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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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We're tweaking the email verification system that we've been trialing over the past month. In order to post on /biz/ you will now have to do one of the following:

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Who's Buying Tomorrow?
Even in its current state it's massively overvalued lol.
Who the fuck buys on a Sunday?
I bought into a number of altcoins.
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I'm waiting for my boss to give me a bonus for my performance and then buy more memecoins, if I'm already doing well with MAGA a couple more won't hurt
I still have to wait for my dexview stuff to turn green again, plus I don't want to buy anything anymore
this will be the last time I bet part of my salary in memecoins.

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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>The may 24 deadline is in the pic of your own post lol
Ah there it was lol I was looking at different things and didn't even notice
>They must resolve inconsistencies but they're not going to obviously
Again, even if somebody can pull some chicanery there will obviously be someone who can't. You think everyone with inconsistencies is just going to go "who cares." That would make this whole thing entirely pointless. Why else would Citadel sue to try and stop this?
>obsession with limiting discussion on what RC is literally doing

>there is no narrative to control this is a GME thread
>not Ryan Cohen's battle room

hUh i NeVER saiD tHat
kys silonigger you did
>logical foundation the gme investment is
The spam is some entity out there gains from equating gme investors to bbby investors. I’m still convinced they they used timing of buys on bbby buys by the stupider gme holders to make an argument we are market manipulators. “See they don’t care about the company at all, they are trying to manufacture a short squeeze on a towel store whose own executives are warning of impending bankruptcy”.
They aren’t spamming bbby here endlessly to get anyone to believe their nonsense or buy a non existent stock. They are spamming it so they can point here and say all of us organic gme investors ARE the bbby posters. That we are one and the same.
As an isolated case they have zero response to gme Investors buying and holding a stock we like while the company turns around legally. They HAVE to try to turn us into something we are not or at least manufacture the image of that. Most likely to secure continued green light from corrupt regulators to “protect American markets from meme stock investors trying to harm them intentionally”.
As for me, I just like the stock
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>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee don’t notice patterns, dont notice the obvious connections between gme and bbby, don’t notice RC’s movements
>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee if you do notice don’t discuss all of that in MY gme thread or the fed will arrest you for noticing
That essentially boils down his take. Minus of course the logoniggery which I’m still not sure what the goal was with that psyop.

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What are the financial implications of this /biz/coin? Is the sheer mental retardation enough to make a breakthrough in normieverse? Will CB Smart wallet open the floodgates to base and lead to the golden( delicious) bullrun?

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>Team is in bed with cb
>They are not even hiding it anymore
>Onchain summer about to start
>Release of smart wallet
>Avi team were handpicked by Jesse to attend their smart wallet seminar for devs only

The comeback is real and that cuck "whale" that spassed out + palladius himself sold the absolute bottom you can't make this shit up

Let's fucking go star fox
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it's my birthday today can the price go up 20 or 30% more as a gift?
Rumour is 25 cents by end of august
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happy birthday anon
Hm, ok I will take it

If this pumps to 25 cents in 3 months I will pay a pornstar slut to suck Stixil's cock so hard that the last meat loaf he ate will be vacuumed right into the slut's mouth through his fox rocket dick
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it be coming

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For the last fucking time, those pictures are of EGYPTIANS, it has been proven, the guy who posted that shit has admitted to it multiple times. So fuck off.
I've been thinking about this for a while as well, they're utterly beholden to a consumerist economy and claim superiority because of it, conflating their false sense of individualism with the success of their elites playing international chess. That kind of madness can only be stopped.

As you can see, they only respond with the platitudes they've been endowed by their programming, rhetoric and mental gymnastics are a reflection of their fragile biases which don't produce anything of value.
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this. it´s meant to tranquilize zoomies until total dictatorship is installed after harsh deflationary phase.
Its the lack of competition in today's markets. There's an oligopoly in most markets, you have to buy whatever they put on the shelves because there's no one else. They dont have a reason to lower prices or raise quality because they wont lose enough customers to care. (also normies are happy to just eat shit)

Globalisation was meant to increase competion but instead the larger companies opened up shop abroad and out competed the locally/domestically owned stores, then lobbied for regulations increasing the barrier for entry.

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Welcome to the new /APU/ discussion general since old one is at 310+ replies as of now.

>latest news
tier 1 listing imminent
>inb4 source
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We're gonna bounce off this triple bottom and hit 14 in the next 5 days
how much is considered financially free these days? $2M post tax?
Depends on what kind of lifestyle you're aiming for. For me I just need enough to NEET in a LCOL area with some low-cost hobbies, should only amount to around 1mil for me. Ideally though I'm aiming for 3mil-5mil by end of bullrun. If you have more expensive tastes then "making it" would likely be 10mil-15mil net worth.
sounds about right
put that into a high dividend index fund at 6% and you're getting 10k a month
I'd say most people can live easily off that
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All frog coins will make it. Popo is no exception. And it's new.

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how much money would it take for you to never have to work again?
how would you use that money to ensure this?
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Easily 10 million
30-50k or even half that would be enough to live the rest of my life, but I'm dying of cancer and depending how severe it is I'm gonna be lucky if I get six more months.

But to everyone else it takes a lot more.
need at least 10mil, I have family to feed
I plan to quit my $120k job at $2M and I'll just live off $80k for good while letting the principal appreciate. Not donald trump rich, but very time rich with enough money to still live better than I currently do
you can do all that with half the amount, easily. $2.5M you can afford any new games coming out and enough for hobbies and occasional travel with a gf
That or just take out 4% or so from a solid ETF

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>get lucky years ago and make half a million dollaros from a shitty investment in a meme coin
>tell my friend who is like 50+ about it
>warn him not to invest in this stuff and be careful of scammers, repeat constantly that i got lucky and a million other people lost money for every guy like me that made any
>it's ok anon i won't!
>calls me randomly
>"hey can i borrow a bitcoin from you, i need it"
>what? did you short sell or something? what happened
>no my dealer says i need a bitcoin to get my profits from my previous investment
>how much did you invest?
>a whole bitcoin
i feel guilty because this poor man lost 30k fucking dollars (he did this when btc was at 30k) to a pajeet scammer
did i cause this? was he going to lose his money even if i didn't tell him?
he hasn't contacted me ever since i told him no to him borrowing a bitcoin
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20% of americans hold cryptos, it's not like some super taboo secret thing anymore
This, but not just crypto. It’s the same with all types of investing. If they win, it’s because they are so fucking smart and you were just a small piece of their large master plan. If they lose, you are to blame for everything
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The answer is always more xkcd.
If you believe the internet, that's up to 40% now, which seems completely crazy.

Then again, that'd include folks like my once coworkers and full time normies who bought $20 of dogecoin in 2014 because they thought it was completely ridiculous and therefore hilarious. I wonder if they're still hodling, it'd be worth about $15K now.
This type of transparent and shameless leechy behavior is the shit you have to deal with if people find out that you have money. Every little rat wants their little piece of the pie and will pitch you an idea. It gets old quick

well, cain't say you gettin a better deal in dem cities now can yah boy, whooooooo eeeeeee

got damn

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>LINK token over $17?
dump ze BTC coin

huge bull flag
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Buying the top.
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fudbros at what point do we stop fudding? obviously i fud link everyday because i hold it and i always ask myself when do i stop? when it reaches $75? $300? $80k? whats our end game? wut do? sergey is a fat piece of shit lol
up 30c since i posted why didnt you want to make money?
>up 1%
WhY dIdNt YoU wAnT tO mAkE mOnEy??
never. i lost my stack long ago to bancor and shitcoins. all i care about now is stopping other people from making it. if my fud keeps even 1 person from buying link then i win.

I know you want some maga, this shitty coin dropped two days ago

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I have been working for a small sized company (soon to be mid sized) that has been growing extremely rapidly within my state. It has breached the state's borders recently and is constantly hiring. I have been working a wagie position, higher paid than peers of the same position at different firms, but I hate it. I hate having to be spat on and not respected. I have a bachelors degree in the field the company is in, and have 3 years of experience. I have applied to 3 different positions in the company, and about 30 outside the company. EVERY SINGLE ONE IS A FUCKING REJECTION OR GHOST POSITION I AM SO FUCKING FED UP WITH THIS FUCKING ECONOMY I AM GOING TO FUCKING SNAP.

The real stinger is that, if I was born just 20 years earlier, my efforts would have been rewarded. Seems like all the advice I hear from older people is "you aren't working hard enough, you should pull yourself up by your bootstraps". NIGGER I AM FUCKING TRYING TO WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME A CUSTOMER THREATENED YOU WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WERE STRUGGLING TO SAVE FOR A HOUSE WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU COULDNT AFFORD FOOD WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU DECIDED RUNNING THE HEATER WAS TOO EXPENSEIVE WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU FUCKING SUFFERED. If I could remove the older population, I would.
Hahahahha oooooo wagie. Hope you hold link
zoomers these days want everything handed to them. 3 years of experience and they get indignant thinking they "deserve better". good luck faggot
Handed to me? I want a position with more responsibilities, not less. Fossils like you will never admit things were once easier in your time of growth.

I have a decent portfolio of around 30k and today I finally took profits: $200. I will try to trade this $200 into $1000 so I can buy a Waldorf Blofeld plus some pedals. Have you taken profits, /biz/?
>pic related is a girl I'm talking to on Tinder, life is good!

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Powell speaking in hours, what is he gonna say?
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>Jerome Powell Has Covid, Will Deliver Commencement Address Remotely
>Accept certain inalienable truths: prices will rise; politicians will philander; you too will get old
>And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble, and children respected their elders.
Lies. Nobody gets covid these days, they are just ill all the time.
kek. bots learned fast
official announcement of LINK partnership

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I am tired of living bros..I don’t think I’m going to make it…go on without me
patience young one, we're almost there.
No can do brother. Does one really make it if his fren doesn’t? Now get up, dust yourself off, fix your bayonet and hit the parade. Do the work anon.
Just buy some maga while it’s low, I’m getting tired of shilling to you niggers

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>can’t even hold $17
check again
i'll never forgive you fuckers for fudding me out of link when it was a dollar
...it's been like half a decade since then, you seriously didn't find ANYTHING else to buy all this time?
>I’m happy with my paper gains
Enjoy being a loser

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Rika Edition

>Why Gold?

>Bullion dealers
https://libertycoin.com/ (US)
https://www.chards.co.uk/ (EU/UK)
https://www.silburycoins.co.uk/ (Ancient)
https://www.luciteria.com/ (Other rare metals)
more at: https://pastebin.com/gZfZHtNE

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>0 replies
everyone is trying to pay hteir debts; no one has time to talk about gold and silver in a deflationary environment.
c u again in 20 years.
bought my krugerrands back in 2018 when gold was $1200
feels good man
Going out today to buy some peace dollars for 21x face. I’m so close to completing my junk silver goal that I might just get the last of what I need too
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Most stackers do not have debt. The general advice is to extinguish debt first, and stack afterwards.

I think everyone that cares is holding their breath until 7 tonight when the markets open.
I would expect a modest correction down to where we were on Wednesday testing the bottom. Then another charge up by the weekend. But if it goes down or up significantly, it will help to know exactly what is going on.

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