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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

Do you think a woman rather be stuck in a forest with a bear or a /fit/bro?
How tall is the gymcel? Is the bear taller?
I keep seeing people saying shit like this, what is the reference?
Some instagram reel/tiktok where women get interviewed asking whether they’d rather be alone in the forest with a man or a bear and most of them say bear. I think people are getting the wrong takeaway from this though. Instead of it being women are stupid it should be what the fuck are they teaching women at school and on the internet.
>Instead of it being women are stupid it should be what the fuck are they teaching women at school and on the internet.
but the takeaway is that woman are in fact really stupid

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Why aren't a vegan yet, anon?
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I've seen this character take more White dick than any other brown anime girl
What’s up with your stomach anon? I’m not even saying this to be rude
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Protein powder is just going to give you gas or diarrhea if you aren't used to consuming whey. Get milk and cheese in your diet first

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The health you have right now is a consequence of your own actions.
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Tfw shit diet, no lifting and hard drugs for at least a decade.
Fixed with only 3 months of a proper diet, lifting and cardio. All blood work including hormone levels in the green.
No its not. The important things were beyond my control. Exercise all you want it won't fix them
you just don't remember. it's all your own doing.
Whatever conscious control you feel you have over your actions is an illusion.
True that. I guess you just doing a shitty job manifesting the dollar bills.

>have a ceremony to attend one month later
>wanted to get fit because I look terrible rn
>bought a gym membership and tried to get /fit/ during the month since I am basically free
>Spent the first three days of my schedule watching Netflix at home and gooning.
You know what? Fuck it, my self control is shit.
I am dealing with the devil called 4chan and letting you guys control me like that one rick and morty episode. No free will, no slacking off.
Ill start with 20 days. Lets see how much you fags could do to me before the experiment ends.
>only fit related stuff only.
>you could control my dietry choices, work out schedule and sleep time, and other stuff that may affect my health.
>Please pick the things that will do me the most good
>ive never worked out before, so please link the correct forms of the workouts.
>my timezone is utc +8.
>if differing opinions appear, a strallpoll would be made with the time limit of 15 minutes.
>Sundays are days off because my fucking parents insisted it to be a family day and I am not a fucking bastard. Dont worry, they know my work out plans and will let me eat fairly healthy stuff.

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if you have to be a pussy then just do the knee pushups
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Can do.
Now what, is today going to be a gym day or a cardio day?
Oops, forgot the tripcode.
why can't you do both?
Because its 2pm and travelling costs time

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>that one dude who always slams his weights
you're not cool, man.
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Fucking Russians, stop writing your letters backwards.
Idk why but only Asian women are still somewhat attractive with these kind of physiques
When you live the flesh it's the beginning of the end
It will take you in, it will spit you out
Behold the flesh and the power it holds
Passion is a poison laced with pleasure bitter sweet
One of many faces that hides deep beneath
It will take you in, it will spit you out
Behold the flesh and the power it holds

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How fit do you have to be in your 30s and 40s to still date/hook up with younger girls 18-26yrs?
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having a poor sense of humor doesn't mean other people are autistic
You are a raper seriously
>and just ad a weird laugh then make a little physical contact like nudging their arm or tapping their shoulder they always break down laughing.
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>How fit do you have to be in your 30s and 40s to still date/hook up with younger girls 18-26yrs?
Early 40s, divorced boomer here.

If there is one especially amazing part of being a man, it's that your longevity is exponentially better than women. It's not even a question.

Yes, most middle-aged dudes are fat, ugly, and have yellow teeth. But what you have to remember is that
>They probably never took care of themselves
>They probably always looked like that.

If you're a man that continues to exercise and eat well and take care of yourself, you can bag pussy in your 40s like you're 19. People say you get bored of it, but that's cope. I don't fuck any bitch I can get, but everyone now and then I'll see some college slut with the perfectly shaped ass and I just gotta see how it fits.

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here comes the "sex is a myth" brigade to be 100% sure this has to be a larp

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What textbooks should I read to become an expert in exercise science? Don't want to pay $40k for a degree when I could do it for free.
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He’s leaning, retard.
Anecdotally speaking I don't think that's the case. At least with beards.

Ik some fucking chumps who have the body of a pear and are more feminine than fucking James Charles and they still have beards.
He's standing, leaning against his father's leg.
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Is this real?
How can this dudes body exist?

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>Roiders will lose all their gains when they grow ol...*ACK*
Pic related is Tom Platz at 68 years old
Now what, nattykeks?
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Please don't imply that it's perverted, it's medicinal and doctor recommended
think you’re hot, huh?
let’s see
serious question. why aren't all old guys (50+) on TRT?
>it'll reduce your lifespan!
so? at best you've only got 30 miserable years left. you've got the money for it as well from a lifetime of waging.
fraudbros, what's the difference between this type of roiding where you stop and just deflate, versus the people who will run a few cycles and then remain enhanced for life?
guys who deflate also stop lifting

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I hate fat people, and I'm gonna get harsh with them.
Fatties get charged double for all the food they buy and they can't ride public transport or drive a personal vehicle until they 40-50% of their bodyweight.
If they don't comply they will be sent to prison and forced to fast on water until they lose weight.
How many protests are we talking about?
Will the UN go apeshit on me for violating human rights?
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>If a child's iq is below 90 they will not be allowed to go to school, only learn manual labor
You will have my loyalty until death.(was a bus driver a few years ago, yes it was as bad as you think)
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thank you amigo i will share the rest of my plan.
step 4 is a hierarchy system.
physicians, engineers, architects, etc are the backbone of the new mexican empire.
it's time to stop giving special rights for minorities such as indigenous people and homosexuals which only hold back the country with their pathetic, primitive and disgusting behavior. they have to know their place.
step 5, infrastructure.
many cities and communities in mexico are unsafe due to bad building projects and low quality building materials and choppy work from retarded construction workers.
an example is mexico city which is a polluted and overpopulated mess. sinkholes, floods and very weak structures that are unsafe for living due to being built on a goddamn drained lake lol.
these places needs to be abandoned and everyone must be relocated to safe zones until the entire city is demolished and rebuilt under perfect conditions even if it takes decades.
step 6, telecommunications
delete televisa.
it's making mexican even more retarded and gay.
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Stupid beaner, is that all you greasy, nasty, goblin freaks do? Fantasize about harming others who have done nothing to you? I can't image staring at a impaired child and the first thing you think of is "Wow this person deserves to work themselves to death". Why do I even love you?
Someone needs to do it, why not the o e who will be unable to learn how to do anything else

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>be me
>turning 37 in the summer
>no problems so far
>no health problems, no aches and pains, no obvious decline in energy (at least for casual everyday life), no trouble with alcohol or all-nighters
>mention this to my 49 year old sister
>she says "The party's almost over, kid. You're at the age where everything suddenly collapses. Mark my words, either this year or next year will be when you start having health issues and feeling like shit."
Is she right?
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>You're at the age where everything suddenly collapses
Might be 2 years, might be 20.
Your expiry age is probably higher than your sister's.
Kek I just knew that image was going to be the new it’s so over meme. She’s wrong though:
>men age better than women physically
>most people don’t do any maintenance exercise on their body- ie working the muscles with the idea of long term health in mind. Eat like garbage too. Then they project their own decline into everyone else
Of course she’ll say that
She’s jealous of you being in such good health
That’s how women are, especially fat ones, they constantly wish on the downfall of others, even their own family
people constantly say that shit. “when i turned 26 i suddenly developed horrible back pain and stiff joints. i have to go to bed at 8pm. my hangovers last a week. i cum dust.”
it’s all whiny bullshit coming from people who spent their youth abusing their body. if you actually take care of yourself you won’t slow down until your 50s.

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anbody know how to deal with this? I developed it a few months ago and it's gotten worse. Now it's 24/7.

I also have stomach issues but not sure if it's related.

Could all this be mental?
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You eventually tune it out. Relax.
I've had mine since 4th of July 2010...was drinking margaritas and got the bright idea to shoot ak47 with no earplugs off the lake...ears haven't stopped ringing since. Alcohol seems to make it worse so I no longer booze it up.
im 18 and i have horrible hearing, i constantly have to ask people to repeat themselves. i assumed its just because i always have my earbuds/headset too loud
does that method only help with tinnitus(which i dont have) or could my shit hearing possibly get fixed by that?
also how much does it cost
its hard to do this at home right?
I wear ear plugs to sleep and it got to the point where I was basically hearing impaired. I used debrox daily for a long time and it finally went away

Do you need to squat ATG? Or just below parallel? Perhaps a mix of both?
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Wow what a beautiful round ass. Almost like it is built for something. What is it built for /fit/?
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quarter squats for singles and atg for high reps.
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correction: I meant parallel squats for heavy singles and doubles and ATG for high reps (above 10 reps).
This kind of number boasting generally comes from unemployed twenty year olds whose whole identity is in their gains, and/or 40 year old TRT patients going through a midlife crisis. Either way you have advantages you take for granted and you have little else going in outside lifting. Other people are not going to be ashamed of this.

I weigh 170 and it's the heaviest I've ever been. I was an anorexic vegetarian soccer player during my teens and my body developed that way as a result. Yes, I regret that, but being skinny got me laid back then so I stuck with it at the time.

225 bench is my 1rm and I've been maintaining that for 5 years now because I'm deep into what, for my body, is intermediate territory and it requires a lot of specialized effort to push further. I work on my feet 8 hours a day in a pharmacy, in constant motion, then I go home and manage a marriage, several pets, and study for for A+ certification that's getting me out of the pharmacy by the end of the year.

I have hypothyroidism, chronic mono, and I do both kickboxing and jiujitsu. The workload is a lot to recover from, especially with all the stress elsewhere, particularly on my knees from all the sudden stopping starting shifting weight and turning in place all day every day. and I'm 33 years old and my testosterone isn't what it was when I started lifting, particularly because my sleep is inconsistent.

225 lbs bench isn't just stronger than 90% of people, it's stronger than 99% of people. And of the 1% that can bench more, most of them are born heavier and started lifting younger.

But most importantly, the part that none of you can call a cope, is that out of the small fraction of a small fraction of people who lift more despite living a life full of adult stresses and having no steroids to help, AND don't outweigh me.

None of you motherfuckers can fight. If I could trade your strength for my skill and conditioning, I'd say no and laugh my way back to boxing class.
>I weigh 170
Stopped reading there. My heaviest was 300lbs and I'm down to 225 right now. Imo people under 200pbs should not post.

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Can you make good gains on a pizza only diet?
maybe if you make the pizza high in protein with moderate carbs and fats
cals in cals out
so yeah you can eat whatever diet you want as long as you have a surplus
whey protein instead of parmesian cheese and you're fine.
Or calorie deficiency, but remember to eat a balanced diet for vitamins and minerals
That depends what you put on the pizza, which could be anything. Look up breakfast pizza, for example.

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>had a leg cramp while talking to a girl and gave her the ick
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>followed the speed limit driving a girl home and gave her the ick
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>laughed too hard at some bitch's jokes,destroying my percieved stoic nature and gave her the ick
>pushed her over the nearby railing out of reflex(to preserve my mysterious nature) and gave her the ACK!
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>I said "my shifts done, your turn" and gave her the pick
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>took off headphones and flicked a glob of sweat into receptionists mouth when she was trying trying tell me they were closing early
hot,she must've gotten wet instantly

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