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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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Roasties are becoming so neurotic (thanks to true crime docs) that they're now claiming bears are safer than the average man
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Look dude, this is gay and you should know this is just a dumb waste of time. Why post this shit? Your biological clock is ticking, instead of shitposting here, just go out and have fun. Please.
>I watched crime documentaries
Kek. Of course she did. They're all so predictable. Like all the feminists schlicking to the handmaid's tale. Meme gender.
Basically because the bear wont fuck them its safer is that what these stupid holes are trying to say?
1. They feel it's less likely they will be attacked by a random bear than a random man
2. They think being raped is worse than being mauled

Personally I feel both of these are fair points
I see the types of men they date and I can safely say these women need to stop blaming betas for the actions of the men they date
Go ahead and pick the bear stupid I would rather be with a bear than spend a minute with these hoes

just dress a little more dapper, guys. it isnt that hard.
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>that smile
he saw pink
but you should do it for you.
thought that was moot for a sec
Does her shirt say femboy?
Please don't tell me Moot has yellow fever

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can you imagine how wet it would've been oh my god I'm panicking again I'm panicking sorry guys I'll stop posting about this I'm gonna kill myself pretty soon anyways
can you imagine how fucking tight it is OOOHHHH HOOOO NOOOO OH NO OH NO I'm gonna cry tears are rolling down my face I'm feeling sick I'm gonna throw up anyways sorry about that guys
all women feel pretty loose if they're actually into you
hmm, how does that work? I'm psychologically incapable of attracting a woman with regard to any personal qualities except for my appearance
aIl can focus on being not high or i can just chill out, these are the flip-sides
one side will get worried for the other
anxiety over what someone will see when he walks in
vs if they doen't and i just chill out
focus on being high is inherently paranoid because it's something that will embarrass me
i can cycle be
so i

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If women are allowed to be whores, men should be allowed to rape
if men are allowed to rape , women should be allowed to murder
If women are allowed to murder, men should be allowed to genocide

I ate 3 lbs of pork once a day for over a week and man did it give me bad diarrhea.
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kys faggot xdddd BRASILSISLIL
>>77315930 You ate a dead animal. You couldn't be expecting something good out of it.

I'm 4 episodes deep in frieren. Picked it up for the hype. it's about an emotionless flat chested elf walking a bunch and nothing ever happening
Fun fact: over 60% of all women have sexual fantasies about being raped and more than half of women who are victims of rape have an orgasm during it.

I find this very strange because most women claim to dislike rape.
wheres your information from?
because that shit is not true

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Anyone else actually has mostly mainstream, progressive views on sexuality and stuff but is simply autistic and lonely?
yes, i wish i was at least the self unaware type of autist but instead im constantly in my own head and end up in total shutdown every social situation
Yep, and it fucks with me everyday
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These gauls demand respect. But not fear. They are mad dangerous and hairy beyond reason!

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I checked out the policy on sexual content and basically there's not supposed to be any sexually gratifying content on there. Which there definitively is. It's just very simply disguised as non sexual content. Any dumbass can see what it really is. There's content straight from porn videos. So is YouTube a moron or based?

Should there even be any restrictions on porn on YouTube? I think society is heading towards freedom of sexuality. That the ideas about sexuality is largely an old religious relic.
But this is pissing people off I think because they've lived their lives being denied this freedom, so to them it's injustice that others can just ignore the rules they've made great sacrifices to follow. Even if they're less conscious about it, when somebody breaks the social rules it feels like injustice. There's some interesting psychology here.

If you didn't know, these are the type of videos that are allowed on YouTube nowadays and people flock to make because I assume they make money on them:
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See, you did it again. Who are you fooling?

>nnnoooo not my heckin YT titerinos!!

Inb4 you do it again.
yeah same with breast feeding videos, because they are educational they are allowed but i read this article about how some whores abuse that and make or made it sexual. Dunno if they are still on, have no desire to look them up
Cool, does that mean i can ignore some foid's "consent"? Such an outdated concept
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I don't know what you think I did again. You are clearly insane but feel free to keep bumping the thread with your inane drivel.
I've seen those, they're extremely sexual, the moms moan

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Whats some good books for someone with a low IQ could read? It helps if its shorter because I read slow and if it has a clear message because my memory is bad. I already heard the Algernon jokes so if you could please suggest serious stuff it would help me a lot thank you. Rather not read anything with too much sexy stuff too but I will take what I can get thank you.
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To be honest I haven't read a book since Middle School and I don't remember them so well. There was one called My Side of the Mountain I liked a lot even though the teacher never let me read any out loud. I liked when the boy caught the Hawk that's the main part I remember about it. And I liked how it was about living in Nature and stuff.
I remember nothing about that book except not wanting to read it because my mom insisted that i read it, though I remember Hatchet by Gary Paulsen which is a very similar story about a guy whose plane crashes in the wilderness and he has to survive. I think he's a very accessible author too.
ironically enough, i think you might like Flowers for Algernon. it is very accessible and a very good read.
Thank you I will write these down. too. So I remember to get them from the Library. Hopefully as an adult I can read them better and tell people about them without sounding like. a dummy. Thats all I want just for once. Thank you.
the hobbit is the best fantasy book ever written and a very easy read.

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It's another vocaroo thread. the blogposting/conversation format is back by anon's demand. Hope to hear from y'all <3

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I really liked your recording, I think the aggression mixed with the southern accent is a pretty aesthetic combo. Sorry to say I have no good guess. Is it the Jobcorps survival thread?
wey hey and up he rises. that was some very good kalimba. i had an idea of what a kalimba was but i wasn't sure so i looked it up, and it's exactly what i thought. thank you for sharing your talent anon.
i just fucking fell to my knees in the middle of a walmart WHY DAWGGGG i forgot i recorded that kek

All I want is a nice, christian man to marry and spend the rest of my life with. Someone I can actually relate to, not a clueless normie :(
Most nice christian men are normies
You're right, anon. Do I go for an atheist or something instead? ;;
Would you date a Taoist

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Manic ver

Previously on /r9gay/
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Ezri had so little screen time
I like jadzia too but it was a tragedy </3
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my hair is almost back to it's former glory days
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you fuckin niggers better wake up
mods he said a banned word
>tfw no bf to check my pits for me

mtfemboy again. what is up. i am going insane i need to Be Myself for a little bit so. here i am again. you guys know the drill, just AMA and I will talk and try and engage you. just anything interesting. or just let me ramble. I am actually going insane

idk if i will draw as much like i did in the other threads, my hands are shaky and i feel like shit but. if the urge strikes me i might do some doodles. for now, i will repost some of the ones from the other threads that I liked a lot
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anyway, thinking about that line from majora's mask, that's how I feel when I am here. like I don't have to wear a mask.

"Your true face... what kind of face is it? I wonder... the face under the mask... is that your true face?"
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aww thank you anon. i really appreciate it. i don't want to be famous, i just want to touch hands.

and like my friends think i want everyone to fuck me or something, like i am a sex pest. which is weird because in reality i am basically asexual. i want someone's arms around me though, i want to shake hands, i want to high five, i want to lock fingers, i want to hug, a real hug that lasts a long time. i want someone to hold my fingers. sometimes i hold my own fingers, like my left fingers with my right hand. it helps for a second I guess

its horrible. recently I played Death Stranding and that went over with my friends about as well as you can imagine. liking something a LOT is basically suicide when you are around normies. i had been working on a death stranding sketch last night but I gave up on it
listening to "A Warm Place" on loop. the other night i was drunk as shit and I was nodding in and out of sleep in my chair with this song on loop and i felt for a little bit like i was completely at peace. just nothing to worry about. it was very strange i felt like i was just... at peace. i don't know what i was. my self perception was just a little yellow light, kind of like Tatl, and it was superimposed on this big field of blue purple with stars. and there was nothing else except that
I genuinely hope you find that person to hold. It's a nice thing, to have someone to hold.
Also death stranding is a lot of fun for some reason, I never had a game that I hate/loved more. It's literally just walking but I dumped so much hours in it.
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a few months ago i was drunk and i stuck a gun in my mouth and i was. not doing well. i sent a picture to one of my other friends, like, just fooling but also talk to me, and he freaked out. it was really bad.

then they had this whole thing where they were like yeah we don't understand your logic. why do that. it was for attention. and i was like. okay. it was for attention. they were like, if you do this ever again we will never speak to you. so i haven't done it

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