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Do you think Velma and Daphne would be remembered today if it wasn't for Iwao Takamoto's designs?
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>the original concept art
Post it.
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m8 what the FUCK are you talking about. They all look "white" as can be. Fred is clearly a weeb posing as some mecha pilot.
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Why are they all so hot? They picked the best archetypes for both genders
Why is this Scooby so sly?
He knows.

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Dobson or Dickman?
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is the one who cummed on his gf's face as she was asleep?

top ten prank gone wrong gone sexual
Idk i don't think he would do it, his art is too cute.
Is that what counts as abuse these days? Women are such fucking cry babies holy shit.
who dickman
Work at Nick make Action Dad show in 2012 due to neglecence or corprate fuckery show gets “stolen”

Work at Cartoon Network make pilot, pilot never airs thanks to Zalzoff and never get paid.

Are people still mad?
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Fag house is equally forgotten except for porn, 90% of the time I see people talking about the milfs and wanting them to be drawn as sexual as possible.
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i did not even notice it was AI, wow it is getting to be really advanced!!! >u<
Star Vs will live on in my memory as a vehicle for Marco harem porn.
People are still traumatized with this show for how it went downhill.
They use TOH and Amphibia as good examples.
TOH for being limited with its seasons and yet, it managed to do great while not having four seasons and managed to do something good with not fusing the world instead just put a door.
Amphibia for doing what Star vs should have done, separating Sprig and Anne.
>Owl House's finale played it totally safe compared to cloneshit or wraithshit and everybody's already forgotten it a year later
Not really.
The show still gets art and it's still getting discussion threads.
I'm never a fan of this discussion, it goes nowhere and Matt admitted that it doesn't answer to it, so at face value Anne died and resurrected and that's it, there's no secondary effects.
>That's a star-shaped gemstone on her body.
Nice Steven Universe reference

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Pixar recreated the house from UP, you can book it on AirBnB and a crane will lift the house up when you get inside.
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That seems a little excessive.
Fuck that.
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Can we get Ren & Stimpy soon?
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Dimmsdale was a Northern CA gold rush town in one episode, then an east coast Puritan colony in the next. These people didn't give a fuck.
>Fairly Oddparents returning.
They don't know what its appeal was, other than being the second highest rated show behind Spongebob. The show played fast and loose with its own rules and couldn't keep its continuity straight until its third season.
All of these people were killed by men. For people who claim to be searching for the common denominator, you never acknowledge the idea that it's MEN committing 90+% of violent crime, no matter their race or class..
VERY autistic reaction to screenshots of a comedy cartoon, as expected from FOPfags

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Does being popular matter that much?
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Thank you anon
Have some fanart
Shut the fuck up. You're whining that people who draw are appealing to a demographic, that's literally what you're supposed to do. It's no-one's fault if your art doesn't get seen but your own, because guess what? That's what marketing is, that's what conncetions are for. It's not the easiest thing in the world, but it might not always work, but don't like an entitled child because they're working with the platform and what people want out of it. And if people want to sell their art, then that's all the more reason to make it.

Art is either a hobby or a job, you can make it both, but the "job" part should take precedence, and you need to damn well treat it like one. And if it's a hobby, don't act like a bitch that people don't care about something, you yourself aren't taking seriously.
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>A man denied his likes and re-tweets
You forgot to draw this man a belt.
>t. seething twitter artist
I accept your concession

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The road to the end begins.

Comics in this thread:
>X-Men #34
>Invincible Iron Man #18
>Cable #4
>Deadpool & Wolverine: WWIII #1
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When did this happen?
Oh wait yeah Front Line. Forgot all about that.
That's just some shitty fanfic you made up. Or, to give you the benefit of the doubt, some shitty fanfic someone else made up and you were stupid enough to believe.
>In Avengers he very monosyllabic and basically does nothing within that run besides screaming "Imperius Rex!" whenever he does something ""cool"
That's peak Namor
What I remember specifically:

>Synch and Talon are in the morlock tunnels when Kitty and Kamala leave for the Latveria mission.
>When Kitty, Kamala and Logan come back, the place is trashed and there's blood everywhere
>When Synch returns from the Counter-Earth mission, Kamala is in the morlock tunnels.
>We later learn that the trashed room and blood was from Synch going nuts and synching Talon's claws but not healing factor, a little while after he came back.

In the first FotHoX, Logan and Piotr try to bust Scott out but fail. This is mentioned in a later issue of X-Men when Nimrod is taunting them about that failure. That issue ends with Synch telling Kitty to go get Polaris, but we saw that in FotHoX #1, which as established by Nimrod has already happened.

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People like to pretend otherwise, but it's the very same hipster shit that The Comics Journal endorsed throughout the 90s and beyond that ultimately killed comics.
Nah, it was capeshit. Everybody knows this.
Yeah, let's ignore DC and Marvel dogpiling on any smaller publisher for decades and then fucking everyone over with their exclusivity distribution deals that took pretty much all alternative distributers out of business and left smaller publishers without a venue that worked for their model business.

It was some art college reject doing an autobio with shitty art that nobody even read what took everything down.
Man, people talking about manga haven't evolved anything. They keep talking down about genres and bring out exhausted buzzwords.
I'm not reading all that shit

20 words or less

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Bad Batch finale thread 2
discuss the finale and things surrounding it and the season as a whole

the show as a whole was good
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Those kids would all be adults by the time Luke's order was started
He's good in compariosn, the Inquisitors just suck that much ass.
Having Luke show up in rebels would be fucking retarded beyond belief.
Yeah but antagonizing him from the get-go for some reason...
If that is actually true id die from laughter,i actually hope its true since ill do some searching to see if i find it

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Hear me out
that's illegal

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Do all villains deserve redemption?
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>The police arrested people who broke the law.
It was not the police, and the law was not yet in effect at that time. Throughout the war they also didn't follow any of the laws related to catching suspects, not the least included reading the suspects their rights, speaking of rights; they also held them without charging them despite them being citizens.
So not only did they not enforce they law, they also broke the 4th Amendment and some of the 5th amendments to the constitution in service of this bill that had yet to be signed.
Do you think Micheal Douglas has any idea the scope of Hank Pym’s character?
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I certainly doubt it since most of Pym's history is useless for making a likeable and popular movie character and Ultron already has a different origin.
nothing is stupider than trying to face-turn horrific murderers
they do that with sabertooth every 10 years or so and its always fucking retarded
It depends on the character.
Like Doctor Sivana for example.

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Remember when disney tried to make their own version of ren & stimpy?
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normie shit
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That's one heck of a look.
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Being a fashionable bitch, she had some good looking outfits.

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No more mutants.
Avengers Disassembled
House of M
Secret War

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This is the fourth storytime of a long road. Disassembled was the first event in a chain of events telling a larger over arcing story in the Marvel Universe that culminated in Avengers vs X-Men. I intend to do every major Marvel event from Avengers Disassembled to Avengers vs X-Men. I will be doing the main book and all of the tie-in issues. If this list is missing anything or is out of order PLEASE let me know. Our road map will be:
Avengers Disassembled
House of M
Secret War
>Planet Hulk
>Civil War
>The Initiative
>Endangered Species
>World War Hulk
>Messiah Complex
>Divided We Stand
>Annihilation: Conquest
>Secret Invasion

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MeTv and Warner bros are making a new, 24/7 classic cartoon channel called MeTV Toons.

It will launch on June 25th.
Non-WBD owned properties will be present too, including Rocky and Bullwinkle, Woody Woodpecker, Casper, Betty Boop and Speed Racer.
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Great. A bunch of crusty ass boomer cartoons from the 60s that nobody cares for anymore. Bring back The Raccoons and Babar.
>Rocky and Bullwinkle
>Worthless slop
100% you've never seen this show also it's not HB
All except for the killer movie. That one can stay. Yes it's good. If anyone reading this has any takeaway from this post is that the movie is amazing. I swear to God it's better than you remember.
Does TBS still own the rights?
>no American company has done anything with the IP since Tatsunoko won't let any American touch Speed Racer again

What else is there to do? Funimation re-released Speed Racer and the '97 reboot. Discotek did Samurai Pizza Cats. None of Speed Racer Enterprise's weird original cartoons were successful, so I doubt there would be anymore after that abysmal Pajeet x Israel movie.

Both of those are on free streaming services:


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So Solver Drones being able to retain their powers without the downsides sans overheating is, in my opinion, a unique development, and makes me wonder if the Solver and it's powers are somehow separate things. Perhaps the Solver itself is merely an intelligence, and these abilities aren't solely something that belongs to it?
Maybe there's something in Drone cores it can unlock or make use of. They seem to be powered by miniature singularities in some way, so maybe the Solver hijacks those singularities for stuff or something, I dunno. Murder Drones is a cool show and I like it for stuff like this
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Of course not...
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Does Michael switch personas for every thrust?
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>Fun Daily N Facts: N sleeps nude in an oxygen tent, which he believes gives him sexual powers
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sleeping naked is my favourite

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