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Do you see yourself in this video?
(Get it of your Chest)
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Why did you leave anon? Did you know he was dying? Did you know that would be your last goodbye? Not trying to make you feel bad, I just want to know. One of my parents is approaching death as well.
When you’re in love your body makes a bunch of hormones that make all the gay shit you do make sense. As an outside observer who isn’t feeling those things it seems cringe
A feral cat had a go at me yesterday and I’ve been pondering whether I should kill it. I think little dude is just horny but I don’t get attacked/charged by animals often and the audacity of it just kinda spun me a bit
yep i am aware

you can still talk first for once
I guess I'm not capable of experiencing romantic love? I have never in my life felt like doing that type of shit.

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So I have this one friend who dresses very inappropriately and it's actually embarrassing. I invited her to a family gathering and she showed up in a bralette and booty shorts. I'm sorry to say that people were looking and she kept getting upset that people were looking at her. She always dresses very provocatively but then acts annoyed when people look or try to talk to her. We went to the pub recently and she was wearing so little clothes that men were approaching her. She kept saying she wanted to be left alone but had her chest out and a tiny skirt. I could see her bra as it contrasted with her top and she constantly flashed her underwear when she sat down. It was actually kinda awkward. I love her and her personality but I can't keep inviting her out if she's going to dress this way. What can I do?
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Yeah you can. You can absolutely control what people wear. If I pull up to pick you up and you’re wearing some bullshit I will tell you you’re not coming with me and that’s that. You will either change or find other plans. If you have leverage over someone (ie you wanna be around me more than I wanna be around you) you can absolutely be controlled. Don’t be silly.
That's controlling rather people hang out with you or not, it's still up to the person rather to change their style or not.
how is OP so oblivious? It's painful how clueless he is.

OP whats her number I will fuck her.
stop inviting her out ezpz
It seems like you're afriad of confronting her. Have you ever actually put your foot down and told her that her behavior is bothering you?

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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>are there any other places?
Spend more time in mildly ghetto areas and look for latinas and other immigrants, they'll usually be less fucked up than poor white girls
>How can I know if it went well?
You can wait for her to text you. If it's been a few days and she hasn't it's not a good sign, but you can still text her and try to plan another date.
Way too much of a commitment for the first date imo. I personally wouldn't do that with someone unless I knew them well.
>When we sat down she was on her phone and there were awkward silences.
If you know shit's fucked from the start and you don't think you can turn it around the power move is to just get up and leave before even ordering
>Most of them don't really, most average girls will have only fucked one or two men in long-term relationships by the time they are 25

Ok that at least makes me feel a lot better, I could deal with that, I just hear horror stories about it being way more than that

>My first GF was not a virgin and it only took one or two fuck sessions for me to get to the point of giving her multiple screaming orgasms. It was so good for her she bragged about it online and even though she was no-contact with her ex he actually still managed to find her and messaged her about how butthurt he was, lol

What I hear from my sex haver friends is to focus on doing oral well and you're supposedly already better than most guys

Is there anything else I should expect?

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Dropped out of university and now I’m £4200 in debt but only have £1700 in my account. What happens if I can’t pay it all back? Can I ask to pay it back little by little overtime? I can’t pay it all back in one go. Can I pay it back say £300 monthly? Will they accept that? This is the first time I’ve been in debt before so this is new territory for me. I can’t allow my parents to know about this under any circumstances
>I can’t allow my parents to know about this under any circumstances

Which part? The debt or that you dropped out? They're gonna find out the latter eventually when you have no diploma to show for it.

You need to talk to whatever equivalent of a financial advisor is at your school for your options. In America at least, student debt does not go away (unless Biden makes it go away for you) and it will fuck up your credit making it difficult to rent an apartment or finance buying a car. And then eventually they'll just take money out of your paycheck.

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Has anyone here who has OCD or a related condition ever tried going off of their meds after a period of feeling better? How did it go? I'm on Abilify right now and it's made me gain weight, so I want hopefully reverse that
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I think I was just born with it. I don't recall anything in my childhood that would have made me that way
are any of your parents very anxious or have any background in your family related with anxiety or similar things?
I was talking about my experience with exposures here. During the exposures, I intentionally think about my obsessive thoughts. Outside of that, yes, you are correct
My mother alleges that my father has it. He's very particular about things, but I don't want to say with certainty
I'm happy that it helps you but i don't see how writing about it every day will make me think less about them.

I don't know about other mental illness, i guess there are some worse but this shit has completely destroyed me. I'm since i wake up until i fall asleep thinking about this or that obsessive thought. Eeach week a new one is generated, everything that i do becomes an obsession... it's incredible, its like a curse

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Do you guys have any tips on how I can meet and date 18-21 year old women as a 33 year old man?
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Fuck it I am hijacking your thread OP I need a gf more than you anyways
>bigguy4u69420 is username
>6 ft 1
>7 inch dick
>visible abs
>STEM degree and industrial mechanic trade cert
>traveled 6+ countries
>based sociopolitical opinions
>evil and dark triad
>average face (its ogre)
Give me a chance to put a baby inside you foids

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Wtf don't
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I'm 33 and dating a girl whos 22. We met in rehab because we're both alcoholics
I fucked a lot of 18-21 in my early thirties. You literally just need to talk to them. Through online dating or real life, just chat them up. It's really really easy, or at least was for me, and no, I'm not 6'4 uberchad.

One of my main sources of pussy was co-ed sports leagues, try that anon.
how long ago was that? I feel millennial women 10-13 years ago were more receptive to age gaps than zoomers. give us in detail the process how you did.

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How do you get over death anxiety? The thought of ceasing to exist and never being able to exist again terrifies me.
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Read it’s ok to die by Monica Williams Murphy

Do a vipassana retreat, then all day self inquiry, then take breakthrough dose of 5 meo dmt two days in a row

At some point you stop caring, even if you 100% believe you will die. Been a few times where I've written my will but it never happens. Quantum immortality, you can not actually experience death just dying.
When I'm dead I'll be too dead to worry about it
Here’s what helped me:

Einstein did not believe that time was a linear progression of events, where the future becomes the present and the present becomes the past, and the past is destroyed by the flowing of time.

Instead, the past, present, and future all exist contemporaneously. All moments in time exist simultaneously and eternally. This is the “Aeonic” conception of time.

Therefore, death is an illusion. Every moment of your life exists eternally.
Live mas
Seriously though, just enjoy life. If you live a good life you will naturally learn to accept death.

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Why do some people look really hot in person, but look awful in a photo?
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Perhaps what they candidly are is different from when they have to prop themselves in a photo — not to say that difficult 'candid' photos cannot be taken of course.
>Why do some people look really hot in person, but look awful in a photo?

Because people see with binocular vision, and cameras take pictures with a single lens (monocular vision). It distorts the face. Some people benefit from it, to others it makes things worse. Lighting can also enhance or worsen what is seen on a photo.
lens diameter, lighting, depth of field, contrast, exposure
so many variables that fuck your shit up in a photo
one time i was doing job interviews with a shitty webcam and realized i looked like a literal goblin that nobody would ever hire
now that i have a better webcam i actually look like a normal guy
Oh fuck off retard, that's such a midwit 80 IQ take. I've seen others reflected in the mirror and they look the exact same God damn same, whereas they look wildly different in pictures. Why do people not fucking understand that cameras have their own set of flaws and are typically not that reliable? Maybe a professional photograph at the right distance in the right lighting with the right camera is fine, but that's a far cry from "hurrrrrrrr durrrrrrrrr every random shitty cell phone picture is 100 percent accurate LOL! XD"
different focal lengths of lenses emphasize different symmetry, simple as

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Any southern anons that can give me a perspective?

I'm from a northern blue state. I'm 22, don't have a lot of money, and have nothing keeping me where I am at. I'm a red voter, constitutionalist conservative, blue collar tradesman, gun owner, christian and I'm pretty tired of seeing my state fuck me over and over with laws that restrict my rights, the sweeping homeless and drug issues here that make every neighborhood I rent in a shithole, and the general attitude of the people here. I generally wear my heart on my sleeve about that stuff, and I want to go somewhere where people have the values I grew up with and are like-minded with me. Less important, but I also hate the extreme winters up here being that I work outside lol.

How would I be perceived if I moved to a southern state? Would it be hard for me to find a job, or a place to rent because of where I'm coming from? I know the general consensus down there is "fuck off get out of here," but I've never actually talked to a southern person about that and I'd love to hear what you think. Is it a broad "we don't want ANYONE coming in," or more of a "we don't want liberal Californians with tons of home-equity coming in,"?
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I already know I'd be fine because people move there all the time, just thought I'd be polite and ask, and also make sure everyone isn't going to absolutely hate me for where I'm from, because they already hate me here for what I believe, so if that were the case I'd just go to Arizona or some other warm swing state.

I love Southern culture and I'd love to actually integrate and not just come over to fuck everything up like lots of people have been doing.

And you're completely correct, but if I went to reddit I'd be talking to people from Cali that moved to the South, not southerners, so unfortunately 4chan is my best bet
>You can keep packing fudge in Europe, homo.
I'm an American Expat that lives in Asia, rescinded my citizenship 3 years ago.
That's great, good for you, I place a very high value on and am very grateful for my rights to free speech and gun ownership, and as far as I'm concerned if this country is going to become a shithole one way or the other, I'm going to see it through to the end. I'll move states, but moving countries ain't happening, I've got a bit more spirit than that.
And nothing will change as they replace you with legal and illegal immigrants as your life gets harder, the economy tanks, and they blame you for everything.
Largest group of people leaving the country are rich white single men who are conservative. The dream is over, its time to wake up.

remaking this bc the prev thread is getting no traction and im desperate. sorry.

the man i thought was my best freind just broke up w me over text.

AMA, give advice or tell your own stories- any interaction is appreciated rn
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ty! this is so cute and i love it when her pigtails are big or have a gradient like here
hahaja thanks. their colours are like Neapolitan ice cream
Unironically saving this for future use.
ok anons im going to get some rest even tough its early morning already.

thanks everyone for sticking around and chatting. made me not feel so lonely. And thanks for the cute videos, talk ltr, gn („• ֊ •„)੭

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I am age 21, 5'6 and 5/10 face. I will literally never be loved or desired by a woman, and subsequently will never be respected by peers or ever have friends. I have zero opportunities in life no matter what I do. I have been living the same day for 5 years, nothing of worth has happened and if anything life has got worse. My only friend group abandoned me for being an Incel, even after reaching out nobody wants to associate with a manlet. I work a shit dead end minimum wage job even though I have decent qualifications with no better job offers. I have no interest in anything, no hobbies, no talent, I have nothing. Why shouldn't I be bitter? Everyone else was handed life

> immigrant low iq parents yelling at me to get a job
> have special needs sibling cannot leave my city for her sake
> I live in a Pajeet hub in canada , all burner/get back on your feet jobs taken by international students
> spend most of my days just keeping her company and happy and dont mind doing it while I apply for work

> parents both work government and haven't had to actually apply for jobs in about 20Y.
> bitch at me about "why dont I just work at mcdonalds" , not realizing the game changed from under their feet
> have 2 long gaps in resume despite having 4 jobs , itssoover.jpg
> parents think I have 20K in student loan debt , its closer to 50K. It's not even like I was living large - I was literally just paying bills and the odd movie / subscription just to keep my mind from exploding from the weight of all this.

> parents wonder why their son is so weak and docile never seemingly connecting that their overbearing and overprotecting bullshit exposing me to no risk maybe played a role.
> get secretly diagnosed for ADHD in mid twenties and realized I wasted my whole youth in addiction, not taking the drugs cause I have no idea what meth would do to me and I don't trust the doctors.
> despite graduating from a stem program, absolute crash and burn failure.

Any job I could realistically get would require moving or night shifts , I can't move cause I'm the main caretaker for my sibling but my parents don't view that as "real work" (IE - if it doesn't pay they DGAF),

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and the worst part is ? I put myself in this hell due to poor work ethic in my teens / very early twenties , I wish I knew how to study correctly when I was younger like I knew now and gone for a harder program at a better school / tried in college.

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> Be me
> age 18 - 22 be absolute NEET
> be age 23
> enough of this shit, imma turn things around!
> learn how to dance
> learn how to use hair gel
> learn how to skateboard
> try dating apps again
> I actually get matches now
> Don't know what to do because I'm still a NEET at heart
> Feel like deep down I'm still the same old do nothing type person.
> Imposter syndrome starts kicking in like bathroom cocaine.

I legitimately don't know how to talk to women or how to act around them. I feel like a virgin in chad skin (bad analogy but fuck it). I really do like the interests I have taken upon myself. But still.

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This is definitely a time when "fake it 'til you make it" applies. Looking at you, no one would know you're a virgin loser inside. So don't act like one, and there will be no indication of that at all. If you commit to it enough it'll start coming naturally. You won't transform completely, but it's amazing how far you can go with this method.

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You do not need human contact
Emotions besides anger are fucking gay.
Immediately cut off contact with everyone you had a relationship with. It may be hard, but just put all doubts to the back of your mind
Stop caring so much about things. Whatever it is, it is NOT that important.
Just become a slippery snake and cheat, lie, kill and use people till you are at the top. Seek power like the worthless clump of matter you are.
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This is a terrible attempt at vossinian thinking
>>You do not need human contact
>Keeps evading bans to contact humans
Can anyone explain this to me?
OP is a retard and deserves to be laughed at like a caged animal
only exalted beings will understand
OP is a zarathurstra of sorts; he does not desire human contact so much as he desires human intelligence and achievement
his purpose is not to satisfy himself, but to keep you from destroying yourself

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>be me
>30 m 5'10 fit pretty average looking but being fit made me more handsome
>was shy virgin until senior year hs
>married to perfect wife now
>became a Don Juan and fucked about 40 girls from 18-20 and fucked another 3 during a little hiatus at 25
>learned how to bang girls and get them to fall in love with you
>occasionally miss my past life so i come on here to help anons to cope for never fucking another girl again
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>n terms of work? No.
Yeah it's not even work, I take group classes where I see the same girls constantly. It's my main social outlet so I don't want to lose it. But, then it defeats the purpose if I don't meet anyone there.
You said women like you and want to be with you but you feel that you give off a feeling of disgust and desperation. I think you just need to reconcile with yourself and about the memory of your lost friend. This kind of sounds like survivor guilt almost spurred by the jealousy of the life of your friend. Maybe talk to one of his family members or a close friend/family member of you own to try to get over this. I agree with your views on suicide and it is the cowardly way out especially when he gave up what he had but there is no need for you to linger on his life and to continue to compare yourself to him. He is gone and you need to accept that.
I would recommend hvac or electrician. These jobs will never go anywhere, no machine can do them and they pay great and give you access you anywhere that has an ac unit or electricity.
I think you know the answer already and the answer is yes, go for it. I think you’re just a little afraid to pull the trigger because yes it can be daunting and the chance of failure/rejection is always lingering but like you said, what is the point of going if you aren’t going to make lasting relationships.

Given that it is a group class, that’s a resounding yes you should definitely try shit where you eat. That’s what it’s there for in your particular case
Any advice for short dudes?(5'9 and under)
Can short dudes be seductive?
i guess either i never found what i really wanted from relationships, or i'm the type of person who doesn't benefit much from them at all. or i'm secretly gay and haven't realized it yet.

reposted to fix retard typo

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