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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

Just who were the Sumerians? Where did they come from?
Caves in Phrygia?

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Negative numbers don’t exist. The other infinite is zero
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John having apples is equally hypothetical as George wanting them.
>you can't have a tree before it was built
A tree has been in the making since before the universe started. Every place and every moment in time is like a mirror/symmetrical reflection of past and future. The zero reflects all directions.
This would be correct, but you can't have free will/consciousness in this model.
which is far eclipsed by the hypothetical symbology in the idea that the apple is one thing or some how a negitive thing because it trades hands. or dare we take the idea further, should george hunger and consume his apple, only the symbol that the apple is one thing is lost, all else is transformed. (math isnt real, a map is not the terrain)
lol have you tryed smoking some of dem trees bro? wood is weak to fire type in the same manner in which a gestalt retro causal entities disruption of the moments momentum of the living moment is weak to the obliteration of the short term memory via chronic chronic usage
tldr smoke weed every hour.

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Post some spooky music
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caught this at 230 views
https://youtu.be/GU3IAm9tXus Atomic Rooster - Voodoo in You (1973)
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Sleipnir sighting in Londinium
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jews sold the world to 'satan' with the covenant of abraham, effectively putting us all in thought prison and teaching parents to brutally beat and torment their children for trying to be free. Its ok, it existed before jews and it will exist after jews, which is why you cant just blame it on jews, even though they were the ones who promised the world to satan 4000 years ago
What? This world was Satan’s from the beginning. When God threw him down where exactly did you think he threw him to?
jews are a part of the human collective, they will ascend with us or leave. there will be no earth without jews
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>4 legs
It's just a Cyclone
>there will be no earth without jews
What an absurb statement

Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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Thanks Anon! I hope I can also be a flame-resistant rabbit! :)

I will say with MB, QoS indicates she's going to be very honest about her feelings. You could ask her out and see?
What does my life in the next year look like?
ahhh fuck no she's a worker at a cafe I frequent can't be doing that
Did gman seriously just post a woman's real picture here ? Fucking desperate
Holy shit, don't tell me this is the one he was asking around if she was "more attractive" than that married femanon.
report it for doxxing shits distributing

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Be positive edition

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

Completely abstain from masturbation and ejaculation to get all the benefits.
If you don't ejaculate, but still spend time touching yourself, and even worse, touching yourself while watching degeneracy, then you are doing it wrong. Very wrong.

>In case of urges:

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do you guys ise any supplements to semenmaxxx? zinc and magnesium for example are proven to increae test, sperm count and motility. what are some other things: foods, workouts, life-style changes other than sr that can be of same benefits and increase libido too. i don't believe you should lower libido on this practice i think it's the opposite and it gives more benefits that way.
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based quesstion trips. yes, a good part of the benefits comes from being healthy.
Eat red fatty meat, lower or cut the goyslope, lift, fast, sleep.

And have a happy life dude
you like giving yourself blueballs?
are you a masochist?
You just described the entire purpose of these threads you retarded nigger.

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>Bene Gesserit = Bene Jesuit (the good Jesuits)
>cult that spreads fake religion to primitive worlds is called the Bene Gesserit ("Jesuit")
>desert people name the protagonist the Prophet Muad'Dib ("Prophet Muhammad")
>A major theme in Dune was the Bene Gesserit (Jesuit) creation of the Arrakis Maud-dib Cult, which became its dominant religion. This is a retelling of Catholocism's creation of Islam as a cult of Mohammed, who was an asset of theirs.
I find it especially interesting that there is a faction with high technology that spreads fake religion to primitive worlds and this group is called the Bene Gesserit ("Jesuit").
Many people believe the catholic church are really agents for an alien group aka Elohim/Anunnaki faction representing a parent civilization that we are nested inside of. This would make the jesuits agents of these UFO space niggers.
Bene Gesserit seeding fake religions across many worlds reminds me of Jacques Vallee's hypothesis of a UFO control system. He claims the revealed religions and most instances of divine revelation are manifestations of this UFO control system which uses mythic displays to engineer human culture and spirituality. These "divine" UFO revelations usually spawn a new religion that inevitably comes into strife with the others. Just look at the three Abrahamic faiths that are locked in perpetual conflict with each other and only prophesized to end in total Armageddon.
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All the bene gesserit skills are based off hindu yogic practices, their martial arts are called prana bindu. Also Stamets which was friends with Herbert said the inspiration for the bene gesserit was Maria Sabina (another tie to shrooms).
Lol they're trying so hard.

Dude if shrooms awakened our genetic consciousness half of us would be speaking Latin by now. I promise you it's adrenochrome+
>this resource from the desert powers all of our ships
Yeah - that's DEFINITELY a reference to shrooms and not anything like an energy source that was causing international tensions around a place of great religious significance to most around the world...
Adrenochrome doesn't do that either, all this shroom shit isn't some theory, Herbert was obsessed with shrooms he even grew them and made concoctions with them, and it's been corroborated by his close friends how Dune is about shrooms.

They're not trying hard anon, it's simply the inspiration of a novel and it's pretty obvious, if you bother with reading it that is.
Do you know how ships navigate in Dune? The pilot gets high out of his mind on spice in order to manipulate space and transport the ship with pretty much what could be considered teleportation. Pilots in Dune live permanently in a chamber where the air is filled with spice and they're genetically modified to live like that, without spice in the air, they die.

So yeah, it's a reference to shrooms.

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Reality itself is so perverse, I can't help but think we already live in Hell but we're just accustomed to it. Every single beautiful thing that you see and encounter and do is simply disgusting. The most beautiful flower in existence, you see, it is just an open wide vagina waiting for pollination. Every bird song is a call for mating. Every delicious fruit that you eat is effectively a baby. Don't get me started on eating meat. We, ourselves, rub genitals together just to procreate. And our bodies are disgusting, full of fluid and tendrils and little organisms crawling everywhere.
The most simple argument is, why did our creator co-created our reproductive organs with the excretion organs?
It's a perverse and disgusting reality. Everything is puss, bodily fluid, dead babies, exposed bones, decaying flesh, putrefied corpses.
If an alternate dimension consciousness would be asked to design the most putrid, sickening, vomitous existence imaginable, it would come up with this. We are simply adapted to it, it's as if we imagine a lake of fire as hell today, but in 10000000000000000 trillion years of hellish existence, that lake of fire becomes a vacation resort.
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“Man, what are you talking about? Me in chains? You may fetter my leg but my will, not even Zeus himself can overpower.“
- Epictetus
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Flowers are nothing BUT open vaginas. We are adapted to it because in nature, open flowers indicated a healthy environment. We seek flowery fields and flowering trees, it meant the place that we have sought and the yearly season is here.

Look man, I get what you're saying, I'm not fucking stupid. But there is something to be said about the perverse and insipid nature of our reality. In another less-fortunate-towards-humans reality, WE might as well be the plants and the flowers and our children, the fruit.
our sin is what perverts. this reality is beautiful, we twist it into shameful things. a vagina is not inherently perverse, etc. it simply just "is." our observance and our sin, gives life to perversity.
But creation is fallen at its very core. It's like saying the food only makes you fat if you eat it, but then you put some donuts in front of my face, make me lose my mind with hunger and when I eat and get fat, you put the blame on me.
Yes, I STILL get it. I can't wrap my head around the nature of creation except that it's simply that. Fallen. Creation can't be anything else. We can only hope for the beyond to be up to par.
>Every single beautiful thing that you see and encounter and do is simply disgusting.
It’s called duality faggot. The entirety of existence is made like that. It’s simultaneously good and bad, beautiful and disgusting all at the same time. It’s up to you which part you focus on, or whether or not you transcend it. You can’t blame God for what you’re doing to yourself.

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I’m starting to believe there’s information that normies just aren’t allowed to see like there brain fogs over and avoids the information when ever it’s presented as a form of mystical gate keeping
Have you anons experienced this
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I just edited it into one video, should I upload to youtube? Should I add music or keep it silent?
That's the video full video. I edited it as best as I could and added some ambience in the background.
> human math isn't always a perfect representation of reality
lol yah that was the point
But I like to think the one becoming 3 so that it could make a 9 infinity sounds pretty cool especially since this is /x/ :p
Ty so much anon truly based <3

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You are one of many Lucifers.

Lucifers sigil represents the gain of sight (observer perspective/god perspective).

We once ruled in Orion (Origin) and fell for whatever reason down to Sheol.

I know that you are out there, nothing in this life happens by coincidence. Everything follows a preset pattern.

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"

You are not son of the morning, but son of the MOURNing.

"Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones.
Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings."

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I was wondering. Do you Christcucks actually feel powerful from all these empty threats?
I think you can admit it's getting pretty fucking pathetic.
Maybe the real sin isn't about what we're allowed to do or not allowed to do.
Maybe the real sin is what we allow ourselves to become in the process of doing these things. Maybe it's not about not doing things or doing some things, maybe it's about preserving yourself from sin that rots you from the inside out. Maybe it's not that sinning is wrong, but instead, that it perverts the soul, and one's main goal in life is to be able to maintain yourself pure in spite of temptations or other negative things that eventually through the course of time end up taking something pure and tainting it with what the body is able to do. Maybe that's the real sin, maybe it's not even about living in accordance to God's image and lifestyle, but instead is about preserving what we were born with and keeping it intact. Jesus loves us all and we were given a gift by being born, stray as much as you want and he will remain forgiving towards your sins.
More proof that religions are for mentally ill nigger retards.
Yesterday I came to that conclusion also.
I noticed that in the beginning, I was very pure and good-hearted, and all the evil that is now within me came from my experiences and how I was treated by others but I decided instead of wallowing in self-pity I will be as noble and righteous as I can, just to spite the world that clearly wants to pull me down with it.
You have people that don't realize this, I was referring to the spiritual aspect of it. Now, think about something like drugs or substance abuse, it's the most perverse thing in the world, you're taking everything you were born with and abusing it. In the most destructive and ignorant way in the world. It makes me sad that people decide to take that path, it's evil, they lose themselves completely.

Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?

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Any organization these glowies are supposed to be a part of is comprised of retarded dorks who don't have the capability to do much beyond jerk off. You're just mad somebody disagrees with you
i manifested the glowies because i wanted a reason to hate, now that i have hated the glowies are gone. also they are more likely contractors working for nefarious third parties that have a lot of money to dispose on this kind of shit, the actual alphabet agencies are more interested in trading drugs and trafficking lil' children.
Do it
The deluded ramblings, of a mad man.
you add nothing to the discussion by mocking other posters here, if you cannot talk about /loa/ then leave this thread. >>>/sci/ might be a more fitting place for you.

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Hahahahaha look at this guy using crutches
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Look at this fag saying adehonia is like winning the lottery
I don't get this image

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Number 33, the eye of providence, a massacre during a wedding...

Why are they doing this?
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The people involved in the production of media are evil, so why would they be telling the truth? They're clearly working with and receiving teachings from untrustworthy entities. And the Gnostic ideas presented are at odds with the standard Biblical cosmology which seems to be true based on the obviously scripted history I see playing out before me.

>>omg woman with apple????
Yeah Eve I get it. It just seems like something more was being asserted.
Yeah I don't buy your bullshit, sorry. You jump in every thread like this to break the consensus of anons investigating legit occult info. It doesn't matter if it's evil we're gonna extract the truth from it.

Lol bump, you get it. My second favorite part is when the Ghoul / Saturn teaches Lucy / Venus the law of equivalent exchange (karma) by biting off her finger in return. She still asserts her Golden Rule over him, gets (a) finger back, and usurps control of his supply of ghoul-life-extension.
>The fall out.
Funny you should mention it but rather than the fall of man in a biblical sense the title is actually an obscure reference to nuclear fallout
what the fuck are you retarded
Yeah no shit. It's also metaphor for the fall of consciousness after the bombs dropped. Which is why every protag except the Courier is a Vault dweller, to show their rise to the surface is really a metaphoric fall out of their (fake) world of order into one of chaos.
If that is the case then wouldn't the fallout series just be another gnostic text
i.e Eden (the vaults) were created by a lying Bad Guy
but I can't think of enough to extend the metaphor
You could just as easily say the emergence from the vault is like Plato's cave allegory
It's all just not that deep

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I'm sorry if this is deemed off topic or NSFW but something strange went on at /pol/ yesterday and I ended up having some strange dream afterwards.
Some anon made a thread with a c*ndydoll actor's face as the OP and it stayed up all day even after mods were in the thread, it wasn't politics related and there were loads of reports, it was an extremely off-topic thread that the mods just refused to delete. It also had this weird filename for the OP picture that implied that something deeper was going on.

Anyways, naturally I posted in the thread. I hardly ever dream, but last night I had an extremely vivid dream where some unidentifiable guys in yellow suits sat me down and talked to me about my post history, asked if I've ever posted in similar threads, and made me explain all my 4chan posts to them. The dream was so vivid that I woke up an hour earlier than normal and was covered in sweat.

Now the same thread is posted today and it gets deleted immediately with only 9 posts in it while yesterday it was on the front page for hours with hundreds of posts.
What's going on? Is there some kind of government agency going around and planting some kind of psychic tracking stuff in threads on here? It just seems like too big of a coincidence to have this dream after this thread and for them to refuse to delete the thread, almost like they were purposely leaving it up so they could track anons who posted in it.

Again, sorry if this is out of line.
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>What's going on? Is there some kind of government agency going around and planting some kind of psychic tracking stuff in threads on here? It just seems like too big of a coincidence to have this dream after this thread and for them to refuse to delete the thread, almost like they were purposely leaving it up so they could track anons who posted in it.

Nab that's crazy talk. Go back to bed.
maybe your dream was something that happens in the future?
the thread could have been bait and anyone who posted in it will get a visit from glowies
i am not sure why they would do that though just a guess
stuff like this is why i avoid /pol/ which is glowie central
Qayinite spiritual elite pedo-hunters. The wild hunt of Qayin.
Pedos are the opposition here during the Great Awakening, due to having been caught in a lot of spiritual rat-traps ("why don't you have a seat, right over there?"). The demiurgic heimarmene is pedos trying to extort all of humanity in pedophilia arrest syndrome. Don't let yourself be extorted, they were beaten as soon as everything started, they're just laid under siege, paypigging massively to buy time one day at a time. A lot of police are pedos in this state, already exposed for highly criminal policework.

"Q-anon: Trust the plan - arrest all pedos".
Any non-pedos that wants to get involved, try to make spiritual contact to be initiated and trained in the ways of the serpentforce.

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