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Look at these payl ayngels
That black dude looks like he's trapped.
Reading some geopolitics like an incel and it's remarkable how much of what can go wrong is named after balkanimals because they keep inventing new ways to fail.

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>Holmes is currently incarcerated at USP Allenwood in Gregg Township, Union County, Pennsylvania.[164] The exact reason for the transfer to federal custody is not known for certain; the Washington Post speculated that it was, in part, due to a heightened need for security.


tried to post william reid interview but couldnt find it
used to live right next to a cow paddock and shrooms (psylocibe cubensis) would grow out of their poo after a few days of rain, wish i'd've been savvy enough to take full advantage of this when i lived at that house
I understand indulgence, but that just seems like it would taste disgusting.
sometimes i see people on the side of the road by farms picking mushrooms

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a puro levantar televisores y sillas con mi workflow parce.

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que dice? hay problema o no?
Acá guapo es agresivo, lo que querés es galán, fachero o cheronca
sos mi amigo en discord
dijo que si, ya le mande dm a ver si estamos hablando del mismo bussy y resolvemos este misterio
me estas trolleando basta >:c
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If ever you wondered why Meds and Latinx have dysfunctional, overly close relationships with their mothers.
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>posts a clip of a movie instead of any actual theological precedent
>fails to refute his point in any way whatsoever

Sorry to break it to you, but worshiping Mary is idolatry by definition. Your entire existence is by definition the biggest cope.
I was trying to make you understand why Mary is so revered. It's the human element you see. It's why most catholics stay catholic (even though they often lapse) while protestants will straight up apostatize and become fedora tippers once they are adults.
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Yeah, you're right. every single South American/Central American nation is far worse.
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We don't do that to you on your birthday, we do it when you pass the test to join an university
Smells like Tortilias and beans in here

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Do you realize the ukraine-russia psyop is actually just a justification for america to pump up their military industrial complex because shits about to get crazy right?

Jews are probably not even shipping half of the weapons ukraine is paying and getting indebted for.
They are preparing for something else
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1-not even americans are having a good time with america judeo feudalocracy
2-iraq, syria and lybia surely doing great since muttjews couped them.
3- that place you picture is 80% pajeets
>They are preparing for something else
spreading more gay race tranny worship outside of the western world this time?
isn't the UAE an americunt ally doe?
2-their fault
3-not my problem
Shit you're right, America is making mad money buying up weapons from themselves and giving them to a country they have no prior connection to in order to fight their historic enemy and we're cheering for it just because?
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1-surely being indebted to shit for college, not affording a house, having expensive groceries being taxed to death to give welfare to niggers so they can buy goyslop and sholomo uses that money to "invest buying" your house then being killed by niggers pampered by the jews on the government and media is great
2- no its not.
3- fuck off

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Chinese hate muslims and woeship israel no
holy based
Ezra levant is a zionist kike
Thats good.
It makes them feel like they're helping

manijak izdanje
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Alavija bi moglo biti muslimansko ime
Najjača supernova u zabilježenoj ljudskoj povijesti – 1006.

Riječ je bila o eksploziji zvijezde udaljene oko 7.200 svjetlosnih godina od Zemlje.

Dana 30. travnja davne 1006. godine eksplodirala je na nebu najsvjetlija supernova u zabilježenoj ljudskoj povijesti. Riječ je bila o eksploziji zvijezde udaljene oko 7.200 svjetlosnih godina od Zemlje. Nalazila se u zviježđu Vuka (latinski Lupus). Po nekim je izvještajima vizualna veličina te supernove iznosila kao pola Mjeseca, a svjetlost je bila tako sjajna da se po noći moglo vidjeti objekte na Zemlji, a neki smatraju da se čak moglo i čitati. Da budemo precizni, navedena supernova eksplodirala je oko 7.200 godina ranije, a 1006. godine svjetlost te eksplozije došla je do naše planete.

Pojavu supernove zabilježili su promatrači u u srednjovjekovnoj Kini, Japanu, Iraku, Egiptu i Europi.

Pretpostavlja se da je do te supernove došlo tzv. dvostrukim degenerativnim procesom. Riječ je o situaciji kad se dvije zvijezde tipa bijelog patuljka vrte jedna oko druge (tj. oko zajedničkog centra mase), a zatim se spoje u masu koja može eksplodirati. Pri tome nastaju naročito velike supernove, veće nego u slučaju eksplozije samo jedne zvijezde.

Danas se još uvijek u zviježđu Vuka mogu vidjeti ostaci te supernove iz 1006. godine. Imaju oblik velike ljuske promjera 20 parseka, što je 65,2 svjetlosnih godina (gotovo kao udaljenost od Sunca do poznate zvijezde Aldebaran).
Dobro jutro! Pije se kaficach pa onda jedan kakach
I'm not so much older than you. Probably a decade. Up until the last few years I felt the way you did. I don't believe in God or the afterlife and I doubt I ever will.

I can tell you, hopefully its some comfort. As you get older you start to yearn for death in a very strange and profound way. It's subtle. At this point I do care if I live or die. I still feel like I have much to do. But year by year little by little I become more indifferent with even a small part of me kind of wanting to die at times.

I think most people feel this way eventually and make their peace with it. You probably will too. Also remember if you're scared to die you're scared to live, too.
Neuspjeh urote označio je i kraj starih velikaških obitelji Zrinskih i Frankopana.

Odlukom cara i kralja Leopolda I. Habsburškog hrvatski velikaši Petar Zrinski (bivši hrvatski ban) i Fran Krsto Frankopan (njegov šogor) smaknuti su u Bečkom Novom Mjestu 30. travnja 1671. godine. Obojica su osuđena zbog veleizdaje i pozivanja na ustanak protiv vladara te im je bila određena kazna odsijecanja glave i ruke. Leopold je naknadno je uvažio njihove molbe i pomilovao ih od odsijecanja ruku, a glave su im odsječene mačem pošto su bili plemići.

Ovim tragičnim krajem okončala je pobuna hrvatskih i ugarskih velikaša protiv Habsburgovaca koja je ostala poznata pod nazivom urota Zrinski – Frankopana. Pobuna je trajala od 1664. a nastala je zbognastojanja bečkog dvora daHrvatskoj i Ugarskoj nametne centralizam i apsolutizam kakvim se već upravljalo u Austrijskim nasljednim zemljama i Češkoj. Da bi se efikasnije oduprli dvoru ugarski velikaši se udružuju s hrvatskim i traže oslobođenje dijelova teritorija od Osmanlija smatrajući da će ponovno ujedinjenje zemalja krune sv. Stjepana biti najbolja obrana od centralističkih težnji Habsburgovaca.

Nakon niza preokreta te pokušavanja povezivanja s Francuskom i Venecijom, urotnici naposljetku čine očajnički pokušaj dogovora sa sultanom Mehmedom IV., ali izdajom iz vlastitih redova sve se doznaje na dvoru i urota je otkrivena. Nakon što su uvidjeli besmislenost daljnjeg djelovanja Zrinski i Frankopan traže pomirenje i milost cara te se u travnju 1670. dobrovoljno predaju u Beču.

Kako se pokazalo milost nisu dobili. Obojica su pogubljena, a sva njihova imanja su konfiscirana. Neuspjeh urote označio je i kraj starih velikaških obitelji Zrinskih i Frankopana. Protuhabsburški pokret u Ugarskoj nastavio unuk smaknutog Petra Zrinskog – Franjo Rákóczi – sin Petrove kćeri Jelene Zrinske.


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why do british people accuse us of being fat when they eat like this?
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Welsh ancestry
He's part disgusting subhuman fish people (Welsh)
fat cunt
i've never clicked on this webm and never will
They are almost as fat as you guys are.

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is it true Islam is dying in Egypt?
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تتوقع أنه يعرف العربي؟
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Good morning frens

Italian American identity edition

prev: >>196652000
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eating fish sticks
Just hit the penjamin again
with tartare sauce?
Yeah, actually.
Thank you . We met on an app, but I guess I've made the first move for most things and she'll initiate some things. She's more traditional, so I know she wants me to take the lead on most things.

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Storsamisk utgave

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Hvorfor hermer tølperen bare etter Nassetaperanon.
Det var en morsom vri med DALL-E, men det er jo mange måneder siden Nassetaperanon sin bått brevet bilder av den busespiseren med snakkebobler.
Argentinaanon selv kåvpet jo i ukesvis og sa at han ikke trengte å lage det, men så ga han tydeligvis etter.
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>Hvorfor hermer tølperen bare etter Nassetaperanon.
>Det var en morsom vri med DALL-E, men det er jo mange måneder siden Nassetaperanon sin bått brevet bilder av den busespiseren med snakkebobler.
>Argentinaanon selv kåvpet jo i ukesvis og sa at han ikke trengte å lage det, men så ga han tydeligvis etter.
Nassetaperanon is a shitskinned economic migrant and a brown muslim parasite.
tenk å være så ESL som dette
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>tenk å være så ESL som dette

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...they have ugly bastard kino in real life!
I've always thought that Chinese style kitchen ventilators are better than ours. I'll probably buy a Chinese one next time when I replace.
Built for me.
He looks like Asian Gabe
Shit looks creepy but I wouldn't mind a gf that looked like that. They're probably Chinese though since they like making staged videos for views.
GIWTWM, ojisan life yearns for me

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China is already done
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China will probably handle population collapse okay by just making geezers live in poverty
wmaf interracial breeding colonies will save china. trust the plan
Mao wanted that but Nixon rejected the idea because he was an incel.
WMAF has the lowest fertility rate of any relationship
that is a very grim reality imagine all those jeet locust flooding Asia very grim indeed

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