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Dann lieber auf der sicheren Seite bleiben uezs
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Junge da gibt man einmal einer Fremden sein Feuerzeug, wird man gleich als Jude, Zionist und Waffenlieferant beschimpft.

Die Olle will wirklich, dass alle Palästinenser nach Berlin in die Kurfürstenstraße ziehen sollten und gemeinsam mit den restlichen Museln ein Kalifat erschaffen sollen. Und dann wundert die sich, warum keiner diese Leute in ihrem Land haben wollen.
such dir bitte professionelle Hilfe Brudi
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Dann steigt man ins Taxi und der Fahrer erzählt was von zukünftigen "Radioaktiven Zonen", in denen die gemeine Bevölkerung nicht mehr gehen soll/darf.

Gibt es eigentlich noch normies?
Ich verstehe ehrlich nicht, wieso linke Aktivisten überhaupt noch irgendwas machen. Läuft doch alles für die.

edizione interrogata
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La bellezza è secondaria, non trascurare il carattere
ho deciso di scrivere un libro dal titolo:
Arrivano i russi

Tirate fuori le doppie per darmi una dritta sull'introduzione e le triple per la copertina del libro!
ah quello è già perfetto tranquillo
copertina: Putin scimmia vecchio con la banana ammuffita
*tira fuori uno stronzone fumante dal culo direttamente nella tua bocca*

Will you buy a Chinese car and contribute to the further decline of Western civilisation in your country?
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good evening, saar
Bokchoyslop machine
If you own any car you are contributing to the downfall of society
>Subsidize another lane extension since i am a fatass and need a couch on wheels to go more than 1000 meters, walking is commujism
Your ancestors are polish turks bibi
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Yeah sadly my dream car is being produced in China. I cope with the fact that it was designed here

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Why is it necessary to fight in these places?
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sephardic jewish merchants smuggled them here because their sugar plantations and slave ports in the Caribbean were overflowing, read a book chud
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I dont care
The south never acknowledges anything. Like how they want you to forget about how they voted for FDR every single time.
Jews were part of the early oligarchy in America, a long with some Quakers, Protestants, Evangelicals etc. Slavery was stalled in many of the first states by banning black people from them. These bans were overturned by a coalition of jews, quakers, abolitionists, and utopianists

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pervoanons utgave
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Tay, HIF
Puh! Det var en lettelse.
Det er bare en sang
Kan lage en sang om PST neste gang, om det hjelper
Fin sang, er det du som synger?

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idę spać o 20 edycja
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/polska/ gdyby była bazowana
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skończyłem kampanie Leona, fajnie mi się grało. jutro jak wrócę z kołchozu to zacznę kampanie Krzysia Czerwonepole
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coś wysoki odsetek jasnowłosych w tej jednej gdyńskiej podstawówce

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wypipo edition
prev >>196597866
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u wut
you should get into creepshots where the innocent women have no idea they're being filmed
And yeah, I guess leek was also associated with Miku, so there's that too. 2deep.
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cum con sex con sexo con cum con
sexo con cum con cum con sex
>you should get into creepshots
LMM tier post

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Jews are 27% of Fields Medal winners, 30% of the Abel Prize winners, and 40% of the Wolf Prize winners, despite being 0.2% of the worldwide population
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It's only a duoblespeak if you don't regard atheist jews as jews, but you clearly do so
I can't say I do, Jewish swede. I guess I really should have said the doublespeak never stops with Zionists.
I'm not jewish. So you think jews like say greg lansky or karl marx aren't jews?
nta but pretty much already accept a jew as an ethnicity too. if an atheist or agnostic jew would go around and start identifying as a polish or a russian then you can be sure there will be a good chunk of polish and russians calling out him despite him not remotely practicing judaism as a religion
Rock and a hard place, I guess. I've just personally always found the notion of being a secular Jew to be somewhat paradoxical since "ethnic Jews" seem to encompass every race under the sun.
Yes, I'm a real asshole like that. My mistake for assuming you were Jewish; I know a Swede posts in /isr/.

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How often do you think about the Roman Empire?
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>Why is it socially acceptable to idolize Rome
It isn't. Only incel virgin retard chud loser vermin parasite do such a thing.
No instant and far-reaching media or jewish lobbying to reach all the goyim back then.
Everyone is tired of germoid faggots prattling on about sex and height
impossible to suffer in italia
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Romans were thousands of years ago, while the Nazis are in living memory. Romans also fought other genocidal fuckheads, whereas the Nazis invaded the rest of Europe when that was no longer socially acceptable (if they'd limited themselves to the USSR, maybe it wouldn't be as hated). Nazis also used modern technology to form industrial genocide in a way that had never been seen before. Lastly, and sort of most importantly, the Romans actually built infrastructure and made artwork that people like, whereas the Nazis made some propaganda films and blew up entire cities' worth of artwork.

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Indian women takeover edition
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>audible ‘poof’
is that your nickname mate? loooool
It's all going on boomer bennies now, triple lock innit
*points at the conservative government*

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What do you love most about Russia?
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Oh noes, a nation that has existed for barely 30 years goes back to being a province! Who gives a shit?
nothing in particular but im a bit edgy so i like the butthurt it produces
It's funny that your only possible defense is accusing those who disagree with you of being russian. I started being uncaring, then prices started rising, then I see only one side consistently posting gore and acting like subhumans.

One's sympathy runs out after a while when they're consistently making your own quality of life go down the shitter while clearly being uncivilized and non-human.
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all this has done was prove that defensive bases and NATO membership are necessary. you are literally incapable of any critical thought

actual subhuman train of thought

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that’s a big coat.
the kids made fun of her.
there were no chairs in the room.
i used to come here all the time when i was younger.
as your friend I advise you to not go down that path.
my sentiments of vexation towards him did not matter now.
>'sat' is a past participle too
yeah, but we don't really use "to be sat" like that. Like I could be annoyed that someone made me sit somewhere and ask why I was sat there, although I'd probably use "seated" in that case. When phrased like in the anon's sentence, it's just more common to say "why am I sitting here, doing x". "sat" just doesn't have that quality to it here.
yeah, that's fine
that's a difference in idiom, though, and not grammar
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spoczywaj w pokoju
I still think it is. In my example I had to change it from "am sat" to "was sat". Maybe I could use "am sat" if I'm narrating something in a passive voice, but that's it.

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cadde news:
>Anon drack öl med Cadde i fredags
>Alewi has ännu inte uttalat sig kring trådens vattenmärkta bilder
>Matgeek på X: "Tips på bra tältpinne till ”Puppan” sökes. Behöver en hållbar med låg vikt vars längd är perfekt för ändamålet."
>Polisanställda värvas av gängkriminella för att få information, visar en granskning av Dagens Nyheter.
>Mike Perry vann gårdagens fajt i BKFC
>Gnarp: Trafikolycka vid Bäling
>Kalmar bäst i landet när det gäller vårdplatser

förra: >>196602614
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mår illa när jag ätit en hamburgare där
dressingen är grisvidrig
feather är den vassaste men det betyder inte att det är den bästa för dig
finns testpack man kan köpa med typ 5 av massa olika rakblad så du kan hitta en du gillar och köpa typ 100-pack av den
använder en Merkur 37c rakhyvel själv
abow suedi har becknarlur
hoppas du får gos och lever

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Edição bueda nice
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salário médio de Cingapura é muito maior e o país também tem crime próximo de zero, além do fato que lá voce nao vai ser um escravo

se for pagar pau pra insectoide, pelo menos escolhe um insectoide decente
Começa com "Por" e termina com "tugal".
viver numa sociedade sem medo de morrer na esquina
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>mas e a teoria?

a falácia clássica de sempre do derrotado

o que importa é o que os ditos comunistas fizeram na prática. antes de serem achincalhados pelo ocidente, eles fizeram muita merda

hoje em dia até eles aceitam isso, e vivem numa sociedade que sobrevive graça a elementos do liberalismo
>A revolução comunista é a ruptura mais radical com as relações de propriedade legadas; não admira que no curso do seu desenvolvimento se rompa da maneira mais radical com as ideias legadas.
>Ao traçarmos as fases mais gerais do desenvolvimento do proletariado, seguimos de perto a guerra civil mais ou menos oculta no seio da sociedade existente até ao ponto em que rebenta numa revolução aberta e o proletariado, pelo derrube violento da burguesia, funda a sua dominação.
>Os comunistas rejeitam dissimular as suas perspectivas e propósitos. Declaram abertamente que os seus fins só podem ser alcançados pelo derrube violento de toda a ordem social até aqui. Podem as classes dominantes tremer ante uma revolução comunista! Nela os proletários nada têm a perder a não ser as suas cadeias. Têm um mundo a ganhar.

>Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels
>Manifesto do Partido Comunista

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