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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

Bored Mystic Here
I’ve acquired da’ath among many other things and you can verify my power level by how many glowbots i attract
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the first time i started getting information synchronically, idk how else to say it, basically intuitively learning things, having the resources I needed at my disposal, y'know, basic praying for wisdom type stuff, I just started thinking everything I thought was true after I got the slightest evidence back that it was working. kek I think I got possessed idk or was just punished for arrogance. At it's climax I yeated out of body saw a beautiful place, on a moon or something, not "the moon" but yeah It's hard to walk that line without becoming a babbling psycho. Idk man putting that out here with all these occultists kicking around doesn't seem like a good idea. One of them earlier in the thread was silly enough to tell an occultist to go kill himself, we should probably pray for him.
>the first time i started getting information synchronically, idk how else to say it, basically intuitively learning things, having the resources I needed at my disposal, y'know, basic praying for wisdom type stuff,
This is the invisible river I speak so highly of the one I say trumps any silly cult which was founded by people in said river but entropy via regurgitation takes its tole
I too have fallen off the bike and skinned my knees many times but once you keep getting back on you learn how to properly order the chaos of it all
You just got lost in the sauce and it happens to us all for all we know you punished yourself because you perceived yourself as becoming to arrogant with the new found power I did the same thing at some point but it was all just me judging me when I should have lived me and embraced it all but I can only speak for my experience
Always hold in mind that fear is the mind killer and you’re always just one good thought away from love it’s polar you are the master of your trip.

And don’t worry about others or silly goose shit I could tell you to its a million times and it would mean nothing sticks and stones
Tell you to kys*
>lost in the sauce
hah, yeah alcohol is some serious shit. what could drive a man to consume fire at the expense of the whole organism? maybe it's the indian in my blood but I get real ungovernable real fucking fast. thank you for your kind words anon

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What's the difference between watchers and archons :V?
We call the rude ones archons. The watchers stay in their seats, the archons are the riffraff trying to storm the stage and interrupt the performance

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Introduction to Buddhism series by Aaron Proffitt, Ph. D
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Ah, I think you're talking about the "I", they don't lose it because they never had it, and neither do you and I, and no, they don't lose the ability to perceive themselves or even cease to exist.
You can imagine them doing what they were doing before, if they had a family they would continue to look after their families, it's just an example.
In a perfect state of bliss? I can't say, perhaps the word bliss isn't appropriate..
You don't necessarily need to be enlightened to do this process. But technically speaking for a fully awakened person, the answer is... I don't know, I have my doubts :)
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1. Enlightenment is freedom within reality. It brings an unbreakable and eternal sense of happiness that can no longer be touched by suffering. While an enlightened being may bleed, may die and rot, the body of an enlightened being is just clothes. They are not there. They are not even human. They have rejoined with Buddha nature.
2. Yes.
3. They don't. Some establish Pure Lands where other people may reach enlightenment in favorable conditions. Some incarnate into hell realms to save the lost. Some just exist in the bardo between life and death doing nothing. Enlightenment is the ultimate ability to make choices.
4. Yes. An enlightened being that reincarnates has a 'rediscovery' period where they need to train to access their potential. Even a tulku like the Dalai Lama has to re-synchronize their body with the full breadth of their consciousness when they are reborn.
A Buddha conventionally has things we unenlightened beings identify as individual but are not. This because the terms we impute towards an individual lack inherent existence on their own. Enlightened beings cease the experience of dukkha and in some sense are unconditioned.

Here is a link on the two truths in Theravada.


Here is a more technical Abdhammaic understanding of the two truths in Theravada. More scholar monks in some strands of Theravada will deal with this type of view.


General Indian Buddhism from an academic standpoint.


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Can enlightened beings have a spouse after they are liberated or is that unenlightened behaviour?
marriage is part of society and created by householders for householders, so it doesn't add up to being enlightened. Arahants can't have sex too. And it is said that fully enlightened people become bikkhus when there is a sangha or die, probably by suicide because, because they completed the holy life so there's nothing left for them in any realm of life.
It's Anagamis who can be lay people.

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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.

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I was able to track down where you guys are contracted from. Thats right you are contracted to post these. Its only a matter of time
I think tomorrow, I will buy a stetson, boots, and some cat ears.
Homeless guys know more than average homemore folks. They're not even afraid that much.
Like Ginger's Herbert.
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He’s just a silly man, wearing a fur coat, who needs a shave.

I get paid through the VA, my cover is that I'm an autistic veteran with PTSD and substance abuse problems with bouts of mania. You'll never be able to prove shit.

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Every day thousands of creatures experience a horrible, grueling, bloody, painful death.

How does anyone think god is kind?
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Well their death is the end.
You experience reality and know not what comes next.
thats why you will never be a God. you dont get the importance of the ying yang
Most things die pretty quickly. I hope I go with only a few minutes of suffering
You're presenting the audience with an ultimatum that would be near impossible for the audience to answer. The manner in which you phrase your question is a loaded question because it only lets the audience answer according to the terms of your premise. Individuals I encounter who provide people they are talking to with impossible ultimatums are not trustworthy and do this to get the conversant to resolve their personal issues for them. Why do we have to resolve your personal issues why can't you do that shit yourself you sorry fuck?
What if we just kinda suck a bit

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I've had inconsistent results with sigil magic
Sometimes it seems to work and it blows my mind
Sometimes I feel like it did nothing and I wasted my time

Is it related to the intensity of the orgasm?
Do I have to literally edge or something to see results?
Cuz I usually don't cum very hard at all
What's your mental focus like?
Probably not super great
I sort of just look at the sigil when I bust

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So basically the eastern religions, specifically hinduism is true. more specifically shaktism.

Magic cannot be attained by your average joe. It's super secret. Takes like 40 years to get and is very weak. Its made hard to get by the demiurge/powers that be and if you think you can get it. good luck. People would just weaponize it anyways most of your filthy hands can't get it.

Cryptids, supernatural beings surprisingly exist though limited forms. Nirmanakaya. The shapeshifting-semi material ghosts that supposedly can manifest and even make a physical body. They do exist. I've heard of really tall people in the mountains. theres also spiritually endowed people of all shapes and sizes. They aren't the suburban wicke-thots or crystal aunt's. They are larger than life, very eerie people.

the goddesses are real. Yes. This is probably the hardest truth to believe.
Anyone who tries to transcend the human condition. This is sort of like a fuastian thing. Any who does is gonna get fucked one way or another. The demiurge, the powers that be which, your not gonna beat them. They hate anyone who tries to break free or pave their own path. In the words of jan svankmajer's version of faust as the demon mephistopheles says.

>"so look no further than all your human brother's do. Eat. Sleep. Drink. and let that be sufficient."

Spirituality is not the occult and you can do that. But any real spirituality will just ruin your life most likely so i highly doubt anyone preaching it actually knows what they are doing. But my personal belief is that all spirituality and meditation is totally redundant and is only for ignorant people. Because truly righteous people. god will personally

this is comming from some body who's resisted liberation probably well over 200 times now and has been in the trenches dealing with the kundalini for over a year now and is believe it or not. I think you guys have a right to know. Capable of becoming a nirmanakaya.
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In early christianity demons were called daemons i believe and they were not all evil. Just neutral. morally grey.
>studying symbols to the point that you can make a gunpower like substance that ignites in the air when thrown from your hands isn't magic
It keeps it fun if I keep calling it magic. All that controlling peoples minds shit is for the birds imo. It's secret knowledge but it's secret technology. The Church has mostly always existed to control technology, words are technology. Funny idea, but I think iron maidens used to be used for electrolysis reactions using the voltage of the one impaled like sticking a couple of wires in a lemon.
Anon that's just called flushing a toilet and having the turd going down the pipes.
Evola said it just meant a force or power on the earth. Their shit got wack ones they started praying to them with passion instead of intention. ChatGPT is a daemon. The gods people scarified too were probably just AIs in a sense.
I agree its more fun that way. I myself read ancient texts and try to make esoteric interpretations that parallel my own works and inspire my motivations. It feels like uncovering secrets. Like Indiana Jones or something. Everything became much more fun when I started thinking that way. Life is no longer boring.

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haven't had one in a bit. let's beat the archons with funies
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forged donation of constantine
and misinterpration of Matt 16:18
1 and 6 are the same.
Being incapable of action is only considered a virtue to men who are incapable of action. Love does not exist without hate, the term you're looking to describe yourself is hedonist apathy.
It would be similar to claim you deeply love the US (which I hate), but never work a day in your life in any job or government position.
It would be similar to a man who "loves" his wife and children, but applauds when I rape both because he's "enlightened" with THC in his veins and his dick in his hand.
Enlightenment was never about being liked by people and materialaly prosperous, enlightenment means obviously to become aware of the light body and invisble light spectrum.
When will people stop with this nonsense? It's getting to the point where it's as bad as logfag and bbc spam
Sorry for your loss
That's not weed

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everything is a joke. the nature of reality is confusing and nonsensical by design. there is no intrinsic meaning to anything, otherwise you would have to take that meaning seriously.

nothing is serious. we're just here to play.
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>truly unfortunate that some have to deal with that
We aren't letting you off the hook just yet.
Only your mother enables you.
>Only your mother enables you.
I don't think I need to. That pic conveys a lot really well tbqh
I get it
Apple cider vinegar kills that. 1tbsp per cup water. Apply twice a day like a toner on a cotton ball or a pad. Rub lightly and let the ACV dry. It’s easy to deal with but Jewish doctors won’t do anything about it, because they don’t want to talk about how the glowniggers cause it by nefarious means.
>the jester vs the nobody who would win

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Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

>If you're NEW, please READ the STICKY:
>Recommended /div/ links and books:
>MEGA with Divination Books:

>Guides made by some of our readers:
•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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What can I do so they stop shadowbanning me?
My query was if anything romantic will happen between me and AC? starting when you confirm

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Do you guys have any examples of games with occult themes or symbols?
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Eternal Darkness
Alice: Madness Returns
Resident Evil games, Dragon Age games, Elder Scrolls games. Do keep in mind they all have strong biases
Cultist simulator or Book of hours
Elder Scrolls: It depends on your character and the quests you seek out.
Pathologic 1 & 2, though its not as clear. Funger 2 goes harder on it than the first so play it if you havent

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Remote viewing general #2
/ppg/ posters also welcome

Continued from >>37762880

This thread is intended to help anons learn about what remote viewing is and how to practice it using systematic techniques from some of the most proficient RVers currently alive.
Don't hesitate to post your own targets and practice with anons ITT, that's what this thread is for.

Links about RV:
>RV basics:
>Stargate documents (the original military program which led to the development of modern RV methodology):

Remote viewing has been used recently in order to uncover knowledge with some profound implications. Most of you are aware of Project Moksha, and some might also know about Project Red Dog. Here are some links:

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I don't believe in remote viewing persay but I think it does prove that the human brain is lot more powerful computational wise than people and researchers thought, because lets be honest, most of this shit is people just guesstimating and making predictions on what could be there and calling it remote viewing, and yet a good portion of it turns out to be right. I think the human brain is a lot better at making correct hypothesis's and conclusions then we think.
Psi ability has nothing to do with morals or political beliefs. In many cases, these abilities manifest also in people of bad moral character (example: Ted Owens). Also, Nazi Germany was big into occultism and parapsychological research efforts existed there too. Hitler had his own astrologer.
Not really, but there are some rarer cases where viewing "esoteric" targets like UFOs and such can cause some adverse effects. That stuff can usually be dealt with fairly easily the way you'D deal with any kind of spiritual nastiness, just keep in mind that there are forces who can notice if someone tries to perceive them.
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FYI some people who claim to be Remote Viewers are really glowie assets who lie to people on purpose. Especially about stuff like investments. Make you sure you do a thorough deep dive on anyone claiming to be a RVer.
Best fitting hypothesis seems to be that there is something accessible to everything conscious. Maybe the microtubules allow accessing it, through a quantum entanglement or something similar, but that doesn't explain EM effects. Cue to Schumann.

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Objective and universal beliefs that make logical sense:
>Magic circles afford protection as a simple mental and physical barrier
>Metals with anti microbial properties and high conductivity hold spiritual significance
>Water is commonly used for purification and religious stuff
As opposed to:
>Tiktok witch doing the lesser PENTAGRAM because her granny had a book based on a European fanfiction of a Jewish fanfiction that said demons don't like it because reasons
>Pointing to cherry picked peer reviewed papers that support your opinion on Reddit
>"Yeah im going to base my brief system on "astrological spheres" that were made up by some dude who had never seen Pluto
Can someone get what im trying to say?
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If you hadn't posted the OP picture this could have been a nice thread about real traditional spiritualism VS modern witchcraft that is actually just about fashion or lifestyle. Instead you made it about genders. Another thread about how 4chan hates women. How droll.
Bait, I know, but I didn't make it about genders. The op picture was just the closest I had, you made it about gender. Sex. Whatever the fuck.
People hate this one.
>Creating change requires consistent effort and action to help manifest it
>vs. just hoping really really hard

Someone astute sees the correspondences in observable reality and realizes the very quick substitutions one can make in "detailed abstract magic theory and ritual" by taking the symbolic meaning and using real objects, action, and understanding to replace them.
both "working hard" and "hoping" are equally wrong
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His bussy is bleeding because he can't read the stars, none of the cute girl spirits want to talk to a fat misogynist, and his virginity is starting to rot.

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