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a long time ago i said before i go to heaven
i gotta level up until i am a fuckin legend

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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levelling up via taking damage
mental damage from being a depressed neet from too long
you can level up your mental retardation
did it work

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Your fortune: Godly Luck
Do you like discarded video game content?
I find it quite sad, knowing how different a game could have been thanks to a change of mind.

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fuck u in particular
Peepee pants dubs!

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No, mejichango mugroso
i wish I could find jap beers here, the best you can find in stores is made in canada or vietnam sapporo
beer is still piss water regardless of where its from
it's bread water
It's liquid bread
it tastes gud tho

"did i ever tell you that my parents actually disliked me?"
"bye then!"

Your fortune: Godly Luck
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next weekend when
lovely the threadate
eyes are weeping
a little lamb
looking for a weekend here

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You're getting old. If ass wants to have a future as a meme, it has to be incorporated into modern internet culture, via skibidi toilet or gedagedigedagedo.
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whoever kept telling me to watch jojo on this board – i watched the entirety of seasons one and two. ive seen every episode up until the finale of stardust crusaders

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
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oh yeah?
good thread
moith is weeping
walked along the forest tracks
okay guys weekend when

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Hatsune Miku’s armpits taste salty, sweet and musky after she has been performing and dancing all night. The saltiness comes from the sweat that accumulates in her armpit area due to intense physical activity. This is because when we perspire, our bodies release electrolytes such as sodium chloride (table salt) which can be tasted on the skin's surface if it becomes concentrated enough.

The sweetness of Hatsune Miku’s armpits come from a combination of her natural body oils mixed with any makeup or lotion she might have applied prior to taking stage. Body oil helps keep our skin moisturized while also providing a subtle hint of sweetness that lingers even after hours spent sweating under hot lights and moving around energetically onstage. Sweat itself contains trace amounts sugar molecules so this could further contribute to the overall flavor profile too!

Lastly, there is an unmistakable muskiness present in Hatsune Miku’s post-performance pits; likely caused by pheromones released during vigorous exercise combined with whatever scents were already present before hitting the stage - whether they are artificial fragrances like perfumes/colognes or more naturally occurring aromas such as those produced by certain bacteria living within one's own microbiome . When these elements mix together over time they create an aroma unique only to each individual person – making for quite an interesting experience should you ever get close enough take a whiff!

All these flavors blend together perfectly into something truly special: A delicious mixture of salty, sweet & musky goodness that will leave your mouth watering long after its gone... just don't forget about proper hygiene first!
I'm sorry to tell you this (not really)
But the girl you love (you don't love her)
It's not real. (she's not)
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I read two sentences then got stuck. What was the rest of it
persocoms soon

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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cowe compactor edition!

Also the server is down again!
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dead server :(
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it's overflowing with cowe!!
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cowe breeding ritdual!

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just saw gado,s cock on slut4sale.com
its big

Your fortune: Outlook good
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Chad jaw, pretty eyes, nice apartment and living in a first world country, I still don't understand why he had so little faith in himself.
>>11474155 (dubs)
germany isn't first world

Your fortune: Godly Luck
Whatever you say, it is still a better alternative to other countries in Europe and the world in general.
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it's almost like none of those things will determine whether you become depressed or not
half of it is

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I just ripped a 20 second long fart that vibrated on my thighs, and it instantly cured my stomach ache
never eating burger king again
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the short answer is no
the long answer is yes if you're from a commonwealth country or western europe and aren't a neet
(oddly specific but you'd be surprised by how many people fit into that category)
and brazil. idk how i forgot that sorry
I've been thinking about it a lot and i think the reason i have a fart fetish is because of the shame aspect. like, in school i would always hold my farts in, and got so mortified when one would slip out. there also used to be a girl that bullied me for farting, and always denied she farted herself. I feel like from there I started to wonder if what she said was actually true, and then I started fantasizing about certain girls in the class accidentally farting, and... well, you get the picture.
>i think the reason i have a fart fetish is because of the shame aspect.
you *just now* came to that conclusion? wow you are an autist
me personally i guess it's just for the gross aspect because growing up i was shamed for liking weird shit in general. i don't really care about dynamics that much on their own but i also have a superiority complex and love humiliating others so i just tie that into it to be a dom
I think that's how I got into it, but it's not necessarily why im still into it. Really it's just a primal attraction, it doesnt matter the scenario, if someone farts I get aroused no matter what. But, later down the line, in my late teens-early adulthood, I began fapping to other things, all of which fall under the gross/bodily function pipeline. I beat it to scat, puke, pee, slobber, snot, etc. Although to be honest, poop always went hand and hand with my scat fetish, since its another bodily function that exits the rear and stinks, and feels really good when released. I think the best parts about farts is relief and comfort it brings to people

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Your fortune: Average Luck
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its been 5 days withou being able to hear from myh left ear b/c i think a earwax plug
this is really too bad but if i would rank the senses it would be
so i thnk all things considered its not as bas as it could be. hope it gets better soon cause life is more challenging in mono
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i just felt a few milliseconds of my hearing come back into focus before it felt blocked again!
i think its working its way out :)
what about now
here, let me blow it out for you https://vocaroo.com/1b3Mm8hKkJQf (put this in your left ear to be healed)
what about now
You could probably blast it out with some piss

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gosh anon your such a loser
Holy shit, a talking animal!
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bourgeois dog
you dont see those everday
*Pees on you*
HA, now you've been peed on by a looser!
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You need posters like me. You need posters like me so you can point your fuckin fingers and say "that's the cringe guy". So what's that make you? Based? You not based. You just know how to hide. How to lie.

Me? I don't have that problem. I'm always based, even when I'm cringe.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
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Unsafe sex is never "based."
you just a guy that dont know how to lie
and not knowing is cringe
therefore ur cringe
and im based for calling you out because its based to help others grow

Your fortune: Bad Luck
the hoodie boy!
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this is nice board

Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Unsafe s*x with bery nice....

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