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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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Is there any chinkgear out there that's actually a good value for the money?
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Back when I bought the CW400 it was listed for 156,56€ and with some Aliexpress coupons I got that price down to 129,21€ which for the caliber of bag I got was a great deal.
I had a quick look and it seems naturehike sells a lot of square bags, but for example the snowbird 7, which is a mummy bag, with similar stats to the CWZ and 650FP but in large rather than medium seems to cost 101€ right now. Then again that store has a reviewer who apparently had to pay VAT at customs because the seller didn't, kek.
*good quality down sleeping bags
NVM, found the snowbird for 101€ in another store too that doesn't have anyone complain about VAT in the reviews, so that's an option to consider. If it's anywhere close to the CW400 you've got a bag that easily competes with bags at 2 times the price there.
Remember to store your down bag properly or it will degrade, but there'll be a storage net it comes with.
Thats a pretty good deal, is the temperature rating true, these chinese brands usually inflate it, although naturehike seems like a reputable brand, I bought the mongar 2 and was very satisfied with it
Naturehike as a brand is pretty trustworthy, though they do have a few stinkers in their repertoire, but that bag is not one of them.
As a disclaimer I only ever owned 3 sleeping bags in my life and that's the first down one, so it's a bit hard to compare, but it's leagues ahead of my older stuff.
I do tend to sleep pretty warm, so my experience might not apply if you don't, but for me these ratings are not only true, but pretty generous towards the consumer. They say 5C comfort 0C transition and -11 C risk for mine, and I'm still comfortable at 0C without issue. I haven't gone to the -11 they say, but at -8C I was still far from what I'd call "risky".
The best thing though about the square bags is you can easily vent them all around or use it as a quilt. A mummy bag in summer can be kinda shit for me because I'll start to sweat a lot. Sure you can open it and use as a blanket, but not a good one. With this bag I have a double size flat square quilt, it's amazing for the summer and I know I can go back to the warmer cocoon mode if it gets cold.
If you are still worried, I also have a sleeping bag liner I carry most trips with me. Adds a few degrees to the rating, is super soft and comfy, absorbs some of your sweat and moisture and is much easier to wash and clean than the bag itself. Highly recommended, no matter which bag you use.

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I really like doing vie ferrate and I'm lucky to live in a place full of them. The problem is: I'm extremely scared of heights. As soon as I go above 5 meters of height my legs start shaking, my palms get sweaty, I start hyperventilating etc. It's always very tough to get it under control.
Any climbing anons out there scared of heights, how do you conquer it?
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Right, I had a similar experience last year where I had to wait a long time for some dumbfucks to climb up stable granite rocks in perfectly dry conditions. Me and this other group were laughing at them and asking why they decided to do this route in the first place. Super annoying and they were dicks as well. One of us should have pushed them off the mountain lol.
If you want to fast-track confidence then fall training is the way to go
>Pristine, demanding, natural environment
>Install ladders and cables so people not knowing any better can swarm it at the risk of their lives, all for the sake of money
Crowding of the Alps and lakes is giving me AIDS.
I think a terrone even fell to its death from a ferrata to a short while ago.
thankfully the mountains on the Friuli side have been left much more "wild" than the rest so you can go there without feeling like you're in a playground, much fewer people too
> think a terrone even fell to its death from a ferrata to a short while ago.
eh I'm actually surprised that people don't die on those more often to be honest
we're only programmed to fear up to a certain height
above that level it just felt unreal instead of scary

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now that the dust has settled, what EXACTLY did he do that was so wrong?
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he has what is called "facial wasting" in the pic.
>Chris was a hyper neo nazi and deserved to die
he was though and did
>It's kind of ridiculous that so many people have offered nothing close to what actually went wrong.

As you are a defective, you opinion has negative value.
>Chris was a hyper neo nazi
he was a Reagan-loving incel. He'd probably have posted his manifesto on /pol/ before going on a shooting spree and getting shot by cops if he was born 20 years later.
lel, what are you trannies even on /out/ for? you can't ever be separated from civilization between your ssris, your hormones, your antiretrovirals etc.
hell: your uber eats.

Any places you can go like picrel where there arent any bugs like tics or mosquitos?
A desert, an ice sheet, or the middle of the ocean. The subarctic is buggy as hell.
the houtman abrolhos or maybe the aleutians

/out/ings with a Pipe
Old thread: >>2684982

This is a thread for enjoying a pipe while doing outdoor activities. If you ask why this belongs on /out/, you've never spent an evening by the campfire with a pipe silently enjoying the nature around you, and you're missing out.

>how to get started
Purchase a Missouri Meerschaum Legend and a pouch of Half and Half or Captain Black tobacco, available at most smoke shops. You will need a lighter or match, and something to tamp it with--a large nail works well if you don't have a pipe tool. Fill the pipe with tobacco, pack it down halfway, top it off, pack it down to 3/4, top it off again, pack gently and enjoy. Smoke slower than you think you need to, the tobacco tastes best when it is burning cool. Tamp and re-light as needed. If you still have trouble, try different methods on YouTube until you find one that works for you.

>smoking a pipe will give you cancer
While any tobacco consumption comes with some risk, the cancer risks from occasional pipe use are pretty minimal. Educate yourself and make your own informed health decisions. Some info here https://aacrjournals.org/cancerpreventionresearch/article/10/12/704/46541/Association-between-Cigar-or-Pipe-Smoking-and

>muh weed
Not the time or place. Start your own thread
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Goddamnit I still can't get the rhythm and feel down. I'm a newfag I bought a corncob cause cheap and I'm finding the draw is so loose and easy the tinest puffy yields a crap ton of smoke and when i puff it just blows in my face I don't want that. Should I switch to briar?
is it normal to charr the rim of a corn pipe? of am i just retarded?
try with balsa filters maybe? or be more gentle
Some tobacco yields more smoke than others. It's best to save the heavily smokey stuff for a gentle breeze.
Discoloration is normal, material burning away is not. Corncobs generally only last a few years as opposed to a briars lifetime.
Sip. Eventually, knowing when to take a sip will become instinctive, and it’s really subjective. Everybody has their own rhythm. It took me a few months before I got my own rhythm down. I basically do the breath method but while holding it with my hand instead clenching. I find that I puff too fast while clenching and salivate too much. Just keep practicing for awhile.

Completely normal. Obviously you wanna try not to, but it’s going to happen to everybody and every pipe. As long as you aren’t purposely holding the flame directly over the rim, blackening is fine and won’t cause structural damage.

/k fag here. I just got this female German shepherd. She's a year old. I can tell her last owners didn't do much to stimulate her energy. She's already bonded to me as well. Having her makes me want to go do shit Innawoods. Took her on a 4 hour hike at a local lake the other day. Pic rel. Really wore her and myself /out. It was really fun. What other activities can I do with her innawoods? Also tell me about your trailbuddy if you'd like.
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no I don't own a dog because I have hobbies and a life and don't want my life to revolve around a canine's bladder schedule
>hobbies and a life
Which clearly both have nothing to do with going /out/ for you, otherwise a dog needing to pee wouldn't be an issue.
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Nice thread
Kek, this. Imagine getting bossed around by an animal
I can tell you as someone who has raised two squirrels in my life that it DOES work like that. A tame squirrel will fall in love with you just like any dog would. You are essentially their moving shelter like a walking tree and YOU mean safety. Squirrels can be taken out to run amok and will always make sure they have a line of sight to you. A tame squirrel will climb high into trees and rest on branches BUT WILL COME DOWN when called and like a dog that won't listen, you can 'pretend' to walk away as if you are going to leave them, which spooks them into climbing back down. VERY INTELLIGENT ANIMAL! There are only two downsides to keeping a squirrel that I can think of. >Most people will hate your squirrel because they perceived it is a danger to children so taking it to a park can have mixed results.
>a squirrel has high energy output and needs regular exercise like owning a border Collie. This isn't as big an issue if you have a dog to also entertain the squirrel when you are not around.

What do you guys think of camping solo?
I went to camp for the first time with my gf and enjoyed it a lot. This may become a lifelong hobby but I'm also a loner sperg with few to none friends so I may want to go by myself sometime.
Do you guys think its worth it? I can see myself high on drugs going for some gooning session before lighting up a campfire and cooking something tasty to ease the munchies before some kindle reading by some river or maybe going for a hike.

#502- “Hands Off My Soft Plastics!” Edition

Previous Thread:

janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

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Im wanting to get into fishing, I havent been fishing since I was probably around 10 and that was 20 years ago.
Could you guys rec me some shit to get started?
Or is this going to be one of those things where I need to come back with more info on the area I am fishing in and what I am fishing for?
My hands are twitchy, and I get frustrated very easily, so I tend not to practice. I am able to tie knots, it just takes me forever and they probably aren't very good (and I've never tried tying two lengths of line together).
I probably should just go sit out in the garage one day with youtube on my phone and spend a while learning how to tie knots properly.
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> why yes, I put "private property no fishing tresspassers will be shot" signs in public places I don't own. how could you tell?
Yeah, it does depend what you're fishing for.
Bucket boys must have eaten all the green sunfish because that's the most common fish you catch around here and I haven't caught a single one all year, let alone seen one.

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what is the point of these things? literally the worst of both worlds. I'd much rather be in the actual woods in my tent or be in actual suburbia in my comfy home. not an awful mishmash of the two.

t. begrudging camper owner due to wife
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Gibme offroad teardrop, plz.
Why not just get a truck and put a camper in the bed at this point?
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Get with the times, old man. You can't rock crawl with a pickup that has its suspension bottomed out by a camper.
Though, you can't easily turn around with a trailer of any kind, so i suppose it's a trade off.
You can fit a double bed, fridge, storage, tools and all that other shit in the back of a 4wd just fine. People here in Australia do it all the time. In fact, I have never seen one of these stupid boomer contraptions.
I actually go /out for a purpose. I hunt and feed my family unlike you larpers who just go look at trees and mountains lol

I used to be a tentfag and talked shit about RV as well. But the tent has way too many issues especially when hunting. I'm not talking about backpacking tents, but wall tents at base camp. I still use my backpacking tent which is more of a bivy if Im on some elk.

Hunting out a tent, I found that Its very difficult to keep anything dry once wet. It's difficult to heat, wood stoves require stoking all night, propane heaters are a moist heat and doesn't last long plus you have to lug 20lb tanks with you, diesel heaters seem cool but that's another piece of gear to carry, plus diesel. Safety is also a concern, last year at elk camp, we had a grizzly walk by our tent at night, sniffing around. We had our 10mm's on us, and kept our food 100y away, but still it's not cool knowing you have 1mm of canvas between you and a grizz.

Having to shit and/or piss outside in freezing temp is miserable as well.

Lastly, tent plus all the gear, coolers, etc take up all the room in my truck's bed. Makes it a pain to pack and unpack camp. I'm also hauling dirt bikes,.which increases the difficulty of Tetris required to fit everything. Moving camp took forever, not what you want when you're hunting.

So I bought a toy hauler RV. I can fit all my gear, dirt bikes, side by side, ATV whatever makes sense for my hunt. I have a heater, AC, bathroom,.shower with 100g tank. I don't need to keep my food prep 100y away, I can just cook inside. Piss inside at night, shit in a nice warm toilet. Be nice and warm in the morning, make some coffee and oats, get dressed,.go outside, hop in whatever toy I brought and hit the trail head for my hunt. It boosts morale, increases my performance in the field.

If the spot isn't good, I just put away anything loose, put my toy(s) inside, hook up my truck and haul it to another spot.


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Hello, I am looking to buy a bivy that I could sleep in and not worry about rain also one that I could get past airport security. I found pic related but that will likely not keep me dry, what worked for you?
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The no zipper outist is correct I think.
Any nobjockey can unzip their bag, its the practicality of it that is his point.

Too hot, unzip bag, have to waft constantly or hang half out, now the exposed bit is too cold, jiggle or zip up a while, get too hot..repeat.
When do you sleep? And wake up a sweaty mess?

Done this too many times. Better option is a less rated bag and thinking about using a poncho liner or long johns etc.

/end discussion no wanky cone backs from the gobshite arguing about it
>have to waft constantly or hang half out
lol no, just let a bit of air in
>wake up a sweaty mess
skill issue
>nobody can reply because I said so
welcome newfag
3mx3m tarp with 5 lugs per side and some paracord is the GOAT multitool of camping
You madman, what have you done
Gossamer gear the one. Super light, size of a 16oz nalgene, can sit up in it. Has a tub floor to keep you dry, vestibule for gear. What more do you need? https://www.gossamergear.com/collections/shelters-sleeping-pads/products/the-one

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>dude I love SUNNY DAYS
>I love GLARE in my EYES
>I love SWEATING when it's not even that HOT OUT
>I love getting TIRED simply from BEING OUTSIDE
why are normoids like this?
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About to touch grass right more, nigger!
lots of melanin-enrinched gentlemen itt
This is why I hate the beach.
Still no usecase found for anything other than winter and the months immediately adjacent to it.

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Homestead General /hsg/
> Woods Cabin Edition
> Thread #05

Talk gardening, farming, livestock, beekeeping, building, electricity and plumbing, earthworks, waterworks, permaculture, raising children, market gardening, selling produce, barter, home economics, composting, mulching, pest control, diet, health.
Anything relevant to living on site, making a home out of the land.

Old Thread: >>2640881
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Is there a small and affordable threshing/winnowing machine for homesteaders? Combine harvesters are fricking huge and expensive, and often hard to fix due to their complexity. Threshing and winnowing by hand is too much work.
Is 17k good though?
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>where do begin anons?
Digital police scanner and CB radio.
How wide/deep is the creek? I have a drainage ditch on my property that I ended up just building a $200 bridge over and it can support the weight of my truck.

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post your photos
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Small lizard fellow.
how long could you stay in shelter like that
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I live in snow and I recently somewhere warm and it was a torrential downpour so I went for a walk in the rain and I found this real world /pol/ that they have there

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Anyone have experience buying and using gear from China? I'm thinking about picking up some tent pegs and reflective paracord from there, but I was wondering if there are good Chinese brands for bigger pieces of gear like sleep pads or tents.
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yeah I bought some stuff off there when I immediately recognized it as the same shit what my local outdoors shop stocks. I intend to use this stuff until it breaks and meanwhile saving for the real deal.
Bough Coughlan's aluminum Y pegs that were MIC and they bent on first use.
Not him but I've had a ganzo firebird something for 4 years and I still use it
Bought aluminum poles for a tent and a stove, no issues to report, just check that the seller has a lot of good reviews
When Thermarest “released” their cot-tent system a decade ago, it was almost the exact same one that had been on Amazon by some no name chinesium company for the 12 months prior. Literally the exact same fabric weight, cot design and tech specs…they just changed the colors from red and black to blue and grey, then added their corporate logo, then sold it as separate parts of a system (cot, pole, bug net, rain fly)

The chinesium company one disappeared off of Amazon and the Thermarest one showed up in REI and the price for the whole thing went from $120 to $600-$700.

I used my cheap Amazon “knockoff” for probably 100 nights over 5-6 years and then I sold it for $250 and doubled my money.

I have replaced my cots, camping chairs and tables with cheap Chinese ones, you just have to find the ones with designs / tech specs that’s match or come close to their American made counterparts.

Car camping and heavier, more durable equipment is probably where the best chinesium deals are, stuff that is 35 ounces of chinesium vs 33 ounces of American ultralight w/5000% markup.

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