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The new /sci/ wiki

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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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>Last September, astronomers in Japan detected a series of objects in the Kuiper Belt – described by the BBC as a "doughnut shaped region of icy bodies" beyond the orbit of Neptune – that had unusually warped orbits around the Sun. Researchers Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin, from the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, speculated that only a massive planet's gravitational pull could explain these "orbital anomalies", said Live Science.

>Then in February, scientists narrowed down the "likely hiding" place of the "elusive" planet after they "whittled away" 78% of the "hypothetical world's suspected orbital pathway", said Philip Plait in Scientific American.


>If things go at this rate, it might take about a decade [to find].
Quote from 4.5 years ago

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Everything past Neptune is gay. Gay ice, gay dwarf planets, gay gas, the lot of it. They should rename the kuiper belt to the faggot belt.
Don't forget the fictional never-observed gay Oort Cloud
What's more, Mike Brown, who designed the redefintion that stripped Pluto of its status, is the main guy shilling this Planet Nine thing.
It's perfectly clear that he wants to be the one who discovered the true ninth planet and he won't let anyone stop him.
Uh based?
The whole decision was to strip away headlines from astronomical discoveries. We have dozens of planetary candidate bodies now, but they're not considered planets because they're too far away from the Sun (and thus with too wide an orbits) to have much effect on anything except what is nearby. If Jupiter was in the Oort cloud, it wouldn't be a planet; but if Pluto was in Mercury's position it would. It's insane.

What makes schizophrenic people draw shit like this? All I got from looking it up was it’s a chemical imbalance in the brain that messes up your dopamine receptors but how does that translate to the weirdly specific recurring symptoms like drawing shapes and thinking the government is hunting you down because you’re the new Jesus? Have they done much research into this?
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Does no one else feel every atom in their body as a gravity point too?!

Just me?...dynamically falling in all directions at all times, but also not.
>One with the universe.
Your BioMagnetic signal is synched to the planet's, you can send a vibration to the core of the planet, feel the resistances of the core and its altered vibration back.

Used to play catch a lot, related to some paper I heard about Earth/Sun connection, which via its only logical the Son could effect the Sun by sheer will alone.

I believe it.
>One with the universe.
When you close you eyes, you sense that your bodu is in the place, shape and proportion it is in real life.

One with the Universe means when I close my eyes my body tells me the edge ofy body is the edhe of the universe, the real one, not visible (hence eyes closed but sees all).
I then turned to the world Spirit and said "The Universe is not big enough for Two."



To be awakened and immediately recognized my parents are hostile aliens to be exterminated
God Judges a soul"s intent...but my soul is a construct my own design, it receives data, not delivers it, I dont ask it for shit, it gets told.

Therefore God's Judgement is by definition inapplicable to me.

Hostile takeover at a more fundemental level, the only way to defeat an enemy that has been preparing for my arrival for thousands of years.

I seized the Core of the planet.

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Why is the IQ of college students today so much lower than it was in the past?
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Snyeed effect
According to various studies, the average IQ of college students has been declining over the years. A meta-analysis conducted by researchers found that the average IQ of undergraduates has fallen from around 119 in 1939 to 102 in 2022, which is just slightly above the population average of 100.

Another study suggests that the average IQ of college students has decreased by 17 points since 1939. This decline is attributed to various factors, including changes in education, demographics, and societal trends.

It’s also worth noting that IQ scores vary across different college majors. A study found that the more female-dominated a college major is, the lower the average IQ of the students studying in that major. Additionally, research has shown that having a high IQ is no guarantee of graduating from college, as even students with high IQ scores can still drop out.

Overall, while there is some debate about the exact causes and implications of the IQ drop, the available data suggests that the average IQ of college students has indeed been declining over time
Yep. Victorians were smarter too.
College exists to sustain the status quo.. learning doesn't happen at college. You LEARN how to take tests and commit to arbitrary information, proving to future employers you can complete tasks even if you don't understand.

Elon musk has said this himself. College is literally to weed out people for the work force.
This is very upsetting

Do you ever think a godlike alien being is responsible for allowing causality(evolution/adaptability/etc) to produce such intelligent beings, AKA humans?

Could nature's one way cause-and-effect, or evolution, truly produce such intelligent beings as humans on its own?

Just how delicate and precious is life really? Obviously we have no way of going back in time or looking at life from beginning to end in its full totality.
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In quantum mechanics, the decay of an excited quantum state to a lower energy state truly has no cause. It happens at random and when it will happen cannot be predicted.
>exactly like General Relativity
>low energy
So not General Relativity. Spacetime curvature in GR is proportional to the stress-energy in that region. If you can curve space time greatly without a lot of energy, that isn't following General Relativity
There is no scientific description whatsoever of what sentience is.
tucker is an actual retard who got famous by hiring 160 IQ internet spergs to write for him. without charlesXII feeding him lines he's worthless.
Any sufficiently advanced extraterrestrial intelligence is indistinguishable from God.

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Why is it controversial to say that human races have mental differences between them? It just doesn't make any sense. Yes, humans have a genetic bottleneck but humans have diverged since coming out of Africa that their physical features can be wildly different. We have the blacks, the pinks, the yellows, the abos. All look very different from each other physically.

There are differences in Race when it comes to medicine. White People are more prone to skin cancer than any other race due to a lack of melanin in their skin. Black people are at higher risks for high blood pressure, certain types of cancers and diabetes. Asians are at higher risks for liver disease than other races. Mixed race individuals are more likely to have these risks offset due to being biracial or multiracial but in some cases their risks of diseases prevalent in their heritage might be higher. Just like there are differences in biological sexes for treatment. Some humans like the Badjao or the Tibetans have evolved higher lung capacity compared to the average human.

So we have all these physical differences, affecting even diseases and medical treatment but somehow mentally we are all the same? That's kinda fishy no?
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It was an understandable reaction to what happened in WWII.
the Smith-Mundt Act was an understandable reaction to what happened in WWII
You're retarded. There are genetic differences between races. For instance, ashkenazi jews are more prone to allergies than any other race. Hispanic males were hit harder than any other race/gender by covid 19. Black males are more prone to heart disease than other races/genders. These are just some of the most obvious differences, there is also iq differences.

Why can't black Africans figure out how to farm? After all the foreign aid workers going over there and teaching them, they still rely on white south Africans for food. Go back to red.dit now retard.
Only the men
Amazing thread

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Can a cycle/bounce exist, and could it mean we live infinite amounts of times, every single one of us?
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It'd mean that a clock ticking away eventually reaches infinity and that this has happened, I don't see how that can be true.
>and that this has happened
that's the funny part, we wouldn't know anyway
Wait there’s no links? Also I’m sorry if we have people like general sci folks in here.
I agree that with a limited number of energy there's a limited number of possible scenarios. even if unimaginably high variety it would eventually repeat. the randomness of radioactive decay can contribute for variety but that too will eventually repeat.
what if it plays all possible permutations with a fixed quantity of energy? and then stops. like a giga simulation
Why do you assume there had to be a creation scenario?

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Previous thread: >>16109209

>what is /sqt/ for?
Questions regarding maths and science. Also homework.
>where do I go for advice?
>>>/sci/scg or >>>/adv/
>where do I go for other questions and requests?
>>>/wsr/ >>>/g/sqt >>>/diy/sqt etc.
>how do I post math symbols (Latex)?
>a plain google search didn't return anything, is there anything else I should try before asking the question here?
>where can I search for proofs?
>where can I look up if the question has already been asked here?
>how do I optimize an image losslessly?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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multinomial distribution?
"Analyze the pointwise and uniform convergence of [math]\frac{e^{x}}{x^{n}}[/math] on [math](2,5][/math]; and on [math](1,+\infty)[/math]"

I've been struggling with this exercise for some time. I was used to more "normal" sequences of functions exercises and I thought that I understand it, but it seems I don't lol, I don't even know which one is the one confined to each set.
hypothetically speaking could a coil of dna act as an inductor or antenna?
Is this about yDNA and xDNA and their electrical conductance and large size?
Suicide suicide suicide

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Haven-1 Pathfinder Edition

Previous - >>16149899
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Behold! the 60 stage to orbit rocket!
i still dont get how the new dragon rides are supposed to work. are they going on a set schedule and you buy a ticket like a bus ride? or are they just known flights and you have to do all of the legwork yourself to get it started?
it probably depends on what sort of interest they draw
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It's hard to say since there are so many potential causes.


Is this true? is technology and science really stagnating? yes these are my posts, am I an idiot?

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Damn! What advancements do you think we'll see?
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It will al be sold to pension funds, common worker pension portfolio takes the hit.
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They need quantum computing to build their black box AI demiurge.
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some of them make demons I heard

Hopefully advances in materials science and quantum mechanics, specifically in optics.

What are people's opinions on Columbia University and how it became completely free of Jews which is something the redneck hicks who call themselves antisemitic could have done in their southern trump loving colleges but they didn't. Instead a university in Jew York pressured by liberals was the first to clear itself of Jews.
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King Charlie 3?
>No one was trying to fool you goy
sure, sure
They run your country, anon. And not for your benefit.
This pretty much also applies to you rightfags. Left right doesnt matter you are all just sheep
>no you
>proves the point
get some new material african ass sniffer

>The New Horizons project cost $780.6 million

Why are we not launching these things every year?
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Cope. Probes do jack shit.
>new findings
Have zero utility if we never go there. You might as well jack off to "discoveries" in video games, there is no practical value.
/sci/ isn't Elon Musk and Tesla
wyd if musk buys 4chan
No, you should fuck off to middle school and learn to math.

How do I get music out of my head?
I finally quit my podcast/music addiction, and tried reading. I've made a good deal of progress, but now I can hear a song once and its stuck in my brain on loop for weeks until its replaced with a different song.

I can't properly meditate like this.

What the fuck do I do?
That's why you don't listen to songs at all.
If you're getting song stuck in your head, try listening to ambient music. That will gradually replace that song in your head.
Seek psychiatric attention
Kill yourself OP

as far as we know, no one has ever had sex in space yet.

Wouldn't it be a great marketing move from pornhub to produce the first porn in space? they should have enough money to do it, right?
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That's fucking hot. Something about knowing my cum is trapped in her and she can't do a god damn thing about it makes me diamonds.
Wasn't there concern about what will happen if the female got pregnant?
kinda obvious someone must have gooned in space by now. any pornhub access from ISS?
how much ∆v from one coom

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