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Welcome to /bant/ - International/Random

/bant/ is a board for the discussion of any topic, a place where you can relax and have fun with people from all over the world.

No porn dump threads - Please use the appropriate adult boards for porn threads.

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Remember when I shilled this at 2k yesterday? Yeah, you'd up be up 100x already. I was dead serious when I said I would send this shit to 50M MINIMUM.
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slow rug :[
It went from 2k to 200k in a single day, you fucking retard. A literal 100x. No shit it's going to correct. Jeets like you are too stupid to think long term. Kek.

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100oz Bars Edition

>Why Gold?

>Huge deficits in minerals such as silver by 2050 inevitable

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>got the 2oz canadian werewolf coin
I hope I inspired you to pick one up, Kind Friend ;)
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no doubt, I'm pretty impressionable. Also I have the Gen 2 only. ;<
>1936 is not silver
I know. You believe i can't do a simple google search?

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bant-tan on the 'log
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How on Earth is that scary to you?

mid 00s skater girl Edition

>Season 2 is over now
>Who Won?
TJ won after beating Shinji in a boxing match
>Will there be season 3?
Yes after mini-season 2.5
>What is Fish Tank?

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not enough socialising, spent most of his life watching movies and essay videos
It was made by a fag, you're a fag lol.

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What vocub is equiviently to basiciuc barfrinfg,
I am exceedingly drunk and believe this is the worst of my evoked work

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How do i get poor quick
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giving >>20167124 all your money
giving >>20167134 all your money so he can give it to >>20167124
giving >>20167201 all your money so he can give it to >>20167134 so he can give it to >>20167124

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god dammit michael, again?
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thats you
how many times has he done this?

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>buy my fake money
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no, buy MY fake money
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>buy my ponzi
subjective value theory doe

His name is Apu Apustaja, he's a happy go lucky little helper who loves to mingle with other people.
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He left us a message

Absolute Chad


Still way too much, about 6B. But nothing we can do about that unless someone wants to take him out (in Minecraft). Just gotta hope he doesn't jeet the chart too hard.
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Wagmi frens

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reading edition
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he might..
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josieeeeee edition

>Will there be a season 3?
Hopefully not and TJ won coaltank s2
>fishtank Season 2 tv links
>What is Fish Tank?

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Starting to feel sorry for the weiner dog. Always be the third wheel it seems.
What happened to the turtle is he still around
he's just reclusive

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Oh my SISA
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i like to imagine the pillow as me
did you know you can do that?
holy based

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nobody I know irl is shitting themselves over AI and the tech industry rn, I feel like a fucking schizo for being afraid of it, but like its genuinely concerning

am I going insane or are my friends and family just ignorant?
you're not insane and they arent ignorant. you are.
skynet isnt fucking real. that was a mediocre movie for old people.
the borg are not real.
the combine are not real.
these are concepts, of things that maybe might happen, on purpose. the people who created all of these things did it with the intention of destroying the world.
the people developing these programs are sleep deprived post-docs competing for grant money. that's whats causing the rapid development. that and sensationalism.
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I'm talking about current AI stuff. OpenAI and all their projects creep the shit out of me.

And the funny part is you can’t disprove this correct take
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what is it with you people and saying 'you can't disprove it!'
it's not that you don't understand burden of proof. i can give teenage liberals the benefit of the doubt on that one, but not you guys. clearly you know what you're doing.
nobody has to disprove anything you say. get over it, and wash the nigger feet.
>all the hominid skeletons
none exist. they've never found a full skeleton of a midpoint.
unless you count Africans and Jews.
>none exist
>oh wait, nevermind

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