contends that science can provide an objective and absolute morality for humanity, independent of philosophy or religion. His work so far has had no major refutation. The closest I have seen is William Lane Craig but even his debates all seem to come to “gotchas” bullshit when you look closely
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Lmao, no, it's a religion strictly against interracial marriage. It's why the Jews and have degenerated, they came into contact with eugenicism and stunted their empathy. They've risen to the top, at long last, as an international force, but at the cost of their capacity to contribute to culture.

Islam is simply an inbred retardation of their former glory; as the white man will soon become if he is not awakened to the folly of his nihilism.
Everything that is or appears to be to us only is because life decided it ought to live. All statements are derived from an ought.
>Except that would never happen, further strengthening the point
Pure fantasy based on nothing with no way to correct yourself if you're wrong. A mindless justification for why your biases are always right. The most self-sabotaging, neutering thing you could do.
they killed thousands of innocent women and children for one
Its not in the slightest, they live under so much slave morality toward the west
Didn’t Nietzsche literally praise Islam as superior to the Greeks?

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