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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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You can't kill it despite all your linkcels fudding my bags

I am testing this out, just created a coin on pump.fun. Lets try to run it to 100k MC Dev holds 0.07% of supply

>can't hold 64k

Ohh hellooo
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down to 50k we go....
Check the price

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Do I really have to pay taxes on sold crypto if I sell through an exchange?
No, lol, what are they gonna do about it, they might not even know you sold or bought depending on what exchange you using

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Expectation in 2017 for 2024:
>3 fig price, lots of usage
>$1700 in fees daily after a 3 year hyped feature with 500 employees to pay fat wages and give vested tokens to

Xswap is basically most the usage... and is made by chainlink founders.
They literally had to build Transporter to get people to use it and nobody is.
All serious projects are suffering this... the only difference is Chainlink heavily scaled and spent anticipating a market that doesnt exist lol.
Enterprise adoption flopped, and at best is going dramatically slower than they anticipated... the fall back for Crypto native market also flopped because the market dropped all pretences now and is straight up memes and gambling to the point even VCs are setting up meme coins.

A meme coin wont use CCIP or give a fuck about cross chain as it wont exist in 3 months anymore.
You have Chainlink spending god knows how much running around interviewing banks and enterprises to try force fit themselves into whatever these banks might build later that might be DLT compatible.

As said, all serious projects are suffering the same thing now... It is just only Chainlink that HEAVILY invested into scaling for a market that doesnt exist and now needs gargantuan funding to keep operations going... guess were that comes from? Then guess who they are competing with as loads of long time holders slowly move on selling 5-10% here and there.
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The whole market needs a giant fucking crash, im talking 99% down on the majority of alts.
As long as its easier to scam people and make memecoins rather than legitimate projects, crypto will never take off
The market needs to be unprofitable for one bull cycle while link eats the entire lunch in order to reset properly
Your other thread about "CCIP is dying" is still up, fudbro: >>58443713
Exact same talking points too
>muh xswap
>muh all of crypto is scams
that isnt me. i did make a thread yesterday though, this one >>58447298.

I developed my thoughts a little more since and can articulate it better.
I think you should take a hard look at yourself and thinking towards crypto. its not weird at all for multiple people to start coming to similar opinions over the past 7 years with LINK.


This is actually an interesting take and i would be inclined to agree with this. Things have got absolutely out of control. in 2017, alts were actually trying to be useful even if they almost all ended up vapourware once it seemed difficult or they got too rich too fast. People would not invest in fartcoins like now. hell the biggest disgrace back then were just mild as fuck by todays standard. like Verge. Verge seems like a serious useful project by todays standards.

2021 was a decline. doge set a prescient, but Defi summer before it was food coin scams but they were still actually presenting themselves as something serious, just the meme starting.
2021 took it to another level though, and serious projects did underperform bar a few VC backed ones.

now? full capitulation to casino gambling. there is absolutely no pretence anymore. Everyone knows it. they go straight for the memes, and that is that. the devs, the investors etc all know it and dont expect more than getting out before the rug. its not serious and not expected. being a serious coin is actually a mark against it and a red flag for investing now unless its an AI coin(which nobody expects any actual development from). VCs are literally making meme coins now.

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I personally think its a bit stupid to expect LINK or any serious project to actually perform in this market considering the direction it has gone. If we get some mass bloodbath where alts severely under-perform especially memes, and BTC goes way under expectations(i'm expecting about 120k-140k peak, but lets say it peaks at like 90k or something), this could indeed be a fundamental reset and LINK may be able to actually perform if it shifts back to usage.

That said, look at Eth. what has it achieved in all this time with REAL adoption? it exists on inertia at this point at rank 2. With LINK, there are even more headwinds. its down massively over years now, especially in sats. thats long enough for OGS to start moving on, selling 10% of their stack here and there. You also have Chainlink who scaled too hard for a market which didn't happen needing to sell to keep afloat. Its going to be very hard to come anywhere close to even half the old ATH against BTC especially as OGs sell on the way up more than they might have years ago.

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BTC’s diminishing returns are brutal. This is gonna be the biggest flop of a bullrun yet
delete this. NOW!
>not priced in: becoming the world's reserve currency
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Don't listen to this nazi propaganda, guys
This is the best moment to invest in BTC and BRC20
Prepare your satoshibank, goys!
Whats the TV account this is from?

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>rates haven't been this high since before 9/11
Up? Down? Gongo where?

Do I still have a chance to make it ?
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If you had your ear to the ground and bought 10k HAMMY (sol memecoin) 3 days ago you could have sold it for 250-300k earlier today. Might be worth even 500k in the next few days. Yeah you'd need 500k capital to feel even remotely comfortable dropping 10k on a memecoin, but still. If you have balls and the ability to parse info/read the shitcoin hype market you could run up a few hundred grand to millions in months.
Funny guy. The total liquidity is around 980K. One guy holding 1/3rd of the liquidity? No thanks.

That’s the issue I have with statements like these. Crypto bros always talk about gains in retrospect. “Oh, if you had only entered this coin then you would’ve made a 50x bagger!”

Cmon. That’s unrealistic. And unsustainable. If your goal is long term growth, which it should be, getting lucky off of shitcoins will never be your method to riches.
You need to add DePINs, Oracle, and RWA to make it Anon. And remember, PEAQ is launching soon on CoinList, and SUPRA TGE is on the horizon.
Nope. I'd rather jump on the token of the project that MapMetrics ditched Solana to join their ecosystem.
Neither am I, but I just made a new discord so here:


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Threads just don't die anymore. It's weird.
Well I for one
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I lost just like $237, it's not a big deal
I got more money in LRDS I'm just waiting for the token to go public
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Now that the email thing didn't work out, they have to remove it, right.
satoshisync is only good only when they help you to get BRC20 tokens with the lowest of fees
their token itself is mid as fuck

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Im going to put my entire networth ($500,000) in MSTR this monday after seeing this fucking video.


Fucking clown economy. Im fucking done with this shit. Im making it into 7 figures by xmas.
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its still a hard gamble. why not play safe? that's lots of money.
let him do it, so when he comes around crying we will cope him back to life.
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good luck sir.
he will 100% go public if he snags into a roadblock, like if he can't push the LLM further into AGI territory

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A lot of MPW shills should know this.

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You can buy a retarded memecoin with zero use off of a funny meme or name and have the chance to make millions of dollars and retire. What's the point of even working? This is why the economy is shit right now.
why dont you then? where are your millions?

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Let's talk about buying real estate.

What's the best country / area to buy property? Any amazing deals that we should be aware of?


These are some countries that have no property tax.

I'm interested in buying property in Hawaii. Property Tax is very low there, around 0.3% of the value of the property every year.

Of course California's prop 13 is the BEST deal - as the property increases in value your yearly property tax doesn't change - unfortunately we cannot really get good deals through prop 13 anymore.

Any Brits here who know how property tax works in your country? How much would you pay in property tax per year on say a 500,000 pound property in london? What about Northern ireland?
Australia is the best country to buy property at the moment.

> negative gearing
You can buy a property and write it off as a loss, meaning you pay no tax. You can continue to chain together buying more and more properties and never pay any tax at all.
> best money laundering laws
Australia imports thousands upon thousands of millionaires a year to keep its economy afloat, 99% of the Australian Stock Exchange is money laundering outfits (people like to say they're all mining companies, but if that were true then Australia would be exporting about 10 whole Earths of iron ore a year). The government does not really look into where you acquired the money. Being paid from the dodgiest of dodgy shell companies is perfectly fine.
>local councils decide land development
This means that there is an EXTREME housing shortage because we all know that local councils are NIMBY as fuck
>government has signed onto a fuckload of treaties that force it to take in hundreds of thousands of immigrants every month
The means the EXTREME housing crisis is going to become MORE EXTREME as the country is legally obligated by many treaties to many major trading partners to have 30 million citizens by 2030 (currently 26 million), this does not include the millions of students and temporary workers that need homes either
>every single superannuation fund is tied to a property portfolio
Every Australian is forced to pay into the retirement fund, these retirement funds aren't actually allowed to be invested in anything risky, so they're all in on property. With a rapidly aging population everyone from young to old is inherently favouring housing prices going up. Hence, if the housing bubble pops Australia is dead.

If you don't believe me just wait for the annual Budget which will be released next week. The government will absolutely not touch anything to do with housing, except increase rental assistance welfare and make it easier for poor Australians to get into mortgages.
Oh, and one more thing. Australian property ownership is basically a guaranteed way to get permanent residency and citizenship. So dropping US$500,000 on a property and sitting on it for just a few years will grant you one of the strongest passports on the planet and will likely net you US$1,000,000 by 2030, if not sooner.
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California is the worst place to move in, it's like living in a third world country with high taxes
Texas is the best place to buy and invest in real estate, you can check all the charts and nerd shit with Truflation but recently I read about how average real estate prices were going down in Austin, TX

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Shill me your low market cap base network plays

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So I bought the most retarded catcoin I found

Do what u want with this information pleb

You are pushing a cat coin who's chart looks like dogshit

btw hi integer
I dont see any catcoins on dextools. Are they on Jeetlana? If so not interested

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>0 threads about yen

cryptofags not allowed
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i meant wild as in exciting, not unexpected
This is the crypto board, Anon. If it's low mcap tokens like Dua, Nxra, and Dimo, I'd have taken a chance to buy the dip.
I'm not a fan of stable Fag. I'd rather buy the token that I can stake on Brillion DeFi terminal and earn NAI rewards.
woah less than a 1% dump so heckin' crazy
Go back to facebook retarded boomer
it's a fucking nation state, not gamestop

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Why do you hate credit cards, /biz/?
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I like credit cards
Because I've got Brillion, I can use it to connect with over 5000 financial institutions.
DUA is also offering cash back from daily activities. What are you boasting about, huh?
The lines on your nails show iron deficiency
i actually love credit cards. the nice thing about credit cards is if the debt becomes too overwealming you can just stop paying them. literally nothing will happen to you. you can't go to jail or be killed for not paying your debt. it's just an imaginary number.

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Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized P2P privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and fungible, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- In other words, the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with transactions being visible only by a user willingly providing a view key.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of current popular cryptocurrencies. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of transactions increases. Further, the mining network algorithm RandomX establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier to entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward gradually approached 0.6 XMR in June 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a MoneroChad will be with you shortly.

XMR Redpill: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=wq6w03E2DS4

XMR Stats: moneroj.net

USE Monero: https://cryptwerk.com/pay-with/xmr/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - getmonero.org

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>inb4 wangblows
Just downloaded an update for the GUI and wangblows gives me the choice of "quarantine or remove". What do?
sad it was a mail and not a transaction on your wallet
Hi frens, hypothetically speaking, when chain analysis takes off and demand for XMR significantly grows, would any of you atomic swap for BTC or ETH? If so, why?
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Is it worth using monero as a middleman? Can't buy anything I want to buy using XMR.
I've looked around a lot and haven't found anything that comes close to answering this question:
>traceable fiat currency goes to XMR
>XMR is paid to someone for a product
>XMR is converted to traceable fiat currency so it can actually be used for a purpose outside of crypto spheres
Does it work like this? Couldn't the money be traced once it's been converted to 'real' money?

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