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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

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100 years of 'mana training' with the forgotten sorceress! Becoming a powerful SKKmagus with Arkhangelsk! Playing VR RPGs with botes (and TB) in the port! This is a mobile video game about naval warships, BTW. Discuss!
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The anthology?
>In the time it took me to buy the ring, go from the item shop to dock, click Taihou and click "oath", she had already had time to discover and examine the ring
Genuinely impressive levels of stalking.
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cute tem, also FAT tits
I’ll admit the standing split sold me on the skin
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it's a great skin

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>TW/JP servers EOS. TW players offered diamond transfers to Global.
>Global server is still good for now, 7 months of main story chapters left at the current rate of release.
Upcoming banners:
>Frankenstein Astaroth
>Santa Mammon
>China Dress Beelzebub
>Banquet Dress Belial
>Magical Girl Asmodeus
>Crimson Emporer Satan
>Swimsuit Mammon
>Streetwear Leviathan
>Teahouse Raphael
>Taisho Uriel
>Hot Springs Metatron
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I've yet to actually take anyone all the way to max level, does that final stage need more EX testaments? Or just books?
I wish I could help ya, I've only brought one cast to +21 and I forget what it cost, I think I was bottlenecked on 3* red books for a long while to get that sixth purple star. Did a quick search and couldn't find anything, I hope someone can post the exact number of mats needed for each level of ex evolution.
Getting 3* books is such a pain there just doesn't seem to be a great way to get them other than waiting forever on master points. 1* is also annoying just because you need so many off them
Looks like this week’s update will release chapter 34, hopefully this is the final chapter so that I could start recording
maybe i should actually finish the anime for this after years of stopping at like episode 5/6

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Mirror World Madness, the newly added event is almost over.
How did it go for you? Was it fun or way too challenging?

>Upcoming New Heroes Banner:
Eshean / Hofmann

Coming soon:

>SP Almeda
>New Covenant - Vidar
>Forbidden Battleground
>Guild Dimensional Expedition
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I just unlocked Ragnarok of the Realms by getting Thor to 65. Man, this looks overwhelming as fuck. For a 7 month account, I may be too early to even try this. I need to build quite a lot of units I never used and with runes being so scarce, I think I'll just start preparing now and try my luck by the end of the year.
I burnt out on these after the first 3, I think? Supposedly the newer ones weren't as rigid as the older ones regarding needing specific characters.
You can go for the few stages that don't really have unit requirements. Yeah, you'll want 4 covenants to attempt a full clear, but you don't need to clear all 4 to get partial rewards. 4-2 can be done with any units with act agains, and it's just stepping on a few eggs making sure you have the hp to survive an aoe. 3-3 is possible with a maxed thor and like naked R/SRs. 1-3 is technically possible as long as you survive the aoes with a single holy unit and some throwaways, but it's very difficult to plan out due to the rng. With a 70 thor you can try some of the easier stages with your main team just to start collecting more rewards for covenant stat boosts.

For a 7 month account it probably is very overwhelming. A few guild members are 3+ years old at this point and haven't done any past 4-2. Some CN player did complete all ragnaroks released at the time, up to 4, at his 6 month mark, but obviously this is with a huge amount of optimization and planning. Especially for covenants which are completely time gated and a lot of strats rely on just cheesing the map with Frigg/Odin/Baldr because reading is for nerds.
As I thought, it's gonna take a long time. I will look into the ones you can cheese to at least get some rewards. Thanks for the info.
Alright, did the one with eggs. Took me a couple of tries but it wasn't too hard, brought Bozel for emergency summon in case of bad positioning. I took a look at 3-3 but I need to plan that out, I don't have the duster for Keith so I'll have to look for alternatives later.

Just so I understand, I have to do these fights every week to get rewards, correct? There is no sweep button for the ones already done?

Nikke thread.
My daughterfu finally got some love.
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>Last 4 SSR molds
>3 SRs and 1 R
I have to vent my anger somewhere
61 percent btw
jewwww white Chinese, the shit hole racist pedo American white pigs, experience Pearl Harbor again and be slaughtered and exterminated!

from japan
Do we all end up learning to put zero hopes in the gems? Let it be what it must be, even when spending money, hundreds of rolls and not even a single SSR.
If you are going to buy something in this game, it better be a skin, or maybe materials to level up, but the latter will just make you end up in the endgame faster with no content to enjoy and look forward
can you guys pearl harbor california instead of hawaii this time? we'd appreciate it

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Only a few days left of the 7th anniversary. Asteria event coming soon.
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>the replies
Someone gone goofed.
It's not supposed to be Aska? Then what spirit?
Spirit gear doesn't have to match the logical element for a character.

They've also bullshitted things to be spirits outside of the default before.

But since her MA has birds, most likely the person who fucked up wasn't the social media guy.


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Also known as PriconneR or simply Priconne.

Did you get Commander Makoto or Eriko, or both? Will you pull for Lind and Wurm when they come out? What's your opinion on Arc 3 so far? Are you ready for EX7?
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Mullvad works for me
I don't really want to pay VPN just because KMR fucks me in the ass.
You could try using an emulator, if you have your account transfer code set up. It sucks, but it might be your best bet.
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Look how tiny Kyouka is
Imagine the sex
Meh, if I can't read anything. Might as well let it rot and I never set my transfer code since it's tied to DMM anyway.

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How are we liking the monster hunter colab? The champs are mostly pretty good, but it sucks that they're time limited
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Finally learned how to use cb calculator and I will be using these for UNM team. Vogoth there used for passive heal+leech. Banshe used for her poison. Hopefully both of them will be target for stun. If spirit I'll switch banshe with odachi.

>Have you opened the optimizer on PC and done a live refresh recently?
Yes I did opened on PC and did a live resfresh and it still gives me shit team with shit damage looking at this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kYL2vBTmaw) it just proves me that I was right that optimizer only gives the list that are recorded on their software.>>1453223

>Altan is so shit dont book him out haha
>t. Guy with a million champs in his roster
Here's the thing, Hell hades give him the rating of 5 for clan boss. Altan give good damage while also being tank so is no brainer that I will use him on CB team.
No, I dont have jareg nor reliquary tender
Oh shit I thought you were this guy with the new Rotos lol, my bad. >>1417855

Well 2 things, first, Nia will 100% throw off your speed tune the second she uses her A2 on anyone but your DPS/vogoth; a speed tune is a very specific speed that guarantees your champs use their skills in a specific order. The second she reduces the CD on one of your skills, it's all over. Think about it; she reduces your martyr's A3, then matyr doesn't know to hold it for before AOE1; she'll use it on turn 3 during the stun instead. You need to turn off her A2 in the AI team settings. So you'd only be using her for her A3, which is kinda a waste. If you don't have any better options though, I get it, gotta do what you gotta do. If you don't believe me, build your team during the free regearing and watch Nia closely during the run. She'll fuck things up with her A2.

As for the stun, you might be able to make it work with the team you posted, but it definitely won't be affinity friendly. on spirit it's pretty much all fucked because his AOE places decrease speed, meaning your tune will be thrown off. Then on magic, it'll look to target either martyr or vogoth because they're weak affinity. If you want it to target vogoth, that means making him less HP than matyr, which is antithetical to how you want to build him: he heals based on the damage done to him, so you want a shitload of HP. But I get it, gotta do what you gotta do with a limited roster. It actually might come down to waking up super early every day and doing 2 of your CB keys when it's still on void.

Right now we have a free regearing event, I'd highly suggest waiting until then to rebuild your teams and your builds out. Don't forget NOT to take any masteries that boost your turn meter or cycle of magic and you must account for your speed in the calculator if you have lore of steel.

Good luck, CB is the most important part of the game, getting a 2 key is massive! I'm rooting for you.
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A bit of update, I've changed the following on my CB team:
- Make martyr cast her A2 before AOE2 and Altan to cast his A2 before Stun. This allow for increase DEF to always 100% and for both martyr and altan to heal through heal before stun. If they got stunned it wont affect the turn order because they didnt cast any before AOE1. I have to change their turn order to reflect this (Martyr go first before Altan)
- Changed the speed of Altan to 192, Martyr to 193, Banshee and Vogoth to 193-194. This allow for the team to be compatible with NM as well (with small caveat that some champs missing their ally protection before AOE2 in some turns, but since its NM I think its fine)
The problem:
-No way to heal the stunned before AOE1 but Im sure it'll be fine because of Incr. Def+Ally Protection+ Strengthen + Decr. Atk

In terms of building progress on my team:
-Havent finished upgrading Vogoth to 6*
-Havent finished grinding mssteries for all of them except Martyr
Hope I can finished this in 2 weeks time

You know recently I have been pulled 12 void shards (from mission, event, DT) hoping to get Riho for her cleanse and block debuff which would be huge for my CB team. Turns out I didnt get JACKSHIT. Ther goes the hope
Have you tried the team out yet? The issue with the stun is that your CDs don't go down when you're stunned. If Martyr has 1 turn left on her counter attack and she gets stunned, when she comes back from the stun she'll still have 1 turn CD, which will throw off your speed tune. You need to make sure the stun goes on a nuker/vogoth for this tune to work. For that, you'll be beholden to affinity and you'll need to tune the HPs of your champs as well. Before you commit too hard, just do one more sweep of your account using the in game filter and make damn sure you don't have any cleansers or AOE block debuffs. We only have a few more hours of free gear removal left; throw gear on your champs and try out your tune; doesn't matter if they have masteries because you're just testing, and make sure you exit the game via alt f4/task manager/the windows close window red x, and the key won't save.

If everything goes well and you can force the stun target to be a nuker, then you're all set. Don't worry about healing after the first stun; the CB ramps up damage, meaning the first few turns it won't do too much damage.

For masteries, yeah that's an issue that will never go away unless you whale out on gems (which if you're a spender, is probably one of the best ways to spend money in this game). Don't forget that paying for energy refreshes with gems and using energy to farm mino costs around 200 less gems than just buying masteries with gems, and you also lose out on a lot of XP and 1.5 mil silver per champ. If you don't have one yet, I'd suggest using someone who can solo mino, and running 1 champ at a time. The waves/boss in mino 15 is relatively slow; if you have any well built, relatively fast nukers in savage with helmsmasher with AOEs, you can probably do each run in less than 30 seconds. Or if you have someone with survivability built in, you can put them in regen + immortal and they can also solo, like Artak or Orn for instance, but it'll take about 1 min.
>Best place to farm exp is 12-3
>It's also filled with enemies that all have extremely long attack animations and prebuffs, so if you don't have absolutely perfect gear it will take you 10x longer to clear for no reason
What did plarium mean by this? I shouldn't complain I guess, I'm the noob that started a commons/uncommons only F2P account about a week ago, so I should be happy with being able to farm brutal 12-3 in 30-40 seconds at all, but I hate seeing those nigger demons do their stupid attack buffs and waste my time.

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How bout that Hypercharge Event, huh?
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This is the worst update theyve ever dropped, yes even worse than gears
Colette is cute CUTE!!!
Is she any good meta wise?
Only good in heist same as chuck
I've been having fun. Just not taking it seriously.
Some of the brawlers are too op though, I assume it's going to get boring in a week or two.
she is good in heist and fine is hot zone

Are you still waiting for goblal?
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They censored Genshin and Nikke have characters design being covered up for investors.
>never going to find out what the fuck the eldritch bois in the ocean are
>Iron Prince just fucked off and never came back
>Gamma never ever
There were so many plotlines that were stolen from us.
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As far as I understand, the Star Children congregate to where humanity is. Iron Prince’s notes indicating Metal Parasytes exterminate mankind out of need as should mankind not be destroyed, everything else will be. The fact making himself into a Metal Parasyte-like being worked means they weren’t killing mankind as some just corrective force.
I believe mankind’s existence somehow contributes to the Star Children and in turn the Star Children naturally due to their eldritch nature fuck things up.
Now the stuff with the Stalker early on with Metal Parasytes attacking each other and the Metal Prince being kidnapped indicate Metal Parasytes have actually multiple factions. The Speakers talked about “a new sun” which some players theorized this means they foresaw the awakening of the Metal Prince. Trickster calling (You) are heretic was a two-folded foreshadowing for your infected biomechanical body and the Parasytes religious nature - Trickster was from the religious faction loyal to the original leader (likely Pope Iron).
I assume Pope Iron is constantly telling the rest that they need to kill mankind, that it’s a righteous cause and that it’s for their best to “send them to Heaven”, which would make him the voice Kagoshima Azazel heard in Lightless Sanctuary that spurred her into action.
This could mean Metal Prince was kidnapped to be put into safety by a liberal (or different sect) faction to use to rebel against Pope Iron in the future.
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I got some good news and bad news!
I was searching up the JP wiki and amidst their sorrow found some comments indicating one of the guys in the upper management of Valofe apparently is a hardcore LO fan. Which means we aren’t dying!
Bad news: Valofe is still Valofe so they think this means the skins will get heavily monetized instead
MTLing the JP comments further:
>Details of what was hot in the Korean community from March to April and the original article can be found on the chat bulletin board Part 5 (626-630). From March, the schedule for announcements and updates will start to collapse due to internal circumstances.On arca.live A person claiming to be a former employee appears and claims that many people have left the company due to annual salary freezes (no raises) for two consecutive years
- In response to media interviews, Line Games reveals that the PD and some employees have left the company
- Scenario writer Changed X profile to "Last Origin Scenario Writer (2022.08~2024.04)"
- Part of Studio Valkyrie's financial information revealed from Line Games' audit report
2023 operating revenue is 6.2 billion won, net loss is 1 billion won , Studio Valkyrie reports that Line Games , which is in a state of excessive debt (1 won ≒ 0.11 yen), is trying to improve management efficiency to get out of the red for six consecutive years, and has begun liquidating less competitive subsidiaries from 2023.
A contract is signed to transfer the Last Origin IP to Barov for 2.5 billion won.
>Studio Valkyrie was already indebted beforehand due to LINE Games
>LO got sold for about 1.815.752,25 dollars.
Holy fuck man I didn't know the IP was worth so much. I don't see Valofe giving up on it any soon.

I don't need sleep I need answers. Is mihoyo defying the CCP and promoting homosexuality among their characters? is robin secretly lesbian? COME ON HOYO I NEED ANSWERS NOW.

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You thought they were mobs but they are in fact five stars!
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>impulse 4 tickets for fat Thomas belly
I need to stop being retarded with my tickets.
i can't believe i wasted so many resources chasing satan on his rerun only for them to hit me with nullq fat bulge... and of course i didn't get him... kill me dude. this game literally only gives me furries that i don't care about
jewwww white Chinese, the shit hole racist pedo American white pigs, experience Pearl Harbor again and be slaughtered and exterminated!

from japan

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Not really sure why you would ask me that question. I didn't play and have no plans to try Atelier Resleriana so can't comment on how it was meant to be and if anyone would try making offline version of it.
I played and likes first two BR games and played Sun, and despite not liking Sun I still wanted to try preserving it anyway because it's most likely the end of the series.
This game wishes it was Atelier Resleriana.
It was fucking garbage and I'm still mad I even bothered playing it.
About assets request, looks like I can use files from Android version, so I updated the post on Reddit. If you have suitable files, please let me know.
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I do have them all the way down to catalog 1.6
I'm working right now and if my home internet isn't ass I'll try to upload the files you need
Also since we're on the topic of assets. Is there any change that you can rip the 3D models and upload it somewhere else? It would be a shame to lost all those models specially now that we have an official 3D model of Reflector Uta

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Thread for MonmusuTD as well as other Kumasan games.
>Twinkle Star Knight
>Girls Creation
>Flower Knight Girl
>Mist Train Girls
Also other DMM tower defense games.
>Millennium War Aigis
>Oshiro Project: RE ~CASTLE DEFENSE~

Next chapter in Monmusu is coming along with the shop girl who is in fact Mammon.
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Do I have to actually get the Premium dungeon skill before unlocking the associated H-Scene?
For anybody who cares, Castle is rerunning a bunch of events that gave 10 rolls for up to 63 or 630 rolls total. Though I feel like generic rolls aren't too valuable on that game.
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Midnight girls is the only other DMM monstergirl game where the MC is sodomized more. Like 5x more than in monmusu.
Pic related 3 of the 4 girls on this banner alone used strap-on or tentacles on the MC.
Yeah, MGR represents a bit more variety of scenes in general than most. It's just that sometimes variety doesn't preclude being plowed by a futa unicorn who thinks having her hymen regenerated means that she's a permavirgin.

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Temesia edition
(what team setup is good for her?)
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have you tried clicking on it?
...I've been single rolling my gems all this time.
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What are some good teams for pushing AFK stages that aren't Antanda/Cecia/3 healers cheese?
holy brick, you should only do 10 pulls on the standard banner because it costs 2700 gems instead of 3000

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