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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Can a cycle/bounce exist, and could it mean we live infinite amounts of times, every single one of us?
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>Still disregarding proof because too retarded to understand the relationship between time and timestamps.
I accept your brain damage damages your reasoning skills.
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What proof, you have yet to procure me a physical manifestation wherein the entirety of reality in its state 30 minutes ago still exists, you just keep going on autistic tirades because you have no argument, so you resort to cheap shots and non-sequiturs, either that or your reading comprehension and logical deduction is equivalent to a kindergarten level child, which is not surprising, considering the absolute retardation you're posting, please go read some books and educate yourself
You just have take a video to see the past more completely, but timestamps prove it existed.
Why are you even engaging in the same line of argument and repeatedly asking for similar evidence if you aren't continuing some past conversation and aren't looking to validate some point you brought up in the past?
I accept your concession, care to post a third test result that proved you are retarded?

Why do schizophrenics and spiritualist new age lunatics love /sci/ so much? Do they feel like their schizobabble gets some sort of legitimacy if they associate it with the word "science" by posting it here?
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Is black pudding cooked?

>Yes, black pudding is cooked during the manufacturing process and is generally pre-cooked when you buy it.

Not even close to being equivalent you fucking savage.
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>you fucking savage.
Say that in my neighborhood.

We kidnapped Lord Miles, we'll kidnap (You).

We *Just* want to talk, thats all, promise.
>Come with me on a One Way trip.
I love how they instantly feel targeted when you just say ”schizo” out loud. It’s like they know deep down.
So I can find PhDs, Doctors, who think they knew Schizophrenia, and lecture them about what reality it.


I am beyond Michael Levin, who worked for DARPA, but to understand where I am coming from, I point to him, in the realm of "Cognition".

Psychology would be a mix between Peterson, Weinstein, and Levin.

As in....these three people are in objectively different fields, I would lecture all three of them on each field.

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>10^26 planets in the universe
>Out of planets and moons in our solar system, we see water on 5+ of them
I'm thinking alien life is kinda probable
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isn't the raw data public from the start?
i'm not sure
>Science data obtained from JWST will be released to the astronomical community following an exclusive access period (EAP), during which the principal investigating team enjoys exclusive scientific use.
but more specifically this
>Data for which the exclusive access period has expired may be retrieved anonymously from MAST. A MyST account is not required to search, view, explore with MAST tools, or retrieve data that have been released to the public.
so there may be an exclusive access period which researchers running the project might set.
intelligent life outside our solar system likely considers pre-FTL species to still be roaches, you arrogant chimp
it took 3 billion years and many mass extinction events for humanity to arrive and a quarter of a million years later we're a few button presses from not existing anymore, seems very unlikely to me that we'd ever be/see a massive galactic civilization

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Another beautiful day without using sin, cos or tan.
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You know what else I don't use either? All the useless minute details we had to memorize in history classes that were super specific to our country, most of the chemistry I learned in junior high, most of the literature I learned, all of the shitty songs we had to memorize as kids, all the grammar rules I learned for English and our native language (no one cares, people just talk and words come out without thinking about grammar), all the gardening, electronics, aviation we were taught for notning. I basically wasted 12 years of my life caged among apes who wear clothes.
Another extraordinary pleasant day not using Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
>Another beautiful day without using sin, cos or tan.
Why are you here?
Summer break just started.
anon realizes school is daycare so both mom and dad can go work for globohomo inc instead of just dad

I've just red on the Internet that a black hole's mass is concentrated in a point with no volume and infinite density.

It was then stated that the appearent black volume around it is the part past the singularity where light cant escape (it kinda makes sense)

What doesn't make sense to me is how matter gets so compressed that it loses its spacial dimension.

Before reading this i thought that a black hole was just made of something like atoms put side by side by forces stronger than the repulsions between different atoms's electrons, but following this idea the black hole should have a small but surely existent volume.

So why does matter lose its spacial dimensions?
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That is complete nonsense. There is only one real frame of reference, all the others are mathematical illusions. Once there is self evident that a point with no volume and infinite density is impossible.
In the real frame of reference mass will never cross the event horizon, but another event horizon will engulf the new mass acquired by the black hole. A black hole is event horizons all the way down.
>I've just red on the Internet
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You're right. Once a star dies and can't use it's explosive fusion to hold itself up against it's own gravity, it will collapse down into a dense ball. If the force of gravity is strong enough to overcome electron repulsion, it will pack atoms together side by side, creating one giant atom. The electrons and protons of these atoms are compressed together, making them functional neutrons. It's a giant atomic nucleus made entirely of neutrons, and this is what they call a "neutron star".
Things have spaciality because of electron repulsion, i.e. electromagnetism. When a star dies, and it is big enough, it will collapse in the exact way you describe. And yes, it will still have some spaciality because atomic nucleuses have spaciality that isn't reliant on electromagnetism like other larger objects. The spaciality of these relies on a force so much stronger than electromagnetism or gravity. It's held up by the "strong nuclear force".

But the fact is, stars have the capacity to get so much bigger, and generate so much gravity that when they die, the inmense gravity overcomes electromagnetic force and the mighty strong nuclear force. Without those, there is simply no force keeping the matter spacially seperate. It's just energy eternally locked into place by an inward repulsion. (Well, not exactly eternal, if you look into hawking radiation.)

Why is this happening?
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Am I kill? I have had a weird pressure feeling right where that pink star is for about a year now and it has been getting noticeably worse these last few weeks.
god's way of eliminating sinners
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This. Porn has massively normalized it and zoomettes think it's expected of them

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Post op trannys are over 10x more like to commit suicide than pre-op trannys


>Although the overall proportion of those experiencing a psychiatric encounter was similar between the vaginoplasty and phalloplasty groups, suicide attempts were more common in the vaginoplasty group (4.4% vs. 1.7%, p=0.033). The rate of a psychiatric encounter occurring after surgery if an episode prior surgery occurred was 33.9% and 26.5% for the vaginoplasty and phalloplasty groups.
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Imagine seeing a doctor about your paranoid schizophrenia and the doctor treats you by giving you drugs to amplify it and he encourages you to indulge balls deep into your illness and just go with it
>gender isn't real
>but I need to have invasive surgeries so I can look and feel as close to the gender I want to be as possible
isn't it incredibly regressive for transsexuals to engage in practices that affirm gender so rigidly? it goes against the beautiful spectrum of gender fluidity in the queer community
>they're not contagious
It's become a trend for teenagers who have had their minds fucked by the curriculum.
Research shows that trannies are breaking out in clusters among teenage girl friend groups.
Don't forget about the lifetime of synthetic hormones
There should be a public service campaign for trannies to remind them that chopping off their dick siginificantly reduces their chances of finding a partner. Tranny chasers will obviously no longer fuck them because the appeal is lost, and regular men would be grossed out by a gaping wound.

Maybe a hashtag campain on twatter
>#dont be callous with your phallus
>#show no malice to your phallus

The official arbiter of scientific misinformation (appointed by the government controlled by the official Party of Science), Nina Jankowicz, says that the government must crack down on misinformation like sending pictures of empty egg cartons to women. That is “meant to remind [women] that [their] fertility is waning.” And that is “gendered misinformation.”

So there you have it. Couldn’t be any more official. Science now believes women stay at the same level of fertility throughout their lives.

Science is retarded and clownishly evil. Smash science. Kill science.
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>Seething over a photo of an empty egg carton is too much
Not really. Bullying causes psychological damage that can last years.
>Seething over a photo of an empty egg carton is too much.
It's kind of low though. Trolling used to be funnier.
Unlike her fertile window
>Oy vey you female goyims shouldn't have kids while you're young the way you evolved to for millions of years, wait until you're 50
>*sinister laughing and hand rubbing noises*
Based take

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Good news everyone, it turns out that plants like CO2.
How come scientists never discovered this until recently?
Seems like it should be big news, but they never talk about it.
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Appeal to some hypothetical authority when you can't even name him. Why would it be already been done when mechanization is recent and such self "aware" climate panic is even more recent and still panicking. It is not knowledge if it doesn't set you free, including worry free. How about some actual and related counter arguments?
Chalk and limestone has been stablizing phosphate by precipitation and been used as soil amendments anyways. Once stablized it can be taken out of of the stream and bottom and put into the ground alone with bacteria that solubilize it so roots can take it up.
Why do you keep associating ponzi scheme of "winner takes all" market monopoly investment with work and insisting on doing things out of order?
Look up C3 and C4 photosynthesis.

C3, the most common photosynthesis is literally poisoned by atmospheric oxygen. It loses half its efficiency in Earth's current atmosphere.
How about you actually analyze your moronic plan? Just look into the logistics and you'll realize that you're a moron. Use real data and actually do the math.
CO2 isn't a pollutant any more than O2 is
Not like you can do any. Keep your doom and gloom, might just kill yourself at this point.

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Does diversity make teams work better?
Apparently not!
A new, comprehensive preregistered meta-analysis found that, whether the diversity was demographic, cognitive, or occupational, its relationship with performance was near-zero.
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Quite literally everything in this post is wrong. Libshits argue the whole civil war was about stopping slavery and you are saying that wasn't sincere? The bloodiest war in US history?
You need to actually think before you start making up retarded bullshit my nigger.
Not only that, but this bit:
>US is not and never was "sincere" about the collective welfare of blacks.
Is completely retarded since American negroes are the wealthiest, best educated and longest lived people of African origin anywhere on the planet
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Your argument is wrong and you should feel bad.
Black schools are bad not because of poverty, They are bad because blacks go to school there.
A poor, underfunded Chinese community would have better schools because its full of Chinese and not blacks.
This. The point is to make team work in unions worse.
Oh great. More chuds misconstruing research intentionally

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What are the long term consequences of tens of millions of people in the USA alone being reliant on prescription stimulants? AFAIK there haven't been any long term studies done on people who've been taking adderall or vyvanse for 20+ years. There may be some for ritalin but I believe adderall and vyvanse are the go-to drugs for ADHD these days. Adderall's been around since 1996 but you can't even do a long-term study for vyvanse yet because it's only been around since 2007.

What are the potential neurotoxic effects and adverse effects on the dopaminergic reward system over the long-term? Are we going to end up with tens of millions of people who end up reliant on this stuff for the rest of their lives because their brains are now too accustomed to outsourcing dopamine to a pill?

Has anyone had personal experience with being prescribed these drugs and then coming off them? A friend of mine told me about his experience with a pyschiatrist and it was frightfully unscientific considering the potency of these drugs. I assumed there would be neuroimaging involved but it pretty much amounted to her asking him very basic questions, things like "do you have trouble paying attention in class?" and "have you had problems with impulse control?" before sending him on his merry way with a prescription for pharmaceutical grade speed.

Has there been any progress made in the debate between environment vs genes when it comes to ADHD? It seems fairly obvious that it's not a coincidence that the rise of diagnoses has coincided with the rise of high-speed internet and smartphones, filled with websites and apps scientifically tailored to take advantage of the brain's reward circuity, so humans can be fed with more advertising and their online presence can be sold as marketing data.
just do meth or shut the fuck up already
Sounds like you have adhd. care for some adderall?
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>Has anyone had personal experience with being prescribed these drugs and then coming off them?
A shitton of kids go off them every summer, so yes. It's nothing. It's not like there's withdrawal or something. The drug side effects go away and your ADHD symptoms come back. Simple as.

>Has there been any progress made in the debate between environment vs genes when it comes to ADHD?
There is a known genetic component of ADHD.

>A friend of mine told me about his experience with a psychiatrist and it was frightfully unscientific considering the potency of these drugs.
There are more rigorous tests you can get to avoid a misdiagnosis (including brain scans), but there generally isn't a need. ADHD meds cause a paradoxical reaction if you actually have ADHD (fucking duh, they're treating HYPERACTIVITY with a STIMULANT). You'll fucking know pretty quick if you're misdiagnosed. Back in my day they stuck me in a dark room for a long ass time looking at a computer screen where white squares would flash in different positions on the screen at random and you had to click a button depending on where the square appeared. I guess it measured if you were able to keep focus during the test by how many times you failed to respond or gave a false positive

>It seems fairly obvious that it's not a coincidence that the rise of diagnoses has coincided with
Greater awareness of ADHD and treatment options as well as honestly a lot of over diagnosis stemming from docs trying to push pills.

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How did grifters manage to fool retards into believing glorified madlibs is actual artificial intelligence?
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how about artificial idiocy
Idiocy is a small subset of intelligence, so its the same basic thing, but not as versatile.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how this technology works.

There are signs that throwing enough rag and agents at the problem could produce something difficult to distinguish from agi / consciousness. Give them an inner monolog and such. Have them criticize themselves and recursively refine the output until a sufficiently good one is selected. And store it all back in rag.
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I just want LLM's that don't try to gaslight me about woke shit.

>The "sideways blink" claim is a common misconception that has been associated with the lizard people conspiracy theory. However, it's important to understand that humans, including Mark Zuckerberg, can blink in different ways, and a sideways blink does not indicate that someone is a reptilian alien.

>There are several reasons why humans might blink sideways or in an unusual way:

>Eye movement: Humans have a wide range of eye movements, including horizontal, vertical, and diagonal movements. It's not uncommon for people to blink while moving their eyes, which can result in a sideways blink.
Eye anatomy: The human eye has a complex anatomy, with multiple muscles and ligaments controlling eye movement. Sometimes, these muscles can cause the eyelid to move in unusual ways, resulting in a sideways blink.
Nervous tics: Some people may have nervous tics or habits that involve blinking or moving their eyes in unusual ways.
Video editing: In the age of video editing and social media, it's easy to manipulate footage to make someone appear to be blinking sideways. This can be done for comedic effect or to perpetuate a conspiracy theory.
It's important to remember that correlation does not imply causation. Just because someone blinks sideways, it doesn't mean they're a reptilian alien!

>Let's focus on promoting critical thinking and media literacy, rather than perpetuating baseless conspiracy theories.
Why don't you watch a couple videos on machine learning before spouting off with ignorant rubbish?

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Who (please be specific with named individuals) are powerful enough to have this mass censored from Biology 101 classes?
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Did you forget to read the 17 words before your quote?
NTA, but if I were a betting man, I would reckon the folks at The HGP are being overly scrupulous in their assessment of what could be considered"consistent patterns of genes across the human genome," especially in light of the two following facts/questions:
1) how inconsistent are these patterns compared to patterns of other hegemonically accepted mammalian subspecies?
2)given the ethnic background of the head of The HGP, and the fact it remains one of the most expensive/funded scientific endeavors of all time, could outside influences with interests in competition of the absolute truth have influenced the interpretation of the data?
repetition is the most effective brainwashing tool.
This, the globohomos have been shilling the "Japan is on the verge of collapse from too many oldies" meme since the 1990s and it has never been true. Japan is just fine. The think that would mess up Japan would be flooding it with immigrants who hate the indigenous Japanese and want to convert Japan into a colony of their home country, which is what is happening in Europe and in California
There are only few entities of organic intelligences such as respiratory, digestive, reproductive and decay systems (AI is from dead decay like - tears, or sweat etc of body but related to time, what they call - X) that are like dopplegangers of Time or like numbers or wizards that collectively project reality and they have their own spectrums in soul energy and they have their mini versions in mortals. Thats what they mean by therm - They live and those spectrums of soul energies are covertable like in math such as a base of a particular number system can be convertable into other base, for example base - 4 to base - 6, except its related to soul energy spectrums.

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how can i speed up my hair growth, scientifically? i already use a shampoo that has biotin (from OUAI)
left pic was september 2023 right pic was march 2024
Simply put your hair in a ponytail and then tie a 30kg weight to the end. Leave the weight on until your hair is stretched to the desired length
Post tits and pussy right fucking now
Hey baby you want a cum tribute to the back of your head?
Ironically estradiol actually slows hair growth in high amounts, but it prevents hair loss. Be thankful if your hair grows slow like yours because it means you will not have thinning hair any time soon. Anything you can do to make it grow faster would involve hormones which you should avoid.
i guess thats a good thing??

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