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What are some tips to up my Spaghetti game?
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nah the retard is right starch water is mainly for creamy sauces.
Add a bit of butter to your sauce at the very end of the cooking process. It really does bring it up a notch.
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>add sugar
worst advice you could give
its actually the best advice you can give as canned tomatoes tend to be more bitter you fucking pussy
I like to add a little cumin and butter to my sauce, and then fry the pasta with the sauce when I want to serve it.

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america created european cuisine
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>Spain without avocados
You mean... normal-ass Spain, right? Cuz Spaniards don't eat avocado much. Spanish daily avocado consumption is about on par with Switzerland. And that's total consumption for the whole country. And Switzerland has less than a fifth the population of Spain IE it's not really eaten en España.
Weird. I guess I assumed they incorporated them into their food. To be fair my frame of reference is mexican food. They don't really have spanish eateries where I live
Pretty sure this comes from the old world too
all tthe cope from europeans LOL

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too big to fail they said
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radical honesty is the future i think
>made after things were made to last
Bitch it's fucking 50 years old already. It's most likely older than anything you own.
wouldn't have failed if you had flipped when the top was sufficiently bubbly
stainless steel pan??
that's dirt not stains, smart as

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Seethe fatty.
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>order pizza
>it's freezing cold
>complain to the company
>I get a free pizza
This guy has definitely eaten Tyrone's cum.
if I can't taste it, what does it matter?
Prejudice based on race is racism, Anon.
>its funny, because
Not once has anything funny followed these 3 words.

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>coworker brings MREs every other day for lunch
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>They're rations meant to soldiers so they prioritise cost effectiveness, longevity and ease of carry
There is another sinister reason for their properties.
When on base, soldiers eat "normal" food. Which is prepared in the base kitchen, or even American fast food outlets operating at the base.
But when away from base, they eat the MREs. The constipation inherent to MREs prevents the soldiers from having to shit or even get diarrhea while out on patrol or a mission. Imagine you're trying to get something done with 0 seconds to waste but then someone's got to take a shit. There's no time so he has to shit in his pants. Now one of the squad has poopy butt and won't be on his A game, plus he smells like shit.
This is actually why I eat MREs personally, though I just do it at home alone in order to not be visibly autistic. I just don't like shitting
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>coworker microwaves leftover fish for several minutes
>cost effectiveness
Are you trying to weaponize gut-busting jokes?
They're minmaxing, the min is how much they spend on food for the troops and the max is how much they send to israel

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For me, it's the host.
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It is a Semitic cult at it's heart afterall
>comparing ephemeral to eternal
sure is german in here.
I remember that Sunday school lesson. “I know it still looks like a cracker, but through the MYSTERY of this totally made up word, “transubtantiation” it’s actually BOTH still a cracker and also LITERALLY the body of Jesus Christ.
“But that doesn’t really make sense.”
It’s a MYSTERY, we just can’t understand, but it’s true, trust me.
That's miraculous occasions. The Eucharist is the whole body, blood, soul, and divinity of Christ, even in the smallest speck.
You know whats weird? I haven't looked at this thread or been on my computer since I posted in it yesterday evening. But the first thing that I hear as soon as I put my headphones on is 4chanX telling me I just got a new (You).

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I have not been sober for a week my dudes, and I feel amazing
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Cheers, I'll drink to that. I'm about a third of my way through a third of a 200 mL of Jose Cuervo and it's hitting good

God I need a cute artsy lesbian as a friend
I won't drink anything Monday to Thursday, Friday to Sunday are my designated days for binge drinking. I usually do Friday, and maybe Saturday saving Sunday to rest before I am back to work the next day.

I am nearly 30 and have been doing this since high school. Beer and seltzers I need to drink too much of in one sitting to reach the level of intoxication I want, and feel too bloated. I need a about 500 - 600ml of hard liquor, stolichnaya usually, and may have some beers or seltzers while I take shots.

Tolerance is high enough I can keep myself composed in social situations, if I show some restraint. Tolerance has not increased much in the last 5-7 years. Would caution anyone thinking about drinking regularly to reconsider. You still get a nice high, and leave plenty time to focus on worthwhile endeavors if you choose designated day(s). Your body will thank you too.

A large

>you clearly have no real world life experience which is why you say what you say

wrong, the opposite is true, I've had many jobs, and much life experience, and based on this I can tell u that abusing substances everyday at work, is definitely a poor life choice.
>I've never been clocked

Literally every alcoholic that has allowed their addiction to seep into everyday life says this and they're wrong every time. Drinking while working just isn't a line you want to cross if you ever want to be able to drink socially again
Absolutely this. Not everyone can tell a coworker is a drunk but enough people have experience with family and friends who are alcohols, or their own alcoholism, to be able to suss out an alcoholic almost immediately. You're not fooling anyone who knows what a drunk looks like. Even if you don't act intoxicated alcoholics have a certain look to them, and they almost always smell like alcohol. Y'all ain't fooling nobody.
>t. off and on alcoholic for the past twenty years

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>bought them for the protein content
>didn't expect anything crazy, flavor-wise
I'm surprised, though. They have that Cracker Barrel-styled crispiness. Flavor is good. I'm liking these.
>Inb4 "why no syrup?"
I didn't want any extra sugar. Butter is all I need.
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>It's marketed towards the low carb retards for a reason
It isn't marketed towards the low carb retards though, it's marketed towards the /fit/ retards, you fucking retard.
Their oatmeal was surprising bad. I am unclear why. The pancakes aren't bad though.
Nah these suck.
Buying pancake mix never made sense to me, it's just flour, milk, eggs and butter. Don't you have all that stuff already?
>It isn't marketed towards the low carb retards though, it's marketed towards the /fit/ retards,
Those are the same fucking thing.

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I went out to eat tonight with my parents for my birthday. Actually my birthday is on Monday but we wanted to go out on the weekend.

I had a surf and turf entree that has ribeye, lobster tail, and shrimp with a side of fries. It was good! For an appetizer we had nachos.
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Yes I had some gin and tonics

I am American. The nachos were good. The restaurant was less fancy than I thought it was going to be but it was pretty good
did you have a nice birthday anon
I did, thank you for asking friend
My mom made me lemon cake which is my favorite cake
that's great, i'm glad you were able to have a good birthday. thank you for the updates, i hope you get to eat lots of delicious food and have many more great birthdays!
happy birthday!!

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let's see those fridges, /ck/!
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keeps 'em smooth and slippy slidey
Did you have a stroke while you were taking that?
>only prepackaged food
you don't cook
>some canned stuff and raw meat
you probably cook
you definitely cook
>mostly drinks
you don't cook
>empty fridge
you don't cook
>you don't cook
Had left the fridge open for 7 hours so everything got tossed. Plus I keep meat/veggies in the freezer

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why'd you guys never tell me about these
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because they're dogshit and cost a fortune compared to the superior snack, honey mustard & onion pretzel bits. Yes, I have tried dot's honey mustard & onion, no, they are not good.
fuck these are great
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No thanks, I'm 100% a racist.
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me too I hate color

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best work drink? more based than irish whiskey?
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I just poured a snout of tequila in my coffee that already had cream and sugar, and you know what? the cream curded, but the taste was still above par.
Sounds like everyone is different, adderall will drive me up a fucking wall and ill rub my tongue raw against my teeth after taking apart too much of my furniture. Cocajne nights id put talk radio on at a low volume and just do the whole fifty thinking about shit until work. heinous mornings. its been a while since Ive done that garbage,
sounds like shit cocaine. And also sounds like you were doing too much addy or it was pressed meth.
>just do the whole fifty thinking about shit until work
...just do the whole *what*?
>those IV things

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what are your favorite drink mixes? alcoholix or not everything is welcome
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>mix it with water
Thanks for the input dumbass but I'm looking for something more enjoyable than just diluting my scotch down to 5% abv with tap water
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Since this seems to be the alcoholics thread...

Is there a name for a mixed drink that's 2 shots whiskey in a pint glass than topped off with hard apple cider?
You idiot! He's saying you don't drink the scotch. You drink water instead. Regift the Scotch to someone else.
I hear it's the champagne of beers

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It's heartwarming seeing Brits come to America and experience good food for the first time in their lives
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Yep. I love those guys. Josh genuinely seems to know what he's talking about. Ollie I'm not too sure.
They're a classic "straight guy" and idiot comedic duo act. Oldie provides the comic relief
they offer family members of politicians high paying positions on corporate boards
like how that major energy company hired biden's coke addict son and paid him hundreds of thousands
meat > wheat
I think you meant a man's tight asshole but I catch your drift.

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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee adjacent topics

Best brewer and breakfast (3B's) edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, make any Irish Palestine support youtubes?

Previous thread: >>20419128
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>any idea how much theyll ask for it?
this site has it for NT4,980 and the googles tells me its $150 freedom dollars
seems a might steep for hario
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The nbn man will be here soon to put a dish(?) on the roof and ask me questions I can't answer! Time for covfefe! Ask me about my biscuit c:
did you make it yourself
No I bought it from "Iron Pot Bakery". It's gingerbread and it's GOOD

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