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The /mu/ Wiki:

Discover music:

Check the catalog before making a new thread >>>/mu/catalog

Personal music/band projects should go in Bandcamp/Soundcloud general threads.

>If the Feels brought you here, search in the catalog before starting a new thread. If they aren't vaguely music related, go to >>>/r9k/

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helnorsk svartmetall supremacy edition

old: >>121629098

FAQ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DE5nM8A2kFc
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Imagine taking an elitist stance over shitty deathcore.
Really glad other anons are finally talking about JIDF's presence here. I've been talking about it for awhile. If you really think this general isn't at the top of their radar, you're irredeemable. There is no greater conduit of societal change than this general - no greater conduit of societal change than black metal. It is no wonder they spend all their time here battling our INHERENTLY posts. They are scared.
I'm calling my grind band baguette
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here I'm gonna do it again
Lorna Shore is a poor man's Shadow of Intent
>seething about normal looking retards

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i understand, this was me once. since then i've fallen out of love with them, but I'll cheer them on forever anyway
(not sumin)
this song was so fucking good i wish it was longer
could be worse, could be like What's after Like
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show me one day

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Who here plays 6 string bass?
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i'm sorry man i actually like chevelle keep rocking on my dude \m/
>installing air conditioners
I own a flooring store and play on the internet all day while I hire mexicans to do the installations for min wage, pay attention.
Please don't bully I just write like that :(
i think the main difference is that metalfags can appreciate eachother's tone, like they're all in it together. cleanfags always seem to have this holier than though thing going on and having access to the toan is more important than using the toan

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Let’s hear it
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Just released my first EP yesterday!

>Industrial Hip-Hop
>Dollar Store Death Grips



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>guitar and vocals only



Russian White cockroach kill them all
Recs so far:



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>advante garde

this is pretty amazing for ai.
greetings from france.

this is really good.
doesnt get anymore lofi than this.

this is cool.

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Laputa Castle in the Sky wasn't available in UK until Disney dubbed it in 1998. The lyrics make it sound like they used to watch the movie many years ago. Also, this record sounds way too clean. Remember, the members were around 18 years old at that time.
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Whoaaa wtf. I never fucking heard that lyric. That hits HARD. Talking about teenage anime girls make you think the wrong thing hooolyy shit. didn't know I could like that song anymore than I did.
It does, check out cd audio in this bootleg copy of a ps1 game, same one I've seen two copies of as a kid while my classmate insisting it's intended.
I retract this statement. Different release by the same group - same sound artifact. It isn't caused by the disc rot.
Your point being? New word dropped that allows to describe concepts that exist in the world better sand we started to use it.
>Most were working in the industry at the time.
That's the sussest thing, isn't it. How many of college band musicians remain in the industry? Even if the record date is real the shilling might've been fake.

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Like the rising tide
Beating hearts grow but never die
To simplify, I'll stand by your side
Close my eyes, hope will never die
Like the rising tide
Beating hearts grow but never die
To simplify, I'll stand by your side
Close my eyes, hope will never die

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this board sucks post albums with cats on them
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whisper of the heart soundtrack
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cmon people
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Not shoegaze anymore, but used to be
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you know, beato was right, this shit goes hard
Beato and Swervedriver is like peanud budder and jellsee
I unironically love Beato, I unironically learn a lot about music and production from him, and his enthusiasm is endearing. I wish he listened to non-boomer music more, his top 10 songs of all time were all made between 1971 and 1974, which is kind of sad.
He's a cool boomer
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is this the thread?
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opinions on this album /mu/?
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I didn’t believe them when they told me that there was no saving you…
No one listens to soundcloud rap anymore dumbass boomer, its not 2016 anymore
Oh okay never mind, they all listen to poop noises instead
It's good
Probably the best 2000s "indie" album

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She's right but y'all aren't ready to wake that tea up
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The “you’re just jealous” cope doesn’t work anymore. Using “you’re just a misogynist/suffer from toxic masculinity” is a much easier guilt tactic.
Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote
Swifties shouldn’t even be legally considered adults
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>if you don’t listen to taylor swift you’re a misogynist
I’d just rather listen to any of these is all.

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I Japanese music!
music :I
music, japan :O


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prog rock tourism at it's finest

I find most of his singing kind of insufferable but I really like when he yell-sings.
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That's the ideal. Since the bassist does the least work, them supplementing that with other things like songwriting and singing makes the band more efficient. If the bass player is standing out too much, then he's not doing his job musically
Every song he's ever written is whining about his first world problems. Insufferable cunt
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His dad died in the war, dude. Shut the fuck up.

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