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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Who is your /vst/ waifu?
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It's been always her
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My brothers from another mother
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cutest voice
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God bless the French

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Wake up boys! New expansion to AoE2 dropped!
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what if i say pretty please? :)
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Alright fine.
What topic you wanted to complain about today?
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should i start with 1v1 ranked or teamgames ranked? ive only played skirmish so far, but thought i'd try out some ranked.
teamgames interest me more, but im worried about people dropping early or encountering a bunch of teamstacks. maybe 1v1s would be better to start, but then theres smurfs to maybe worry about.
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If ELO worries you this much, host unranked lobbies and duke it out with players, you might find either noobs or pros but if you lose or win, no score will change.
Once you will realize ELO is a borderline useless number that you should not let affect you mentally, then start with 1vs1s.
I'm not going to sugarcoat it, you most likely get shitstomped during unranked and first matches, since most likely you will face stronger opponents than players on your level, but once you got kicked down to your proper ELO level, you will start having proper matches. Smurfs will always be an issue and there's not much you can do besides improving at the game.

If you want to do team games, then I HIGHLY suggest you get a team games friend, because playing with randos fucking SUCKS.
Team game arabia are the most aggressive and execution heavy team ganes, but also the most stale, gets boring fast
BF, after the first clown fiesta in the first minute, is relatively a boom to imp map, shenanigans can happen but not often, if you hard wall up. You can try Michi but gets boring fast unless you enjoy boom simulator.
Arena is more of my thing, and while I'm biased, it's kinda fun, you really need to have your fast feudal and fast castle game on point, and guess what your opponent will do. Countering teuton trushes and castle drops are must have skills to have.
Then you have unorthodox team games map like Lombardia, Seize the Mountain, Coastal Forest and Mountain Ridge that are very fun but very team reliant, you need a coordinated 4 team game.

But honestly, just play the game man, shit will happen, victories will be had, you will never improve if you never try. Take the defeats on the chin like a big boy and you will get throught eventually.
i know i'll get my ass kicked for awhile to go down in elo. i just didnt want to finally fall enough just to get every third or fourth game against a smurf.
>need a friend
RIP. i think i'll try out 1v1s later this week and get ass-raped for awhile.

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Why does this keep happening to the city building genre? How hard could it be to get it right? Things peaked in the 90s and early 00s.
3D is gay, and also still pretty hard to get it right
Competent devs used to make their own engine tailored for the game. Now they just buy a license and try to jam whatever they want without the necessary skills.

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>want to start new game
>spend 30 minutes trying to generate a map that isn't either straight up broken or nonsensical
Definitely something that's going to have to be improved in the sequel.
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Anyone tried a Cripple Brothers?
>only hire cripples
>pick cultists
>go to the village to fill the party with cheapest retards with sticks
>first job, 8 us v 8 bandits
>turn 1, they step back
>turn 2, they step back again
>the fight started on turn 3 when I managed to hit one with a sling
is this normal? never saw anything like that
I'm on some outdated L*gends
Yes, if the game thinks they can’t stomp you rather easily they will do that dance, until conflict is inevitable (zone of control prevents retreat, you engaged one of them, ranged bro lands a shot and puts a timer on the bandit’s survival, however long it might be)
Are flails a good sword/spear replacent on meh bros for the shield ignore?
Playing manhunters and trying to make my slaves less useless
Can you still get the glimpse of davkul helmet even in the cultist origin? 500 days in and I still haven't gotten the event

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If you are being couped, means Golden Guard is outnumbered. They are just 12 guys or one division, if you funded Titus.

Choosing Lucita probably pleases Azaro, but the investigation always dead ends.

Titus will always find the real culprit. If you cooperate, this pleases Wehlen, but you can't blackmail Lespia to give you Rusty (which boosts RRG to +5, if you nationalize), and if you try to frame Rico, Wehlen will blab about it, and you're fucked.

If you choose to go to war, you blackmail Lespia to cut support for Pales and veto any sanctions against you.
>Choosing Lucita probably pleases Azaro, but the investigation always dead ends.
In my experiance Lucita discovers that an agent of Lespia does it, I used that to get info out of Alvarez about Rusty and nationalized his company.
I suppose if you tell to focus on Zillie, when she offers to investigate Pales. But expanding Golden Guard gives ticking authority, as well as a high defense unit. (4-2-4-2)

>Azaro Elites (4-4-2-2) same as Marines
>Sazon Levy (4-2-2-4)
>Tank (2-4-4-2)
>Mech Infantry (2-2-2-3)
>Foot Infantry (2-2-2-1)
>Militia (1-1-1-1)
>Mountaineer (1-2-2-2) + (0-2-2-1) from mountain tile (all others get (0-1-1-0)), a -2 incoming Attack, and a block for a turn, if a vehicle
The devs couldn't figure out how to import your Rayne's custom appearance from the main game over to Rizia, so your Rayne will always have the default look.

Composite portraits are a pain to move around. And every single possible portrait is not efficient.

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Which Penultimo?
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soul vs soulless
4 is kino
You can tell which one was an actual caricature artist and which one was just 'an artist'.
>left: confidently gazing and smirking at the distance. Unique cartoonish style
>right: doing a gay ass eyebrow raised halfsmirk while gazing at nothing. Absolutely ordinary drawing style.
4 hit just right with the satire and real life politics for my taste. 5 is just "lol so randum, Penultimo is retarded xDD"

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More like surviving boredom
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I got this free on epic games, is it any good? I liked SM
It's okay. It has no real game breaking bugs or anything, but it's quite shallow in terms of gameplay. There's like several things that the game tries to freak you out with, but once you learn the mechanics it becomes like routine. A lot of surprises and theatrics, but little to master and the DLCs don't really add much (the most you get IMO is New Alliance).
The most memorable part for me is the music (and maybe the narrator).
>is the music
Pretty comfy playing while flipping 'radio stations'.
I actually got this to finally work on my computer today after all this time but generating energy is such a hassle I dunno if I want to bother with it again
that's exactly what they do, has been a problem so bad for stellaris they had to create an entire new dev team just for bugfixing
and then new dlcs just keep making more bugs or even bringing back old ones

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Warno? or Waryes?

Also general warno, wargame, broken arrow thread.
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They got Steam to block, you can just do that if you're an established developer/publisher. Presumably delivered a proof they're pursuing court case so it was kept in place until it was over.
But in the end I think ultimately they did let the game be developed under a different title and with other changes that were never specified to the public, but then Russia did a war and the devs had the misfortune of not only living in Russia but actually registering their company in Russia which meant they couldn't release because of the sanctions - wouldn't be a problem if they registered in a different country like pretty much every other Russian gamedev, but oh well.
I also heard that some of the people working on the game were part of Russian military and were called into service in Ukraine or something, but I heard it once from a guy who actually managed to buy the game before they removed it from Steam and apparently had access to some Discord or something. Either way it's hard to argue it wasn't Eugens fault, since the thing was actually possible to purchase in a playable version for like a day.
I made alternative history decks for my head canon
I'm sorry that artillery filtered you, I guess it's expecting a bit too much of you to counter a unit that you can't just smash tanks into from minimal range in between your crayon breaks, but some of us enjoy just a side of realism with our power fantasy : ^)
Retarded attempt at posturing. You're literally mad that you have to micro your artillery instead of parking it at the back of the map.
And the idea that an obviously deliberate design decision = a lack of polish is just beyond subhuman levels of logic.
lmao parking your artillery at the back of the map doesn't make it immune to counterbattery fire, are you retarded. The whole point of artillery is that it's not on the frontline.

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>meant to save gaming
>no thread on /vst/
What went wrong?
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I had the same thought so I made both an extra large storehouse and large granary and fully staffed both of them.
It didn't do anything. They still wouldn't go and pick up the bags from the traders. I'm pretty sure it's just bugged.
It seems barley is bugged lol. Pretty much any other things work for me. May be you should import malts insteas
I'll actually give that a try next. Imported food seems to work just fine from my experience which makes the whole thing weirder. Barley/flax seem to be just about impossible to get out of the damn trading post.
I don't know about malt but they outright let wheat sit for almost a year. The second I put up a farmhouse and added a family, wheat got moved.
Not them but the game just goes "nah" after awhile whenever I try to sell bows, shields, spears, anything like that.

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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yeah it doesn't really tell you in any way that i can remember until you've already played a few months. it definitely should but it doesn't.
don't feel too averse to starting a new run, you weren't very far, you can probably make it back to where you were pretty fast and smooth now that you've finished a demo run.
if you don't have 400 hours to blow on this shit you're probably not going to like it no matter what difficulty you pick because none of them really play faster than the others. not like you have to no life this shit though. i just play a mission or two before work.
Has XCOM Files gotten any better?
Over what time frame? Four years? Loads. One? Ehh, incremental.
Has the bloat been corralled a bit? Last time I played getting aircraft was a pain.
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Oh, no, if bloat is your concern, abandon all hope. Likewise, getting decent aircraft is still horribly bottlenecked at getting your first fighter plane, then immediately rushing several tiers instantly once the dam breaks. But hey, more ghost missions.

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I'm very curious if Pink Panzer has learned anything since TNO. Has he finally learned to respect his players' time by not bothering them with unnecessary text in a strategy game, or has the new game given him new opportunities to spread his unbridled need for graphomania?
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No. Some chuds are troons. Some chuds are nazi. Some chuds are nazi troons.

Like PinkPanzer.

But also - some troons aren't chuds. Some troons aren't nazi. In fact, most of them.

Like creator of Princes of Darkness Mod for Crusader Kings 3.
>Like creator of Princes of Darkness Mod for Crusader Kings 3.
sparc is a guy though?
All autists have the CHUD gene in them.
I heard Lonely Knightess (ThePinkPanzer) was a stormfront user. Anyone here have proof?
Man, he could at least try. It's not hard to work on your voice, you just have to do it for many hours. Fucking weirdos do it for the meme on vrchat all the time, so there's no excuse.

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I was excited to see some SC2 games on one of his cast channels but he doesn't mute the TTS during those casts and it makes me close the tab immediately
not artosis this week he's in california with tasteless again
are they shilling for david kim again
>God, I miss you like hell
>I was wrong, I can tell
>For the heart can be blind and frozen!
>Now I live with the pain
>Every night, every day
>As I read those letters you wrote me!
[ ASL Match Begins ]
The only one that sticks.
for me it's
>if you want it then you gotta take it yeah heh heh yeah heh heh

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Keep the leaks coming.
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We need some TRO devs to leak their own shit desu
>OP troon
>Team of troons
>Thread dead
>Mod dead
>Devs will soon percent themselves
When will you fags admit troons killed the mod?
Rent free!
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Most of us did quite a while back. I just hope they have the good sense of killing themselves soon and that hopefully some functional people will take things over instead of these mentally ill pedophiles. Maybe then, I can have fun with the mod again.

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Which "post-Westwood" game do you think was the best? (Or the least worst, if you're one of those people)
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Why couldn't they make the Tiberium mutants act more like a "guard faction" that attacks units when they get too close?

Put them near an important tech structure that you can capture and give you an advantage in combat but you have to take out the mutated creatures around that area who have turned it into their nest.
It's a shitty solution. TW tried that and while better than nothing it isn't good. Something like a subfaction in Emperor might have worked.
I actually like the RA3 campaign quite a bit. The mission count is technically low but they are basically 2-3 missions rolled into one with changing objectives and map. Also a nice variety with missions that require you to move out in time and use different strats, etc. (Well, at least if you opt not to abuse air spam).
Not saying it's a masterpiece, but I think it's not as bad as people claim. However I have to say that the presentation is a big disappointment. In RA2 destroying a base feels great. The tank shots have oomph, the machine guns sound powerful, the buildings bend and break apart. In RA3 most weapon impacts feel like shit (the only one I like are soviet rockets) and the building damage animations feel lazy. I don't mind the naval play or AI co-op, but I do mind that they managed to make a tank push look lame somehow.
Yeah 100% this!

Where's all the shit from TS?! It's just boring green crystal everywhere. The some firestorm missions "genesis pit" and especially "dogma day afternoon" with the crazy cult guy show what the world was turning into. It looked fucking great! And none of that showed up in c&c3.
C&C3 was such utter garbage.

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