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You fucking lost, chuds
why are the haters of this show perceived as chuds? is the whole point of being a dickrider for Amazon's new show to dunk on "the right"?
Where have you been? This is the only thinking behind 95% of the crap that comes out now.
Fine. Still not watching.
If it makes the franchise go down the shitter, then I'm all in for it

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>tfw you never grew up in the United States of America
>tfw you never did a roadtrip across the States with your family
>tfw you never went camping and hunting in the woods
>tfw you never visited Yellowstone or the Statue of Liberty
>tfw you never experienced the Fourth of July fireworks
>tfw you never attended a football game with your friends and family
>tfw you never had a barbecue at your backyard
>tfw you never went to a state fair for fried food and carnival rides
>tfw you never had a Thanksgiving dinner with your family
>tfw you never woke up happy you were living in the best country of the world
I wish I were American. God bless America.
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Well, it's a cool name.
I’m American and my kids will never experience any of that because of the Jews.
America is 3rd world now. Has been since social media took the place of reality. Shame, really. Used to be the best.

t. 31 y/o American
I've lived in Washington DC and several places in Virginia, rarely remember seeing Muslims. If I did, they were cultural Muslims and didn't follow any of their religious institutions or dogmas teachings. So not really Muslim at all, now that I think about it. Better to call them Arab's.
Not all Muslims are Arabs...

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Is there any good Soviet kino?
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Natalya Varley is her name for all those interested.
The OP pics are from Kidnapping, Caucasian Style if I'm not mistaken?
Blessed quints

If hollywood ever makes an SCP movie, what would you want it to be about?
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ouroboros cycle, a shit show where everything in a base escapes, or that one about the leviathan mission going to shit
He totally is. They all are.
Site-19 is pretty much a Hollywood script already
Post best scp (with numbers) so I can look them up
You're the NBA tape guy?

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>April 29, 2024
>I am forgotten
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Holy deflection
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C'mon, man. Look at it.
So what was important when army of the dead came out?
Muzzies are full of shit. This is well known.

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What are some college movies?
>we’re finally ready to admit college “activism” is really fucking uncool now that it’s directly targeting us
lol nice try kikes
the spiel presses are operating at full tilt
oops i guess mas simmigration isn't so nice when the mussies start getting uppity :)
what happens when all the jew professors get old and retire?

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What was going on in this scene?
What was her problem?
Did Jimmy try to whack her?
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it's a very good movie
would still like an answer to this
why does that other guy's screenshot have completely different colors on the signs?
I'm guessing >>198715949 is a remaster because it looks weird. I assume the color was changed because those are Queens street sign colors instead of the Manhattan green ones, and the scene presumably takes place in Queens.
However this leads to a theory that Marty specifically wanted this changed to bring attention to the signs, specifically because of what Anon pointed out about Smith And Wessun. Marty was probably annoyed that nobody picked up on it and paid the price to have these signs digitally altered so that people would go "hey they changed colors! Hold on! There's actually a hidden meaning we never noticed before, wow!"
Isn't that amazing?
They changed the street signs to make them more historically-accurate for the 4k remaster.
Pointless revisionism, imo.
Gangrape first.

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>10,000 Jedi
>2 Sith
>"Let's go bring balance to The Force."
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u mad? balance means equal
The dark side is the imbalance.
>anon during the prequels the Jedi were overwhelming and they got destroyed
The jedi had become decadent and insular. They were themselves becoming imbalanced which gave an opening for the sith to return.
There's plenty to criticize starshit for but the "balance to the force" idea isn't one of them.
>The dark side is the imbalance.
>In Lucas' eyes, the dark side is the imbalance in the Force that the Jedi hoped the Chosen One prophecy would end. The Chosen One prophecy was never about keeping the dark side and the light side in perfectly equal measures. It was always about eliminating the dark side and, therefore, the Sith. The balance Anakin was prophesied to bring was an end to selfishness, fear, and hatred.
The Jedi had gotten up their own ass and, in a subtle way, had fallen to the dark side already. This gave the sith an opening to return.
Like I said, there's plenty to criticize Star Wars and George Lucas for but this specific issue I think is pretty clear.
>linking to screen rant
oh you are so mad, bro.

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Why is this movie considered the greatest sci-fi of all time?
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No problem. You're allowed to continue living in your fantasy reality.
Kojima never had anything to do with ZoE beyond being a producer.
Maybe Konami will actually revive the brand. They are trying with SH and MGS after all.
IMDB has it at #11 for sci-fi. So, pretty close. That's better than Empire.
>IMDB has it

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Why isnt there more media with this theme?
>me me me me me everything is about me
shorten it to
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who the fuck else would it be about?
there was a post a few weeks ago saying men want to see themselves as the character, women want the character to mirror their view and perspective on the world and thought that was pretty on point desu

You know what the best part of my day is? The ten seconds before I pull up /tv/ because I think maybe I'll get there and I'll post and you won't be there
There is a joke about him being a janitor somewhere but I'm too drunk right now.

ITT we pretend its 1992
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>my brother is still alive and we're playing Mario Kart
Take me back, please.
>ride bike to and from school
>don't have to lock it up
>turn on tnmt then x-men then play nes
>phone rings
>don't know who it is
>it's friends from down the street
>we're going for pizza tonite and then the beach tomorrow
>saturday morning cartoons
>ride bike downtown for 25c double scoop ice cream at thrifty
>then the beach, borrow a boogie board
>ride bike home
>watch snick
>high trust society still
>never have to worry about locking bike up
>never have to worry
I want to fuck little pixies
>croatia you rat!
>how could you give your old pal yugoslavia the spicy balkanization!
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I just bought 100 copies of Spawn #1!

If you didnt like this then youre racist. Period
No, I'm racist AND I don't like that
I am racist.

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What's next in the career of talented young actress Jenna Ortega?
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Jenna > jannies
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This triggers the /tv/
i'd try to jam her nipple into my dick-hole
Extremely based
More like triggers cancer in your lungs lol

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Wedding episode this Thursday. I cannot stop cooming to JLH's tits help
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>Bobby's past episode
Oh yeah the plane crash episode was hardcore as fuck. The show needs more of those
>The only ball they have is Eddie getting jealous
We already had that in season 4, but it was way more subtle
She's only 45yo you sick fuck
Just how I like them!
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