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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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Thoughts about the largest warship built in Asia since the Yamato?
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Even that conversion took less time to do than the Chinese AC, and they did it on the ocean bed!
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It will be food for LRASM if they ever chimp out over Taiwan.
tong daaoowww ching chong pee poo
They already know how to take off and land from their two STOBAR carriers. Now with their first CATOBAR, the switch will be even easier since it'll be like going from a manual transmission car to an automatic one: https://twitter.com/Aviation_Intel/status/1425717625225580547?t=TvSpFnOLcafcNgsa-Pa6Qg&s=19
This is the reason why they called their previous carriers, "training carriers".
>the gesture that destroyed the gookshill

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Recently heard news about Cambodia and Vietnam having disputes about this new dam/canal being built in Cambodia that could potentially affect Vietnam’s food production. I feel like this conflict could become something much bigger when such important factors are being affected.

Anyways, in the event that Vietnam is going to war with Cambodia over this canal, who’s winning?
Dont forget to pack a wife

AK General /akg/
Turkroach Edition
>Thread #2022

Old thread here >>61479940
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This. Do it, you wont pussy.
Dubs confirm. Do it or get b&
Should I trade my 30-06 Vepr for a 5.56 PSA? My enthusiasm has dropped off after my father's death at the end of 2021, and I already gave my AKM to my brother. I already have a MAS 49/56 for that battle rifle itch, so I'm looking to get an intermediate caliber rifle now. When I bought the 30-06, I was deciding between that and an SLR-106, so I'm trying the other path.
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>Should I trade my 30-06 Vepr for a 5.56 PSA
Might as well since you sound like a cum gargling retard
Are you poor? do people really consider this? trading a firearm for another? Why not keep both? If you don't like it yes get rid of it, otherwise just hang on to it as an investment.

>no territory to capture
>no key strategic points to fortify and defend
>no terrain features to conceal yourself
>no frontiers
>no where to hide

The meme in scifi is large armadas trading lazer volleys, this is very cool and spectacular yes, and also completely retarded. I think actual space warfare is gonna be so unconventional to a degree that we can't even fathom. like 16th century samurai trying to conceptualize ww3. If anything I think its gonna be %99.99 espionage and electronic warfare rather than ships actually shooting anything at each other.
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Cope and seethe.
Your wundervaffen falied.
2 more repeated buzzwords and our underage retardation will be accepted sisters!
>ignores 10000 tons rock sneaking past all wundervaffen detectors undetected
/pol/ was a mistake. remove the entire board without warning. i will accept the entire website being taken offline for several months if at the end of it we have no /pol/.
any race that survived long enough to colonize space would have to have stuffed all the remaining nerds into lockers permanently.

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Are there any books which have an accurate portrayal of contemporary warfare in the space domain? I'm looking for something like a Tom Clancy novel but space-related
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>contemporary warfare in the space domai
This is 99.999% SIGINT and SATINT accompanied by extremely nerdy cryptography and networking.
It is. 0001% ASAT missiles and Brilliant Pebbles.
There is no fiction being written about this specifically at the moment.
If you want a realistic near-future scifi war series, check out The Expanse
Maybe boring to you. Not to me
Old Man's War
Singing Tron
Dancing Tron
I still think that my picks were the closest.
Silver Tower is 1980's Cold War future warfare with a military version of what would eventually become the ISS IRL.
Gust Front had 2000-era Earth soldiers used as cannon fodder by a dodgy alien federation, dumped with their Abrams and M-16s on alien worlds to fight centaurs with railguns. We're supposed to be trading grunts for technology, but the power armour and such only starts to trickle through in the later books.

Other alt-history or 20-minutes-into-the-future books, like The Third World War or The War In 2020, only touch on space.
Silver Tower is the only firm example of the micro-sub-genre of the SDI in action, and I wish there was more.
I can only think of the opening of the TSR version of Buck Rogers, with the SR-71-based spaceplane fighting the Soviet killer sat.
There's a few non-fiction books about the 80's Strategic Defence Initiative, like War In Space, that might scratch that itch. And if you're after hard science space warfare I think someone might have made warships for Orbiter, the space sim.
And there was the short story One Clay Foot, by Jack Wodhams, that was written in a hard science tantrum after the author saw Star Wars and blew a gasket at WW2 fighter physics in space. Not a contemporary setting, but hard science physics.
I've been trying to tell the Atomicrockets guy about One Clay Foot for years, but I don't think he checks his mail.

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Lucas Botkin DWOT Edition
OLD: >>61523408
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the fake one is me, not the gun
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This shit ain't nothing to me man
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Damn. I thought you were a real one fr
Just bitches and hos.
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It’s like how my friend told me he was absolutely 100% sure he wasn’t gay because he tried it 3x and it was 0/3 enjoyable.

Why isn't .32 popular in small carry handguns anymore? Seems better suited for the job
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Because .380 exists and hits harder from similar size guns.
.22 fits more, has the same power, lower recoil and MUCH lower cost per round. .32 is for obstinate fags, not actual use.
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Manufacturers have been trying very recently to get 32 back on the market. 30SC is actually just super spicy 32ACP, and only forgoes the 32 connection because 32ACP is seen as an anemic cartridge. Before that, the introduction of 327 Federal Magnum (which is just extra hot 32H&R Mag, which itself is just a magnum of 32S&W) was an attempt to make a 32 cal round the new standard in small frame revolvers.
It obviously has some great advantages. Better capacity, especially in a revolver bringing the number of rounds in a J-Frame sized revolver to 6 (or 7 to 8 in a medium to large revolver). Lightened recoil in 30SC (although only mildly), however, 327FM has equal felt recoil to 38spl load I've found. It really only leaves capacity as the deciding factor, and when it comes to deciding between carrying 13+1 of 9×19 in your hellcat or 16+1 of 30SC in something like a S&W Shield, the difference seems negligible for the regular user. Especially when you need to now buy a more niche, expensive caliber. And, yes, the price would go down if the caliber caught on, but it would never reach 9×19 prices due to the massive number firearms chambered in it over 30SC.
In the case of 32ACP and 32H&R Mag, the market has come to value stopping power, and 38 caliber rounds are seen as the minimum size to be effective. ft/lbs is the name of the game, and 32ACP and 32H&R Mag don't meet the current standard that's been decided. A sad reality of most daily carriers is that most don't shoot their carry gun very often, and pretty much none of them will actually need to use it (that one's at least a good thing). Because of this, even though I find something like an LCP or Hellcat to be a dismal shooter for the range, and I couldn't carry one because I wouldn't trust myself to shoot it enough to become proficient with it, that's not what most buyers are after. They want the most power in the smallest package possible (well still technically being useable), and shootability be damned.
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Could you have picked a worse example of a pocket 380 to post? I say this as someone sitting at my desk with a Pico in the drawer. How Beretta managed to make something like this is baffling. Once you actually practice with it, it works, but you better follow through with your trigger pull or you'll get a light strike. I dread the one range trip a month I actually take it to practice with. It makes 380 feel more like 357 from an airwieght. I can see why they got rid of it from their catalog.
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too much SOVL for 2024

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I will put this here, because I know /k/ loves a gruesome horror story from real life.


About two weeks ago, a fishing vessel off the coast of Brazil, near the Amazon river delta, finds a seemingly derelict boat drifting at the sea. The boat is full of dead bodies. Rotting bodies. Badly decomposing, like they have been on the seas for a months.

Coast guard and police are called, forensic investigations started.
The boat looks much like the boats used by coastal fishermen in Mali or Mauritania, at the North-western coast of Africa (pic kinda related, that's what you get if you google "mauritanian fishing boat").
It's 12 meters (39ft) long, has no engine or rudder. And not like "there has been an accident and they lost the rudder" but like "This boat has never had a rudder". It's a fucking row-boat.

On board there are 9 rotting bodies ...and 27 cellphones. Suggesting that originally there were a lot more people on board.
Best guess is that it used to be a migrant boat. They left the African coast trying to get to Canary Islands in the Atlantic. And they missed the Canaries. Current pushes them to south, out to the Atlantic.

Around 30 people trying to get to Canaries. That's Spanish soil. They can apply for asylum.
So they get on this dinky little rowboat, packed tight as sardines, and set off. Their navigational equipment? The Captain's old (non-waterproof) cellphone's GPS.

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no no no no you can't say that that's hate speech anon
50.000 African immigrants landed in the Canarias in the past year alone.
They mostly land on Tenerife and La Gomera.
I ascribe a lot of that to the local culture. Like everyone is Christian, but there's just no concept of helping anyone besides yourself. I have a Ugandan online friend and she says she's been struggling because her dad died and since he only had daughters and apparently the local law only recognizes male heirs, they got nothing and their uncle proceeded to go on a bender with all his brother's money
I was on Tenerife in the early 2000s. Shame it's getting invaded tho. What happens to them after they get there?
Yes, bad guns lose because they're bad at war. Good guys win because they're good at war. Don't start shit you can't finish.

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ITT, we post frankenguns

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>he still uses a red dot on his handgun

Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

Previous: >>61509565
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I'm not very well versed in ammo variety/ loadings, I'd never heard of such a thing. But yeah from the research I've been doing since finding those it seems like small primers work fine for 45, interesting. Wish I hadn't blown my load on a case of the 45cpr stuff, but oh well.
What's the most aesthetic micro or sub compact?
Don't worry about the bezel, you won't see it when shooting. What you will see is the edge of the window, where the dot disappears.

What optic footprint is it?
>bullying people with SA
What's your next act? Mocking widows for being single?
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Based NY reload

Picrel can be had for the criminally low price of $379.

Same here on all counts. I had to override my autism and mix it up when I bought the M9-A2. And I like it.

I assume most of you have seen the news that Macron wants to extend a French nuclear umbrella over the European Union. Surely he is also planning to massively expand the French nuclear arsenal if he is serious about this? Is such a thing likely, or even feasible? And will Europe's attempts at "rearming" amount to anything, or just fizzle out in the next few years?
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>France mentioned
>patrolling shitskin shills go absolutely feral
Ignoring the rest of your post.
>if you nuke moscow and st. pidorsburg, russia stops existing as a nation, pussian culture is completely erased, and their empire of shit disintegrates.
I saw someone compare Russia to a city-state where 2 cities are the absolute center of the state culture, economy, military and governance and everything else exists to be exploited.
The French got the force de frappe because they didn’t believe the US would sacrifice New York for Paris in the case of an actual war, which is telling about their own attitude. They have also been utterly ambiguous as to whether they would use their nukes to defend Europe, in contrast to the UK
It can at any moment renounce it's diplomatical commitment for political reasons. Considering Trumpist republican are rather isolationist, you could imagine vital actions for the war effort being stalled or even abandoned because of Washington's games.
It already happened after WW1 when Woodrow wilson got the French to compromise a lot in exchange for guarantees against Germany invasion which were rejected later by the congress. Or the whole peace architecture that was build around the league of nations that the US spearheaded and didn't join, sinking the ship in the harbour.
It's the kind of stuff that could happen and why some European want to take care of their own instead of relying on daddy US which has been and is sadly currently unreliable.
We were heading into an era where NATO could very possibly have been dissolved. The US was dissatisfied with European commitment, Europe felt that a continental alliance wasn't necessary. Then monke saw banan and chimped out, and now the UK, France, Germany, Czechia, fucking Denmark all want to rearm, and Poland is about to become one of the spikiest porcupines in the world with enough HIMARS to make the US Army blush. All while losing the majority of his military power against a bunch of poor wheat farmers.
Is this one of the biggest strategic blunders in modern world history?

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This is what they're proposing for the Romanian army at the moment. What are your thoughts?
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The Redback and K21 chassis look nothing alike.
Koreans are supposedly one of the nations making a proposal for the tender to replace 250+ Mexican tracked infantry fighting vehicles. They want a 40mm autocannon and an included mortar. Is this basically what we can expect?
I think redback is an overkill for Mexico, but you can also choose a more affordable newly upgraded K21 chassis which has a steel based chassis instead of aluminium.
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>I think redback is an overkill for Mexico, but you can also choose a more affordable newly upgraded K21 chassis which has a steel based chassis instead of aluminium.

Is that what this thing is? I can't read Korean. Also Mexico does face modern ATGMs despite not facing a major army because narcos have access to Kornets and wild stuff like that trafficked in by eastern block friendly narcos in South America.
Forgot pic.

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>From my cold dead h... Yeah ? Y-Yeah, no, of course, sorry miss Ursula.
I'm trying to buy my first AR-15, I can hardly find anything mid price and normal reputation. It's either overpriced US garbage like Anderson/Faxon and shit, or insanely overpriced DD. Can we buy a reliable tier AR-15 in Europe for around 1500-1800 € ? Which brands ?

Also Europe general. Post and discuss guns and ownership this side of the world.
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Link to the Italian dude?
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To me a 16 inch AR would only warrant a handstop, but of course you can also put a kac vertical grip on a 20 inch for maximum Fallujah vibe so do what you want
If you’re paying over 3k for an m4 or mk18 in Austria you’re getting ripped off
Forgot to quote

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