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Welcome to /3/ - 3DCG, 4chan's board dedicated to 3D imagery and modeling.

If you're reading this, you probably got this linked to you because you posted a question that has already been asked many many times. Read ahead, and find your answer.

Scroll down for a useful FAQ and resource links
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Previous: >>968906

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

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Ah, very nice
Try it.
Just try it.
You can manage what appear in your Content Library by editing the folder structure, but don't touch the textures/mesh folders order.
There might be a deeper reason, but the way DAZ automatically updates past frames based on changes you make in a future frame, all the way back to the start, is very annoying.
I'm currently using the G8 character, but I'm thinking of moving to the G9. But does the G9 have any special features? A lot of the data I have only works on the G8, which makes me hesitate.

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Stylish tacticool reloads
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wtf is this black magic sorcery
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it's not perfect but it's the best 2D imitation i have seen yet. Once you watch it enough times, like >>978226 says, you start noticing the parts that are 3D anyway, like consistent line quality on pose movements or the background, but the camerawork and usage of 3D as more of a, in a way, drawing medium for each frame rather than a complete animation tool still hold up to sell the illusion long enough to make it god-tier.
The fact you have to watch it that many times to pick it up means that the illusion works.

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>Just learn Blender, bro
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Yakub car
Someone is bound to fap to taht
Looks like a hot wheel car lol
God damn, that's some THICK ass right there


Have any of you learned using this series and would you say it's worth the 15 bucks or am I better off just learning on various youtube videos?

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Previous thread: >>973562
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the ones from Canopy Games seems to be the most popular on cgpeers, just download the 2 of them.
>B-but i don't have an account
just ask for the magnets on the torrent thread.
ah, i only have limited vfx style groom experience - correct solution there is to just crank up the hair count.
maybe get the dot product b/w the fwd direction of the animal and the direction of the camera and plug that into something that makes it shade a bit nicer
Any decent looking anime shader that work with godot?
the ""anime shader"" is done with the normals, can you do this?
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Im using the polybuild tool but when i hold ctrl to make a quad i only get tris. my create quads box is checked so I dont know why this is happening. any solutions?

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Ladies and Gentlemen of /3/,

The next 4 upcoming years, i will spend every single day in the production for the pilot-episode of a new Berserk adaptation.
>Narrative - 100 % faithful to the Manga
>Art Style - inspired by Netflix Arcane (pic related)

Without any doubt: this project is a Behemoth, but i am dead serious about the production.

Truth to be told, i am lacking experience, which is why i created this thread in the first place.
I would like to know your opinion on certain topics - Roughly spoken about project-management, planing and execution.

I am not asking for direct involvement in the project - at least not until i proved myself with regular updates and progress that i am the real deal.
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Hype is real.
sovl vs soulless
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Not a fan of mangas (I'm in 4chan because of /pol/ not because of /a/) but this seems interesting.
> i would like to know if anyone would take a different approach?
I'd take the classical film production approach and that means a more serious pre-production work. I'd not only list the assets but make a comprehensive location, story and character timeline of everything, if you don't take every tiny prop into account for each scene it can quickly become a production hell.
This is the reason the big majority of films, even faithful to the source material ones are filmed and produced not in order but in a way it makes sense for the production.

So for pre production I'd seriously have a look at:

-Animatics: Pre planning on the style of animation. (Example: Will blood be added in 2d or 3d?)

-Production design: Have your cinematography, color palettes, location and prop design to a single consistent language (Example: How do locations look in the background, how does fire look?)

-Research and development: Plan ahead for the tools or techniques you'll need.(Example: I need to create a 'slashing' pipeline that renders the desired effect my character uses his weapon.)

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Yeah OP you should get an intimacy coordinator too, god forbid you actually work on the project
Precisely because it's a one person endeavor Op should plan ahead on stupid thing so he can focus on the animation when it comes down to that.
>you should get an intimacy coordinator too
Yes I do agree holy wood's bureaucracy is what makes idiotic bloated budgets but a school friend actually works as lead animator in Arcane and it is clear to me that a good production mirrors a good plan.

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But I can use Blender somewhat, so I just make models from schematics
I was also thinking of remaking art by actually creative and artistic people in 3D, or replicating video game scenes.
Anyone else like this?
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Replicating things that already exist (from reference) is extremely common and has been for thousands of years. Everyone does it and you should too. Make shit that you enjoy or enjoy the process of making.

If you want to be more creative try stepping out of your comfort zone more. Experiment and remix when making things. You will fuck up, but think critically about it and you can learn. If depression is getting in the way get some exercise and sunlight.
your modelling talent is required to preserve old art. starts making 3D models of those cultures that are unexposed that aren't Western or Eastern.
I'm in the same boat over here with my aphantasia. For creative outlet I just love modifying things, since I can see shortcomings or missing pieces, but not create anything from scratch.
On the other hand, if you WANT to create things without imagination,unironically use Dall-E 3 to generate shit (there is an outpour of threads on /v/ for AI generation currently, if you don't have any idea how to prompt). It will create the rough outline of an item/character/place, provide some details and you can make the thing take shape in 3D software (something I considered once I saw some outputs of mine and thought the contents were a cool idea).
See what art you like and make your own referencing the original, but not copying it. To be creative, you have to be ''random'' (Just like a child looking at the clouds and see a king doing backflip with a mage's skateboard).

If you do models, take inspirations from the media that you like, maybe even mash with other things.

This shit only works with people with schizophrenia and I am not joking. Even more so the part of drugs. When you have a job to do, you have to force yourself to do art. Not all people are the same and can hear the squirrels dancing with a cat in the tree
>Anyone else like this?
There's this nigga on /3/ who wants to create a Berserk adaptation in LoL Arcane artstyle.
Doesn't matter what you do, just stay consistent.

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The only way to truly create retro CGI is by using period accurate hardware and software, anything else is forced soul from coping zoomers.
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>look into this guy
>find soap opera of trans discord pinkpilling and pedo allegations
why does this happen with everone i try to enjoy
only souless, retarded, chronically online zoomers.

cris dont have this problem.
>>cris dont have this problem.
>game dev
>extreme autism
>litany of other mental issues
honestly it's only a matter of time, he has all the perfect factors.
Why does it matter if you use authentic tools when you make ahistorical 2020s tranimecore slop that doesn't remotely match the era stylistically?
This, it doesn't matter what software or hardware you're using if all you do is render le epic twitter zoomer anime girls and some primitives

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So I'm finally unbanned. /archviz/ was cool but was pruned in the ban I'm no longer in the mood for that.

So /3dsg/ anything 3ds max related. Tell me if you have any doubts using this god awful fucking piece shit of a software, wips, works etc etc.
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How would I go about modeling a twisted tape like this? I tried the twist modifier but it's not giving me the desired result
The path deform modifier has a driven rotation modifier that can control the twist using a curve.

But for that ribbon I'd model it manually or simulate it.
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Something like this. I'd still do it manually but that's me. It depends on the level of realism you need.
brillant thanks
Np. Keep posting

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Previous >>959310

Discuss and post anime styles in 3d. From figurines to celshaded models, etc.
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cloth fold
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To do this. I made a nurbs circle and placed it about where I wanted the ponytail to come out, duplicated it and used maya's "live surface" to move the CVs of the circle onto the scalp in the irregular shape it needed to be.
Then I lofted between the 2 curves, and extracted another loop out of the middle of the surface. I adjusted the CVs of that middle loop to be in a better spot, then lofted another surface on all 3 loops and did the same thing 1 more time.
alternatively I've offset a sphere I sculpted to intersect with the head where I wanted and did a boolean subtraction.
Hey thanks for all the advice, I think I know what to do but as I was working on the face mesh it seemed difficult to get the desired result and I think it's mostly because my facial geometry is crowded. Rather than keep trying to correct it I think I'll just make a new one from scratch. Part of that is also because for some reason trying to add a rigify human mesh results in not much happening, so hopefully a clean slate will fix that too. I wanna try a better method of modeling hair, hands, and faces too.

I see that this thread has accumulated a lot of nice reference images, but does anyone have any character references? It seems difficult to find T or even A pose reference sheets for a lot of anime characters, but I guess I could always make due with front/side facing screenshots

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Missing features and lacks artistic improvement to match with Unreal and Unity
All marketing PR talk, no real experience in using Blender. Knows nothing about the real reason.
>Open source
Open source projects doing dumb things like glTF animation implementation, dead software, not documenting important stuff, heavy relaying on Blender instead of other 3D software
>Unity and Unreal
They have a monopoly in 3D games, not a single open source can export to console. Open source projects limits artists like you and me with dumb ideas like TIFF format. Heavy restrictions to Windows only. Dumb downloads for developers like Microsoft Visual Studio. None of that matters with Unity or Unreal.

Never trust YouTubers
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>MaKe tHe CamRa thE PlAyeR
Do you know how stupid that sounds to everyone.
That's how it works.
No, the camera is not the player, the camera is the camera. It’s like saying you’re an alien in a alien spaceship filled with aliens. No, you are still a dumb human without alien special powers.
Brackeys in parricular will fuck you up in the long term if you follow his tutorials. He is designed to gatekeep indiedev by culling newcomers

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Asymmetry = Soul

just turn it off. Unleash yourself. Be free
Be free
It's been almost a decade. The delegates, Dahnald. Hand them over.
>have to weight paint and texture paint twice because you can't use symmetry
How do I get around this?

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We have this over in /ic. I'd like to see anons portfolios and works. Post your socials.
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Oh nevermind thats lame as hell
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FWIW that's still based. Good to have an attitude of humility, but you *are* doing the Lord's work. I aspire to do something similar in my own community.
>i'm a cop for free
lol off to the lulags with you, huehue
>>i'm a cop for free
Preach on brother.

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>I have purposely taught them wrong
>as a joke
If tutorial makers taught you how to do things correctly, they would work themselves out of their job. The name of the game is to promise and never deliver.
If Blender developers went in and fixed 20 years old bugs instead of adding useless with more bugs, then people would be happy. They would use the software productively and would stop donating. It would be a disaster.
What did he taught wrong?
His tutorial is mostly a "tour" through some of blender tools, so the user can get their feet wet with the software, before actually embarking on learning each tool in-depth.
That's the right word. You embark people, then when you are about to get to the destination you find out that the tool is bugged and will not deliver. But wait. Some developers are already working on another tool which will solve the problem with the previous tool, so let's embark again.
>What did he taught wrong?
he tricked the unwashed masses into using Blender in the first place

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