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Chances of her getting her own game?
Not on scamstation for the love of god
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None, I don't see it happening.
She makes monsters from whatever is near her, the game literally designs itself.
That's the fate of a lot of shit these days apparently, either a Games as a Service product, gachashit, or shipped off to the nearest skinnerbox game as a collab
How the hell her game would ever work.
Show is an Magical girl genre parody where villainess has lesbian tendencies and just does lewd things to magical girls on many creative way.
See >>674960512

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>Tfw you're in an argument on /v/ and you btfo the other Anon so hard he stops responding
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>write effortpost
>get to capcha
>groan but whatever
>type it wrong
>Actually, fuck you. I didn't want to post it anyway
>close reply box
>eject from 4chan for a little while
They won't make an ai board or an eceleb board and let them ruin /v/. But they will make /vrpg/ and /vst/ and split off real discussion. It's cringe as fuck. /vm/ was a good idea but they still let people spam gachashit so it didn't fix a damn thing.
>what is 4chanX
Back at you
good games don't need diversity to be good
games that feel the need to hire diversity consultation firms are never truly good
it's that simple

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Do you ever, sometimes, draw vidya fanart?
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sometimes people do post drawpiles here but they never get activity from how slow and low key these threads are. these technically aren't the main /v/ drawthread, which i think would be better for that since they're supposed to be all purpose, even though it's mostly full of requests. these threads are nice because they're mostly just vidya fanart. i won't stop you from trying next thread though
Were you the guy who drew some Sonic stuffs in the main drawthread a month back? I like your draws. I wish you drew lewds.
i dont expect them to be a mainstay, just would be fun to do every once in a while
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>The guy in board games general that loses his shit if you dare mention a Cole Wehrle game in a positive light
>ACfag literally just spending all day on here, waiting for some unfortunate sap to make a Zelda or Metroid thread so he can sperg about "cutscenes" until bump limit
>The momfag in /co/ that won't shut up about his dumb oedipus complex
When is "Schizophrenia" gonna be a bannable offense
giving slack to /co/ guy, there is so few threads of actual discussion on /co, they have constant coom threads and the mods don't care

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Fucking why? I hate these black bars in every game
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very unfortunate, i will consider other devices thank you
Suyu had an update 2 weeks ago. They're still around, but the developers suck.
>steamdeck display is 16:10
i wasn't aware of this
might actually buy one
deck had a flopped and shitted moment 2 years ago. they're still around, but the developers suck
sett the game resolution to 1920x1080 if it bothers you that much

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*stares menacingly*
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>The girl I knew for three weeks is the love of my life
Wait a second. How many dates did they have? Isn't 3 dates like a love confession in japan?

if you count this as a date, gold saucer and then the dream that would make 3 where they confess their love, which they do.
Why won’t Cloud just let Tifa love him?
How tf you turn an airplane into a boat? It's called FINAL FANTASY, not FINAL REALITY.
This is your issue? This is literally possible. Everything mentioned is just strange and kind of illogical.

What are the holes for?
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In the early stage it was about reducing weight. But today China can produce <50g mouses without holes, with 3395 sensor and kaihua switch while costing 1/3 of a Logitech Superlight. So now it's mainly for unevolved monkeys with sweaty hands or low IQ westerner niggers who can't do basic search
Nice RC car FAGGOT
Aerodynamics. When you are playing a FPS and you want to quickly quickscope someone, the holes make the mouse move faster without any air pushing against it's force. It might be faster to maneuver this mouse by a small fraction of a millisecond but that small time window matters when you're playing FPS games, especially if it's a competitive match.
To filter the trypophobics.

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Turf War is the only good mode
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>Respawn Punisher
>on Dapples
RP hurts the user way more than helps them on basically anything that isn't an e-liter or splat charger
I'm aware, which is why I was perplexed as to why I saw that in the match I just played.
they probably think theyre being smart by pairing it with cooler kek
It probably doesn’t work that way but I really want it to

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Why did they make it so bland and uninspired? No interesting lore, planets or alien races. It's like sci-fi 101 yet they fucked it up
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I think the correct use would be to have a classic Bethesda open world but then have specific areas of the world that are populated randomly. You could even make it so that those areas change dynamically, so they get populated as they become more prosperous, or become desolate if you raid it too many times.
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It's literally not a big deal the problem is society being a bitch.
I honestly believe that the expansions and mods will fix things. By allowing the community and bethesda to oversaturate the game world and planets with premade content, you pretty much remove the biggest issue of seeing the same things on the different planets over time by having so much content that you can run around and explore things and never see the same things due to the massive amount content made for it.
>I honestly believe that the expansions and mods will fix things
It's totally gonna be abandoned in favor of ES6 and Fallout 5.

post pikmin pictures you have saved pretty please
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>Kill La Kill never got a game besides some shitty doa fighter
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Post the real version
Just do an MGR styled game where you swap between the characters sometimes.
Sex with Ryuko

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>Localizers do bogged translation
>Fans get mad
>Proper translation is released
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It will always just fucking kill me inside that we still have this language barrier. Japanese media is my life but often I look at the content in other regions thinking how its going to be basically impossible for me to ever lay my eyes on them with comprehension.
Cure dolly for grammar, an eceleb looking motherfucker called jouzu juls is also fine (because he's just copying off cure dolly).
For kanji and vocab you're kinda fucked, so you have to suck it up and learn with say a core 6k anki deck or something, but even then I trust you have a functioning brain and can notice when you see 答える and the trannylation says "he told me" despite the character speaking in an extremely theatrical manner you can notice it doesn't fucking mean "to reply".
You can tell when 火, 炎 and 炙 all get trannylated as "fire" that something's up.
For most people it’s just “I’m not even going to bother with social cues and I’m certainly not going to hold any responsibility when people don’t put up with my bullshit”.
>Kikes literally pulling a bait and switch at the last moment right before publishing.
>This is somehow japan's fault.
Westoids are literally deranged.
How long would you say somebody has to commit to get to that level of understanding? Not that it'll deter me but I'm curious

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what do i think of this
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Same thread and picture again?
sucking down melatonin with coffee
bitch deserves all she gets
>two mood stabilizers
i would let her fart on me till i died
One to make sure she doesn't get too sad, one to make sure she doesn't get too happy.

Is he /ourpsych/?
Also to the few people here that actually play video games: are you addicted?
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cool fungoid
just google it
If I find a game I actually like I will get intense mindrot and stay up way past when I should go to bed. If the stuff I'm currently playing isn't that good, I tend to be pretty responsible. If games were better/if I liked live service games I'd be unemployed
He treats the term incel and other such nonsense internet speak seriously, which to me is a sign someone is internet brained and therefore incapable of rational thought. Other than that, what I have seen of him (which is not much cause I don't have time to sit around listening to indians) I find it hard to disagree with but also he doesn't really say anything revolutionary.
You can't be addicted to video games. If you can addiction has become a seriously overused word. Surprise it is! Psychologists are arts students who could not get into medicine by the way and usually rather unpleasant people. They ca't make any diagnosis and their canon of thought has largely been showing to be no better than the ravings of madmen (freud, jung). If you want to see what addiction looks like go look at a chronic alcoholic in withdrawal having uncontrollable epileptic fits due to their metabolic and chemical dependency. I used video games to quit smoking by the way. I think psychologists are addicted to inventing fake bullshit(see assburgers)

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Name that part, /v/
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Kingdom Hearts 2 Cave of Remembrance and Data battles.
you obviously didn't play on hard, it's the hardest fight in the game if you do
For me, it's when I get Azura's Star.

That's when the game actually starts.
good taste anon
this part was kino
Such unholy levels of kino crammed into the last 5 minutes of a game.

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>Only 40k
The censorship is here to stay
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>quality score 7%
Yeah that's about what I'd expect from modern journalism
try having an actual argument with actual points next time. you've got nothing but delusion and fake outrage. you have no power.
troons lost. noone wants to play as a chick
I feel like this might be bad for the right since a lot of them are getting exposed as cringe. Why would I say this when the libs are also cringe? Nobody who joins the liberals does so out of coolness. They probably just want welfare checks or weed. The right's grip on the spectacle hinges on them being gatekeepers of mancards. This is why they pump out so many basedjak memes, in order to control the meme spectacle space. Which they are good at because they simply give a shit about their image more than the libs/left does. However, signing a petition that shows off that behind all the chad wojak depictions, is mostly a bunch of 30 year old boomer dyels, is kind of a blow to that protection racket.

>What about the game?
Why would i give a shit about a nier autononomons rip off.

Anons, pls. tri-Ace needs the money.
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In what way is the OG so2 better? The remake mogs it in every possible way.
Combat is way smoother in remake because of lack of forced spell pause
General difficulty and progression
Sense of scope
English voice acting

I'm generally positive towards the remake but it really dropped the ball in a few areas. It was an insanely stupid decision to have most skills unlock the moment you get to Krosse. All dungeons, but especially CoT, are fucked over by Scout and Bodyguard. That's without touching on the removed content, but to be fair it's pretty scant.
>split between the og
I disagree, casters are not fucking completely useless halfway through now since they can multihit AND break damage limit.
not an argument
better in remake
>english voice acting
only agree because of nostalgia but the remake is superior for voicing all the scenes.
>sense of scope
right that's also better in the remake because 2 was still somewhat unfinished with things like spell combos being a neat concept but something they forgot to turn off.
Progression is a hilarious thing to say when all versions allow you to take many paths on that period.

Combat is much better along with the overworld and dungeons in remake thanks to being able to do fun shit like chain battles.

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zamn, bit too old for my blood gotta admit
Be the change you wish to see, anon.
Draw her

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>I'm putting together a team
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nice try pablo
an alternate universe where grown adults wear garanimals
who funds this shit
Thanks for making me aware of this game OP. I might buy it when it releases if it's not too expensive.
Europe i guess
The dev is norwegian

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OH YEAH, MA-*voice cracks*-RIO TIME
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is mario going through fucking puberty in the newest game?
He sounds like a teenager trying to do a mario impression
the fuck were they thinking? was it nepotism?
>sounds like
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what the fuck
one take is all you need? did they just ask a random code monkey to do the voice for free?

there's something seriously wrong with modern video game VA
it's either nepotism or all the people who hired them became deaf

and then they have the gal to protest against AI
maybe put in some minimal effort and AI won't threaten your jobs

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One of the bigger reasons I preferred GOG over Steam was that Steam's UI is a total clusterfuck and GOG's was simple and easily readable. Today I opened up the GOG homepage and they've redesigned their front page to be a clusterfuck too.

At least GOG is still (mostly) DRM free but they're slowly killing my desire to keep buying from them.
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You must be over 80 years old if you find any of those stores confusing.
So then clearly its only thanks to gog and yet ure shitting on gog and tell people to buy games on a platform that which, if everyone bought their games there, none of the games in question would be drm free


Oh and btw u failed to mention even one title
Baldur's Gate 3
Things I googled 10 years ago without issue are now altered results or filtered/censored entirely. Its weird to me.
Eh, it's not too weird as far as google goes.
They've explicitly stated their intentions on using their monopoly position to fuck with search results since they have no competition.
Bing is downstream from them, and most other things are downstream from bing.
Hell I think Yahoo only maintains an index for japan these days and downstreams too, which sucks.

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