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I’m beyond devastated and I’ve been crying for hours non-stop. I’m a post op trans woman married to a dream guy. He loved me and accepted me for who I am so am I a hypocrite for not wanting him anymore? I saw no indication. This blindsided me. He was a gym bro, loves trucks, is as masculine as you can imagine and now he tells me he wants to transition. Fuck my life
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Trannies will literally pretend to like people in exchange for money and then get mad that someone they know was also a tranny because they "don't love you for who you are", you can't even make this stuff up
bc her husband turned out to be a transbian
she's attracted to men he deceived her. and she clearly loved her husband or she wouldn't be so distressed
Who hurt you
>is as masculine as you can imagine

not exactly, considering I can imagine a man who does all of those things but ALSO chooses to put his penis in a woman's vagina instead of a man's anus
trannysisters... it's over

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I want an aryan twink bf so bad.
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thinking twink is a gay word means youre gay, or you spend too much time around gay people. Regular straight people think it just means skinny and its generally used as an insult
also there is only brown chuds here
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??????????????? okay heres your aryan twink

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oy vey kotacringe
if i had a dollar for every guy i knew who lied about his height i wouldn't need to work for the rest of my life
my dad even swears he's 5'10 too lmao, i feel like that's the standard height that manlets claim bc it's not as obviously untrue as 6'+ but is still "better" than telling the truth in their eyes
i cant get srs for a few years and i just started hrt i need to know what to do
For fucks sake... SHEEN! You can just eat, I don't know... A fucking apple? A glass of water? WEIRD idea! And I know already, now you're going to sad post "boo hoo, nobody likes me because I've had" - no, nobody likes you because you FUCKING DON'T IMPROVE ONE. FUCKING. BIT.

Ever since I've been here in 8 fucking years when my life went to shit, and I crawled out of the gutter over and over again, you have been here eating shit all the time, putting your fucking money towards a fucking graphics card. Because you know, that's exactly what you need right now. A fucking graphics card to sit more on your fucking ass and play fucking video all day. While shoving fucking burgers down your fucking hole. Right? Fuck.

I'm trying to like you, quit making it impossible. Please. Like a fucking clockwork. Sheen, nobody is fucking angry at you for posting about fucking foods. People are angry at you for wasting money on graphics cards, video games. Fast food. A car, as I've been recently told. Instead of you selling the car, getting some fucking vegetables. Eating your fucking veggies, drinking some fucking water for once in your life (without added sugar I might add) And I don't know sell your fucking car get a fucking bike.

Like, yes, you are depressed. Wow. 90% of us are fucking depressed. 90% of us have some fucking mental issue we deal with. Yes, we are here to support you. But you don't want support. You just want a fucking pity party. About poor old fat sheen. Who will never be liked. Nigga You look like a fucking middle aged woman. And you do fuck all with it. It's infuriating, it is sad

Oh, and I'm not done yet. Sheen. We've been over this for like, how many years? Like fuck? I've been fucking pre op. I had a fucking dick when you started posting here. And what changed? What did you do in all those years? Fucking nothing.

You did nothing. Despite people constantly offering you help, offering you advice, constantly offering you to do shit for you and WITH you.
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the nurses from months ago said 5'10 don't do this to me please

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qott for chasers: what's your favorite activity to do with the bros?
qott for tranners: what's your favorite activity to do with the girls?

Previous: >>35586288
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zero correlation
food isn't gay
Testicles and panera bread are
nevermind just found out she has a boyfriend thanks to faceberg
>Gay ones like testicles and panera bread
can confirm i fucking love panera bread
No, I'm from Bophides.

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How do gays cope with the fact that most gay porn is made to appeal to pederasts/crypto-pedos and that all the most popular gay porn stars could easily pass as middle school boys?
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Left is so cute, ngl

Also, it's not like straight men like younger female partners, as you losers will have cp and loli folders galore while acting like gays are freaks for appreciating young beauty.
How do straights cope with the popularity of jailbait porn? (Or even the fact that the word “jailbait” exists in the first place
Jailbait means a girl that is not legal but is mature looking enough to trick you into thinking she is. It's kind of the opposite of legal but underage-looking.

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Bridget is a man groomed like David Reimer.
Vivian from TTYD is a man (otokonoko/drag queen).
Toob is a man who only transitioned to blackmail Hontra.
You will forever be a boymoder.
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Continue to cope my man
I will continue to ignore bad writing, yes
If that's how you cope, go for it. Bridget will remain canonically trans tho
Ignoring is like, the polar opposite of coping
And I don’t care about canon and haven’t for several years. All canon is, is a corporate stamp of approval.
All the best art is self contained anyway. Nobody asks for a sequel to war and peace
If Vivian was a “otokonoko/femboy” why would she call herself part of the “shadow sisters”? Femboys wouldn’t call themselves sisters

>transitioning at 26
Should I just kill myself ?
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> Besides you can always kill yourself later.

Mabye, but define for me what you mean about Turing out “fine”
Imagine never masculinizing another day in your life. The relief alone is enough. Besides if it doesn't work out there's always the fallback plan.

Being a tranny isn't that bad for the most part the only place it really sucks is on the internet unless you live somewhere super spicy
no i started at almost 34

it depends on your genetics; if puberty already did alot of bad to you you should choose very carefully; but if you already passed as fem sometimes without trying you will probably have a good chance

if your like most people and somewhere in the unlucky range; you should be very sure you want to transition and that you can face the challenges and isolation it will likely bring
No anon there is no other plan either it works or I die either from the years of my life dysphoria has taken or from my own hands

Sounds like suicide then, since I’m the furthest thing from femenin, good to know there is no hope

Yeehaw Edition

>QOTT #1: Do you have any pets? Post pics.
>QOTT #2: Last time you went out to a nightclub?

Previous thread: >>35532878


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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no but my friends are in a polycule and they're pretty happy
its an emotional maturity thing i dont i can achieve but appeals to me
I tried a polycjle once, desu it just felt like a kinda flirty friend group with extra steps. If I'm in a relationship I want it to MEAN something, you know? I'm kinda a.hopeleaa romantic lol
it sounds fun in theory but if there's a problem between the couple they will see you as disposable, like if one of them gets jealous of you

by joining a couple as a third person you're already at a disadvantage, they might also hide things from you that they only talk to each other about

>You used to get lesbian sepratists in the 70s. Radical feminists who believed in seperating from men and living as lesbians and ditching the hetero lifestyle.
I dont really think that supports your claim, they are not changing their sexuality, they were always lesbians
Moaning with homosexuals is the secret to happiness
>You should play it. And yes, everyone is hot as hell.
I think I am gonna buy it just so I can finally have my Greek harem
Castlevania games are so pretty, I am playing SOTN for the first time rn, I love it want to play more castlevania games
I ment moshing but I guess this still applies

POV: You are in a transbian house.
pov (you are in a delusional thread)
as a chaser i must say get me the fuck out of here i dont want to harass the gay woman
yes transbians love their pointillism art
imagine the smell
this is a weird dig at a trip named Jennie, that is a photo of when her transbian roommates who smoked meth with her let the mold get out of control.

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1. are you superstitious?
2. do you believe in astrology? what's your zodiac sign?
3. do you believe in a higher power?
4. do you believe there's life after death?

Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads.

Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi

Last threat:
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it's not surprising they develop bpd considering the industry they're in, but that doesn't stop it from being sad
BPD? As is Borderline Personality Disorder? I've never heard of idols getting that.
Good morning gay people in my phone
i'm dumb, i meant bdd
It's almost 9pm here, how's it in UpsideDown Land?

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transgender men are simply destined to be sexually abused by their mothers

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Say goodbye to your trans rights lol
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first they came for the troons then the gays then Bisexuals after that the ethnic minorities and someday they will come for you OP
Age old question.
Why can't a 10 year old smoke? Why can't a 12 year old get a tattoo? Why can't a 14 year old get breast implants?

Then there is the physiological side of things.
Ignoring the lie of "pausing puberty", if you subjected a young boy to a chemical used for chemically castrating sex offenders and then start pumping them full of hormones that their body was not designed to handle, there is a serious risk of real harm including long-term effects related to things such as bone density.

What is being pushed, and pushed back against, are basically live trials.

It is MORE unethical knowing that there is a likelihood that somebody could genuinely suffer during later stages in life but doing it anyway. Especially considering the detrans rates.

With regards to adults, as long as you have been made fully aware of the risks involved (something you don't really understand as a child), what you do is your problem.
Have regrets later in life?
We all regret SOMETHING we have done. Deal with it.
wtf are you smoking,nixion's crack?
Another one that knows what is better for black people than themselves...

Proper rebuttals welcome.
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>Dont worry jack!

>We will steal the election again!

>No more will you have to worry about slaving away at a job.

>All the immigrants that are being imported will take all of your jobs and you wont be able to afford your precious hormones.

Im thinking biden is unironically the best pick in 2024.

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I'm an autistic incel addicted to anime, should I transition? I feel like I should.
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are you a teenager?
b-but what if I looked like some twinkhons I see here? they are cute...
>what if I looked like some twinkhons
If luckshit passoids are the top 1%, then girlboy twinkhons are the top 10%
You gotta ask yourself one question 'do I feel lucky?' Well do ya punk?
That’s right.

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Trans people seem to only be dysphoric about things which medical technology has the potential to change, either for themselves or others. Such as by modifying their primary and secondary sexual characteristics through hormones and surgery. Many trans people suffer intense dysphoria over the shape of their figure or their genitals, but very little over things which medical technology is not yet able to change, such as being able to give birth. Doesn't this imply that the existence of "treatment" for gender dysphoria is inherently iatrogenic, only worsens dysphoria, and should be banned?
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Yeah that and the fact that GD is progressive, you don't know what it's going to be life for you in 10 to 20 years. When the child most needs you, you might be the most unable to cope.

Saying "not being able to raise children makes me dysphoric" is one thing, saying "I need to raise a child to not feel dysphoric" is something else. The child's interests have to come first, and I think anyone with genuine motherhood dysphoria will either agree with that statement, or are unqualified to be mothers anyway.
i literally cried several times over this and almost cried last night when i was talking with my friend about babbies
hey fwiw i cut myself to ribbons and cry over being wombless, i don't think it's that uncommon.
wow thank you anon

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this has probably been done before but im curious. show your percentage and then post letters and whatever


im mtf and surprised its so low because i dont think my standards are that high
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NTA but you're both obsessing over the percentage, look at the actual raw number.

If the number you're getting is below a million then even if you concentrated ALL of those men in a single city, they'd still be the minority.
>can't set it to exclude blacks or have whites and asians only
uh that's literally what i said in my post, that if you dont pay as much attention to the percentage then it makes more sense. i feel kind of like you're kind of fucking stupid and don't read anyone's posts and just get excited to talk over them. i can literally smell what race you are from over here lmao.
You didnt read my post. I dont care if women have high standards or not, this test is bad at proving that. >>35590197
This is what a woman would get (5.2%) if she only cared about a man being unmarried and between the ages of 26 and 35. Obviously everyone has standards higher than this (few are interested in the obese) so everyone is going to have a number below 5% unless their acceptable age range is larger than 10 years. Pic related is the same parameters for women. 26-35, unmarried doesnt mean "only 10s". Im sure you could prove your point well enough if the test weren't skewed so heavily by age (a very reasonable thing to care about in a partner) and even obesity (also extremely reasonable)
Frankly your age range should be counted as 100% and then it whittles down from there

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